New Juvenile Bigfoot Photo!

Some images were posted recently by bigfooter Stacy Brown that have people perplexed as to what it actually is. It really does look like some sort of primate squatting down, but is it an optical illusion?


  1. spot on it's a bigfoot !
    No doubt in my mind about it !
    What a great photo !
    skeptics will be eating crow today and in 2019 !


    1. Utterly fascinating!!

      However, I’d need more details of this image as things like this can easily happen;

      ... But Stacey most definitely has my attention with this.

    2. I hope it is a bigfoot.It looks like one xx

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. (Spoiler alert)Bigfoot is a juvenile hominid chimp

    5. The long arms are an indication it has to be some sort of primate and as Iktomi said it is either a chimp or juvenile bigfoot.Not sure if there have been missing zoo or circus chimps in that area ,Stacey is a stand up bloke


    6. A hunter sure might mistake that blob for a human! Ha ha ha!

    7. Actually Stuey, you’re wrong — Stacy Brown took a photo of Mike Brookreson at the end of his latest meth bender! I think I can just make out the pock marks on his face! Lololololol

    8. 11:46, while I agree with you that it could be Mike B. in the photo, I disagree with the idea that he qualifies as a human being! Ha ha ha!

    9. (Spoiler alert) Bigfoot are also gorillas and chimpanzees

    10. Obviously Pedo Danny Stu was sticking both hands down his pants up there^ Really pathetic

  2. Outstanding photograph! More like these and the scientific community will be forced to contend with the reality of the "boss men of the woods", sasquatch.

    An observation: the creature appears to be crouching low to the ground. It has been documented that sasquatch crania are far larger than those corresponding to us homo sapiens sapiens.

    This may be an attempt to bring the brain closer to the earth's surface, where the magnetic field is stronger. The electromagnetic field may help augment the sasquatch's brain waves and psychokinetic abilities. While a fully mature sasquatch has developed the cognitive capacity to mentally open and close interdimensional portals on its own, a juvenile sasquatch, lacking all of the required brain development, may instinctively crouch down low in order to bolster its mental wave bursts with the geophysical magnetic field. If there were more pictures taken, the photographer may have captured a resourceful juvenile squatch managing to open a portal on its own *without* the aid of an elder. Truly remarkable!

    1. Yes, even more remarkable is if they could travel through the portal and get some pants, maybe a shirt and shoes too, much more comfy than the stick structures they make or just laying in the middle of the forest floor sleeping with the bugs

  3. Not a bigfoot. This is a wild hog. End of story


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