Kentucky Woman Has Frightening Bigfoot Encounter

A woman in Kentucky reported being stared down by a 7-foot-tall bigfoot creature. Having one of these creatures look directly at you would be very intimidating.

The woman, who he declined to name, is reported to have seen “a creature” while she was a passenger in her husband’s vehicle, about 7:45 p.m. on Oct. 18.

“At some point, I started screaming...‘there is something in the road!’,” the woman is quoted saying.

“I’m looking at this thing which least 7 ft tall. It was the color of a tree...It turned its head and looked straight at our car.”

For more, click here. 


  1. In 2019 I will show you a bigfoot AND I will prove the existence of bigfoot in a Court of law, you will be amazed and astounded by the animal known as bigfoot. (Spoiler alert) Bigfoot is an animal, stand by for Standing world,you will not be disappointed.

    1. Yes, I believe you without reservation or doubt. It is indeed an animal. You never disappoint me.


  2. In 2019 I will show you a Skunk Ape,you will be amazed and astounded by the animal known as Skunk Ape.(Spoiler alert)Skunk Ape is a relic human, stand by for Fasano world, you will not be disappointed.

    1. Yes, I wholeheartedly accept your conclusions and have faith in your views. It is indeed a relic human. You never disappoint me.


  3. in 2019 I will show you my collection of dead bigfeet bodies. You will be amazed and astounded by just what a dead bigfoot looks like. Stand by for Dyer world ,you will not be disappointed

    1. Yes, I believed you then and I believe you now. It is indeed what a dead Bigfoot looks like. You never disappoint me.


  4. Don't forget to stand by Khat Hansen s podcast in 2019!

    1. Yes, halito! Your podcasts are informative and revealing. The native people teachings and the Bible do indeed explain about Bigfoot. You never disappoint me no matter what picture you present as yourself.


    2. Was blocked from her channel and is pissy about it^

    3. HAAAAAA! Danny Stu forever and always butt hurt.

  5. In 2019 I will show you a Xanu, you will be amazed and astounded by the animal known as Xanu. (Spoiler alert) Xanu is an interdimensional alien. Stand by for Johnson world,you will not be disappointed.

    1. Yes, I bought your book and found it completely factual. Bigfoot are indeed interdimensional. You are a clinical Psychologist and never disappoint me.


  6. in 2019 I will show you everything you ever desired if you only vote for me. Stand by me and i will make all your dreams come true


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