Cave Bigfoot Eyeshine Breakdown

The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization takes a closer look at something they captured on video while out bigfooting in the field. It appears like something is watching them from a nearby cave.


    Mocking turds now everybody have you heard... Have you heard
    Bigfoot is complete turds.... Complete turds
    And if that bigfoot turds smells sweet.... Itkomi.. It's time to eat. Time to eat!!!

    1. This is for you ya weirdo. Cause you're ....STRANGE.

    2. Funny, I would call someone who lies about seeing Bigfoot a little strange myself.

    3. Did you prove Chick is lying?

      Did I miss something?

      That’s all I read was a pervert failing to attain someone’s personal information.

    4. PSS wrote that little ditty all by his lonesome self with the aid of moonshine made from fermented bollocks. Give yourself a gold star Stuey, you certainly wont be garnering many more during your pathetic life boyo
      cheers !


    5. Someone who watches every single Bigfoot YouTube channel... allegedly visits Sasquatch Chronicles, Bigfoot Forums and Cryptomundo as well as this blog... to harasses people with rape threats and racism, stooping to literally anything to prevent people’s freedom to express and exchange ideas, is a little but strange.

      Some would say psychologically scarred.

    6. Or! Utterly, hopelessly and completely devoted to this subject more than anyone has ever seen... You decide!

    7. Did I say Chick Chick was lying? Did I mention her specifically? Of course there have been MANY who have lied about seeing Bigfoot and they ARE strange.

      Seems your very sensitive about Chick Chick's account. One has to wonder why. Could they be psychologically scarred from having to defend so many hoaxes and lies about Bigfoot over the years?

      What a sad, pathetic lot you are being ready and willing to accept any STORY you hear about Bigfoot.

    8. Sad and pathetic ? seems like that totally applies to you stu. Just remember this blog isn't about you as much as you try to hijack every conversation and stoop to your sick twisted level of ill behavior


    9. I'm not this "Stu" you idiot. Are you lktomi? Seems to me there would be a good case for that. Oh wait...that's right "everyone here is Stu" - I keep forgetting.

    10. Um, yes. You did call Chick a liar. In line with how much you’ve harassed her lately. And yes, I am defensive of Chick. You might be so isolated and alienated, but that’s what normal humans tend to do for other seemingly normal humans.

      And to the “lies and hoaxes” that you have never substantiated in your entire time worshipping the hoax cult. It’s why you’re so preoccupied with harassing people around here instead, someone with even a remote level of satisfaction wouldn’t need to.

      Maybe you’re the typical failed researcher? It would make sense as to why he’s so bitter at Chick. Someone who’s rubbish at research, will not be accountable for his shortcomings, therefore it’s “everyone else’s fault/dumb idea”?

      It would make sense, because nobody who follows this subject as religiously as you do would not bother to get logical arguments for their time spent man. “Duh, Bigfoot doesn’t exist” is about as intelligent as you get when it comes to scientific exchanges around here.

    11. I believe chick when she says she saw something on her property. Why would she lie ? she has no reason to do so Stu. Maybe you are jealous that she had an encounter while your big claim to fame if high score on the trailer park in donkey kong !


    12. How about coming here for amusement watching you people fail in your attempts to justify your belief/faith? Ever consider that one?

      I call anyone a liar who can't back up their story with proof.

      Every single story, every thing you may produce for evidence, every "expert" you may produce can be dismissed with this: There has been no body produced in all the time in spite of all the stories, tracks, sightings, pictures, video, and supposed evidence submitted. All it would take would be one finger or toe but you got nothing....and never will.

    13. But Pedo... It doesn’t add up see. Every time you come here for “amusement watching you people fail in your attempts to justify their belief/faith” you end up looking sillier than us idiots, because you’re presented basic facts. If someone impartial were to come along and read your average exchange on things like evidence, they wouldn’t exactly be leaving here having their doubts confirmed with facts. Times that by 1000 (the amount you’ve been made to look foolish), and it amounts to the behaviour of either someone in perverse amounts of denial & bitterness, looking to troll to get even... or someone who believes there’s something to this subject, but needs the negativity in their life above all else due to emotional issues, all the while fulfilling the needs of their obsessive interest.

      You’re obsessed about this subject more than anyone I know. Nobody has the energy or time to watch every YouTube channel, allegedly read every blog... But for all that time spent, only then fail to retain info that substantiates his stance AGAINST the subject matter. Doesn’t add up at all when it’s put like that, does it? In a nutshell... it doesn’t seem like you’re interested in debunking Bigfoot, because you don’t really seem to believe it’s bunk. You’re just angry at failing and impatient at others for not bringing you proof.

      And how’s this Pedo... Given the fact that there is (as you listed it) tracks, sightings, pictures, video, there has never been a professionally funded study to track a Bigfoot. Therefore to assume a body doesn’t exist, is a logical fallacy, because the notion has not been tested. In science, concerning ANYTHING, you can’t assume something doesn’t exist if it hasn’t been tested/investigated. Especially given the fact that reliable science has shown that evidence exists.

      Your whole premise rests on the idea that Bigfoot is a dumb animal that would die out in the open. When not only does it look like a human, behaves likes an intelligent primate, but we already have three generations of scientists documenting very large human remains across North America.

      Give it up fan boy... You’re just angry at getting on in life and not having the proof before you pop ya clogs.

    14. you want a finger PSS ? i'll gladly give you the finger mate !
      Donkey kong creased !


    15. Fun fact PSS -do you how many remains of bears who didn't die a natural death have been found ? the answer is the same as youri.Q....ZERO ! Yes, unless a bigfoot is killed by a predator and as far as i'm concerned the only predator it has to worry about are us humans and when they know they are going to die like other wild animals they will wander off and find a secret place or even more probably they bury their dead. so the next time you come around with the same tired argument about "where's the body?" think about the cold hard facts boyo !



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