Mystery Ape Island

From the History channel on youtube:

In the Pacific Northwest, an investigative team searches for evidence of Sasquatch on Vancouver Island, Canada, where Native Americans once told tales of an ape-like beast that would steal children away in Season 3, Episode 11, "Mystery Ape Island."


  1. Such a fab series monsterquest was . A shame it isn't making any more episodes , really is
    it was the show I couldn't afford to miss an episode - it was better than watching football matches !


    1. The reaction of Dr. Michael Nirenberg, forensic podiatrist, when he analyses the track casts is particularly interesting.

    2. It was ! An expert like him admits it is unlikely that it was faked and later states there is something out there but he's not sure what it is. Always a delight seeing professionals like him at a loss for words when they actually examine the evidence (in this case casts) instead of just poo pooing the whole notion that the creature exists .
      Great episode !


    3. Poo poo ,I like poo

    4. ^ Stu , the ramblings of a failed researcher . he gets his jollies when someone mentions poo. he must have a scat fetish . I guess years of meth addiction will do that , poor lost bugger


    5. Poo poo for poo poo puffs

    6. ^ Stu poo poos his knickers after each meth/crack session. Silly lad doesn't learn


  2. I am European Royalty. Mybtitle is Pee Per Von Poo Poo and I am the Grand Vizier of Pooville. Everything is molded from Poo.Our houses, poo, our clothes poo affixed to gauze. Our cars? Think Flintstones cars made outta poo. Food? Yes we get, broil, boil, grill, stir fry Poo. After dinner we use poopaste to clean Our teeth. I was joking and fell into Pool and. It's another dimension.

  3. There are dimensions where everyone including yourself is Jerry Cline. It is called Clineville. I married my beau Jerry Cline. President Jerry Cline is shooting Mexican Jerry Clines when they cross our border. The Mexican ones wear sombreros and smell funny.

  4. Poo poo poop poopy poopy Pete poo poo poo Poop poo poo POOooOoo.

  5. Noted Sasquatch and ET contacted Keeuwanee Lasperitis has claimed that BF and ETs are mining human excrement.
    Dr. Matthew Johnson confirms this theory and adds " Its seems odd but their mining shit". When questioned Dr. Meldrum seemed perplexed and said this about Lasperitis " I think he's hepped up on goofballs". What do you think? Is Sasquatch made of shit? The debate continues.


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