Bigfoot Helps Prevent Wildfires

Move over Smokey, there's a new woodland creature helping spread the message of wildfire safety.

The Oregon Office of State Fire Marshal announced Wednesday that a Pacific Northwest legend, best known as Bigfoot, is joining fire prevention activities statewide, particularly in the wildland urban interface and communities at greatest risk of wildfires and property loss.

Starting in June, the OSFM will be promoting wildfire safety education with its partners, using images of Bigfoot and the hashtag #BelieveInFireSafety.

“Wildfires can easily be ignited by backyard burning, an unattended campfire, a hot car on tall, dry grass, or from dragging tow chains -- and they spread fast,” said State Fire Marshal Jim Walker.

“We hope our Bigfoot campaign will draw attention and create a bigger ‘footprint’ of wildfire prevention efforts around the state,” Walker added. “We want people to believe in fire safety, whether you are camping, visiting Oregon or recreating."

For more, click here.


  1. From Neolithic times it has been observed that Sasquatch have their own teams of crack fire fighters. Similar to today's smoke jumpers these teams of bigfoot control the direction and intensity of the burn by urinating on the fires. Krantz noted that he found a puddle of bigfoot urine he estimated to be 60 gallons. Indians have also observed up to 8 Sasquatch holding hands, leaping over the flames as they urinate in unison. Its very much like a primitive super scooper aircraft.

  2. Why are there so many stupid replies on these posts? If you morons don't believe in bigfoot then kindly screw off! Your useless comments add nothing of substance and make you look like idiotic trolls!


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