Todd Standing Talks Bigfoot DNA

Todd Standing discusses bigfoot DNA he gathered personally in from of Survivorman, Les Stroud. Will Todd solve the mystery?


  1. Todd was a magician in his twenties and used sleight of hand to make the apples dissapear. He tells more lies than Trump

  2. Let's start a go fund me to take fraud to court and prove his Muppets are Muppets and the fur he glued to his face is him.

  3. Psychopathic Todd back to his bullshit.

  4. Mr. Standings brain is made of bat guano.

  5. It's over Todd. just give it up. You have lost all credibility. You will never prove anything. Your base of believers is eroding and your finances dwindling. Salvage what little dignity you have remaining and put your efforts elsewhere where they can actually be productive.

  6. Turds are great evidence of bigfoot, only collect warm or steaming stool samples and run right home and put them in your freezer

  7. Todd you are a washed up hoaxer. Please move to Micronesia where you can peddle your bullshit to the indigenous people who will certainly hang you for your constant and perpetual lies. No one wants to see your ugly ads turd of a face in this lifetime. Go away, far far away.

  8. I like the pic where Todd holds up his 3 " pocket.

  9. Is that the size of your weiner Todd?
    It looks like a solid 3 inches!

  10. Nice real nice Todd. That's a big un

  11. Todd you must be a hit with the bigfoot ladies.

  12. Why does this site keep giving this guy credibility?

    1. They stand to make 17 or 18 cents on the clicks so totally worth selling out.

  13. What Todd will do is what Todd does, suck resources out of Bigfoot research for his personal use.

    Todd will use DNA to raise money... which will not be used to test DNA. See how that works?

  14. all the hatred for Standing here ! as long as he knows it's all from one wanker named stu posing as different posters


    1. I never agree with Joe because he is Itkomi and Itkomi is a downsyndrome but all those posts are from the same weirdo. Let it go dude!just make the occasional funny comment like me and everyone is Stu guy/girl and chill out.

    2. ...not ALL the posts. Maybe most of them but not all. I made one because Standing IS a fraud but I'm with you about making the occasional funny comment and Joe/lktomi is nuts. Oh yeah - I'm always.

    3. I will forever be under your skin. You silly old fart.

  15. Fraud Standing needs to move on from his bigfoot BS. Maybe he can switch to UFOs or the chupacabra.

  16. I am going to take fraud to court in Canada. You are notice shithead. You are going to be sued for FRAUD. You are a pathetic loser who thrives on attention. Those days will soon be over.

  17. I suggest everyone boycott the Outlaws until Matt stops posting this shit.

  18. Stop posting this Crap Matt or the Outlaws are OVER

  19. Todd is the foremost authority on puppets and bigfoot make up in the Rockies. He worked for a production company doing this for a living. He is also the biblical Antichrist that is apparent. He is in league with the reptiles. Todd should be burnt at the stake.


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