The Scariest Bigfoot Attacks At Snelgrove Lake

Snelgrove Lake has become famous for the bigfoot activity that takes place there. Unfortunately for property owners, a lot of that activity is aggressive in nature.


  1. Replies
    1. Just talk to your buddy Chick Chick about staying with her - she supposedly has them in her backyard.

    2. ... Or does she just have a big fat prowler called Stu?

      I’d be willing to believe that.

    3. ^ super sensitive about this claim. I wonder why?

    4. You chose to reply about being obsessed with Chick, as opposed to your cult faith about Bigfoot below... So I think that’s way more telling.

  2. Instead of being scared, how about they man up, get a few rifles with night vision, and shoot a specimen?

    I guess it's easier making up stories for attention.

    1. Makes you wonder doesn't it? Even IF real or someone in a suit if they are as aggressive as they report then they could always claim self-defense or protection of there property.

      But yeah it's just another made up story.

    2. Oooooooh big tough Pedo Stu who’s too scared to harass people with his name to it, knows how to shoot a big nasty Bigfoot, alright.

      It’s a matter of circumstance. When you’re in a cabin and rocks hit the roof, it’s down to the character of the people there and then whether they want to go out and brave confronting potentially several of these large primates. Would big tough Pedo Stu go out there with a Rambo bandana? The same tool who’s clearly never even been in the wilderness of the US to relate to how hunters think? How do you I know that?

      AnonymousWednesday, November 21, 2018 at 1:32:00 PM PST
      Sooooooo stupid. Are you saying that a hunter couldn't tell the difference between a guy in a gorilla suit and a real gorilla like animal. I'm pretty sure that if you put a gorilla and a man in a gorilla suit next to each other you could tell the difference. You are so stupid it's hard to believe.

      So not only does PS insist that a “hunter would have killed a Bigfoot by now”, but that he would have definitely heard about it if it were the case, but then that “all the people who claim to have reported shooting one are liars anyway”, but that “they’d know how to differentiate from a gorilla costume to a genuine primate” yet people for thousands of years have “mistaken bears for tall hairy humanoids.” Now... Hunters... people he cannot relate to in a million years because he’s too cowardly to put his name to his harassment of women, let alone get in the woods... claims that all hunters would simply take a chance on potentially shooting a civilised human if they were “aggressive”, I’m this instance, chucking rocks at the roof of a cabin.

      Looks like Pedo Stu might be making up clueless, incoherent babble just for attention.

    3. Pedo makes no sense. i'll bet he's writing this right after he smokes his meth which would explain the babbling bollocks he comes up with. Total wanker


  3. Meldrum "This is quite exciting, I must admit".
    What you didn't know; This was the 4th retake. Meldrum shit his pants and cried like a school girl in the rest of the takes.

  4. Meldrum is a Moron and believes that Jesus came to America to preach to the Native Americans after his stint in Jeruaelum.

  5. Replies
    1. Many specimens have been shot and many have been killed.The problem is running the gauntlet between the creatures taking their dead and the Feds taking their trophy.

    2. Another convenient excuse. And you know this how?

      There's an excuse for anything I guess....especially if you are a fanatic.

    3. Needing a time machine to explain away consistent scientific evidence before certain replica casts were made... applying a 100 hoaxing conspirators to account for every report, every footprint in the US...

      Those are some pretty wild excuses PS.

    4. And I can promise you one thing PS... I can pretty much guarantee you tha my the author of the comment you’re calling a fanatic, doesn’t spend all day, every day of his life reading every Bigfoot blog, and watching every YouTube channel concerned with this subject...

    5. Wow, one might almost think that you’re a “big fat prowler” who’s obsessed with every detail of my life! Ha ha ha!

    6. Nargh! Just pointing out how scarred you are about Bigfoot, how obsessed you are with your cult, and how stupid you still are for all your devotion.

      You really are a case study in incompetence.

    7. "how stupid you still are for all your devotion"

      Hahahaha that's rich coming from the most obsessed person I have ever encountered. Stuey is right...oh wait - I AM Stuey - EVERYONE is Stuey! Hahahahahaha - keep thinking that, it makes it more fun.

    8. Episode #345 of stuey's special pleading today brought to you by kraft dinner. Oh PSS, you hang on to your obsession like a toddler hangs on to their teddy bear. Is it the result of years of meth addiction ? These little games you like to play are soon coming to an end and we all would love to see the end of it



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