New Bigfoot Photo Goes Viral!

A new image of a possible bigfoot taken from a trail cam is going viral. This photo is impressive to a lot of people. Check out the original video below.


  1. By Jove ! simply amazing pic ! Looks so much like the PGF bigfoot ! This is a keeper lads ! A game changer ! and for the skeptics this is bloody krytonite ! Goodbye dear skeptics, you have no leg to stand on anymore 1


    1. you can tell it isn't a costume by the way the hair looks and if it is a costume it's a magnificent one but i would go with the real deal bigfoot. Just wish there were more photos from the trail cam


    2. Oh yes, really like this one as well guys! It looks like what I saw!!!

    3. It's a gorilla. See those short gorilla legs.


    4. Hi Chick :)

      If that's a gorilla 1:59 then i'm a monkeys auntie xx

    5. It's a gorilla. I'll stake my tarnished reputation on it !


    6. So Einstein, what's a gorilla doing being caught on a trail cam ?


    7. Hey PIB!! Joe eats penis-AND CHEWY SPHINCTER OF LAD.

    8. Legs are bent forward you blind tard

    9. Also dirt built up behind it to almost mid-calf. They are hunched over like this all the time. The legs don't really ever completely straighten like ours. This is exactly like what I saw. The top of its body looked like a giant giant enormously wide gorilla. It was sitting leaning with its back against a tree in this humped forward position. It was my height (5 ft) while sitting on its ass. If this is a fake they NAILED IT.

    10. I guess those are gorillas in your Backyard bigfoot expert, you really are a retard

    11. There is absolutely no difference from what innumerable people have reported, to what is widely recognised in gorillas... Ever seen Patty? Ever seen Leaping Russian Yeti? You have, because they’re two of some of your biggest life meltdowns, you f’n dense pedo. Learn the total basics of f’n reports before riding in the coattails of people like Phil who believe in Bigfoot anyway.

      And as for the photo above, I would have been suspicious purely because of the lack of butt muscle.

    12. All gorillas are bigfoot, Mystery solved

    13. Not exactly.

      Sometimes they’re paranormal Skin-Walker-Squatch... And sometimes they’re a 100 hoaxers with PhD’s in bipedal evolution running around the North America avoiding hunters’ bullets like ninjas.

      All depends which mood you’re in, eh Pedo?

    14. Actually there child Molester Iktomi you said bigfoot are people and now you say they are mistaken for gorillas, I guess it depends on the mood eh mr mr child Molester, sad that they let you out of prison to return here to troll for kids

    15. Aaaaaaaaaargh selective amnesia again, Pedo Stu. How many links do I have where I’ve pounded you on this? Patty, for example, looks like a gorilla from the side and from behind due to her sloping skull, flat face and massive neck muscles. You take the hair off her face and she looks almost Native American. Same for any eyewitness that might observe these hominin from afar, they would see the sloping head, flat face and hair covered body and assume a non-human primate.

      It’s ok, pervert, I really don’t mind preaching this stuff when I drop in... its just too tempting poking a stick at the village idiot. “Child molester, child molester”... Let’s compare facts, eh Pedo? You go first. You show me the evidence that I’m anything akin to what you’re projecting, then I’ll go with the three instances you’ve threatened children here and were subsequently reported. I’m well aware you get off at being reminded of this stuff like a psycho, so I’ll be sure not to feed your personality disorder for too long.

      ​: )

      D’you know what’s even funnier... you thought your retired drunk ass could career-level harass normal people away and your sockpuppeting would somehow still go unnoticed, ha ha ha!!! And THEN use the same destroyed arguments that everyone makes fun of you for.

      Not... too... smart...

    16., you in a nut shell, enjoy getting raped in prison Mr child Molester

    17. “Knock, knock, knock” Pedo Stu... don’t take for granted they’re not coming to knick you!

    18. Nobody's coming, that's you too...a nobody..ha,ha,ha

  2. OH no, I referred to bigfoots ass up there. Stuzy Q PSS likely all hot and bothered now.

  3. 100% fake! Did it walk into the frame sideways? Shouldn't there be other pics? Looks like a gorilla. Cut n paste job. Most likely Joe/Itkomi did it. The main reason that it isn't bigfoot is because they don't exist.

  4. Iktomi back to defend fake evidence, or is it CHICK, same difference

  5. The thing that irritates me about things like that whomever recorded it or reported it for this article refuses to show the entire image in its entirety. They only show parts of it...zoomed in. At no point do they zoom out and simply show the original full image.

  6. a single pic as per!! what was it times for 1 pic per5mins? Where are the muscles in its butt! why does Bigfoot always face way from cameras?


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