True Deep Woods Encounters

More scary encounters from Swamp Dweller. These encounters took place in the deep woods. Areas where man has no business going.


  1. Our favorite conman the " Germ" brothers have been offered a chance to take a polygraph from an ex-FBI expert. Stay tuned as the Germ scrambles to find a reason not too!

  2. Do not listen to proven liars Wes Germer and his bro lumpy. They have been PROVEN to have hoaxed their encounter by numerous sources which resulted in Will Jevning and Shannon Legro leaving.
    Beemer is a conman and I hope he DOES have a close encounter; he would no doubt blubber like the crybaby he is. F Sasquatch fairytales and his merry band of hoaxes including Garret who was caught playing a recording of a gorilla to his victims or clients, if you will during his illegal foray searching for money instead of Bigfoot. DO NOT LISTEN!!!! unless you understand this is pure entertainment and moronic like his guillable trailer trash audience.

    1. ^ Part of his “gullible, trailer trash audience.”

      Ha ha ha!

    2. I would say there's probably more evidence of Wes hoaxing than there is of Bigfoot existing.

    3. Your the trailer trash stuey


    4. Pedo Stu doesn’t like women

      Go figure

    5. So nothing... as usual.

      Silly little Pedo.

    6. Tip of my dick in your face you lying trash

    7. Tell us about Khat and Leon and how you embrace them liar

    8. Why don’t you tell everyone Pedo Stu? It appears it’s your little issue.

    9. You embrace them so it's obviously your issue, you lying trash

    10. Again... no substance. An 8 year theme.

  3. Absolutely. There's so much it will take a while. One tidbit while your waiting read Jevnings reason for quitting where he mentions credibility is too important too him to perpetuate Germs lies.

  4. Yup so much in fact it will take a while. In the meantime check Jevnings reason for leaving where he says "credibility is everything" in bf research. What do you think that means?

    1. Nargh! I took it as Jevning bailing because of the trolling and the perception such liars attract in this subject. For example, that’s all someone has to do is publish the word “debunked” or “hoax” a few hundred times... and it seems to get the sharks coming around and some people don’t recover from that... the attacks even come from other enthusiasts who are out to stab each other in the back and attack people far more than going out and substantiating their research.

      You see, pseudosceptics/pseudo-intellectuals, would have people believe that Sasquatch reports are unrealiable because eyewitness testimony is notoriously inaccurate, and then contradict themselves when two people can't remember if the moon was out on the night of their encounter.

      Which is it?

      I’ll say it again (for the 100th time) If eyewitnesses make missidentifications regarding key information of an incident, they rarely make missidentifications of the actual incident. For example, multiple witnesses to a giant hairy human stepping out into the road may make missidentifications regarding weight, height, whether it had hair on its face... if the moon was out or not... But not that the giant hairy human stepped out into the road.

      Smoke and mirrors BS.

    2. And by “liars”, I mean the people spending every day of their lives trying to shoot people down who are successful and have something progressive to say about this subject.

      Like Pedo Stu.

    3. You are neither successful or progressive, pinhead and liar are you

  5. Look it up on Reddit. A woman thoroughly debunked his b.s. including the fact there was NO full moon. That's evidence.

    1. Pedo Stu... People are just ten steps ahead of you, every single time.


    2. You're looking at someone else behind you while you eat my dust, but then again I'm going to stop so you can lick my ass you lying trash

    3. Ooooooooooooookaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyeeeeee...


    4. Ha ha ha! 3:09 destroyed the deranged dipsh*t and sent him packing for the night!

    5. Pedo Stu... when you’ve quite finished cheer leading your perverted nonsensical musings... I’m waiting on this evidence for hoaxing on the immediate topic. Stuff like that send people packing.

    6. Well dipsh*t, as a personal favor to you and to make your fantasy role playing game more fun for you, I recently began signing all of my comments with the name you gave me.

      You constantly whined and complained that I didn’t have an avatar, so I created an identity just for you. But like a spoiled little child who can’t control his impulses, you continue to b*tch that every anonymous comment is from me. So what’s the point?

      This will be the last comment that I sign as Stuey. I’ve never sock puppeted and never will, but the next time you cry like a baby about my lack of an avatar, save this comment and you’ll have your answer.

      Ha ha ha!

    7. No, no, Pedo Stu. You’ve used a temporary name in anon mode that it takes two seconds to type & allocate to a comment, and can be easily changed within seconds for the next anonymous comment.

      Nobody’s ever whined... Just pointed out you’re too much of a coward to use an avatar because it means you can’t sockpuppet with speed or contradict yourself and be noticed. Or so you thought. Trust me, nobody cares about you enough to demand an avatar for any other reason than just proving even more so how much of a coward you are.

      And since that was an attempt on your part to almost negotiate your now preferred name of “Stuey” (funny as heck), because you don’t like being reminded of your vile threats, you can stick that up your ***. Your name is PS. Deal with it.

    8. Yet you still managed to whine and complain constantly that dmaker (who had a verified account with an avatar) was sock puppeting. There’s no satisfying someone whose entire life is devoted to a pretend existence in a comment section.

      Try again dipsh*t!

      Ha ha ha!

    9. dMaKeR sockpupetted in anon mode on different comment sections, not the same one. I have the links that expose that as well. And there’s simply too much evidence of the contrary regarding you.

      D’you know, if you’re not sockpuppetting, then why go on a desperate two year maniac-defence of yourself?

      Ho ho ho!

    10. I agree, there is too much evidence of “the contrary” (not sock puppeting) regarding me. I’m glad we got that issue resolved!

      Have fun with your fantasy role playing dipsh*t!

      Ha ha ha!

    11. Yeah... you concentrate on your play on words, Pedo. It’s a shame people can’t fake laugh about you.

      : (

    12. Actually... negotiating for the name you’ve hated for years was pretty funny.

    13. By the way dipsh*t, I don’t know how this sock puppeting thing works. How is it different if one sock puppets in the same comment section compared to doing so in different comment sections? You’re such an expert, one almost might think that you have a lot experience sock puppeting yourself!

      Hoisted by your own petard!

      Ha ha ha!

    14. Uh oh, it’s been over 30 minutes with no comments from the dipsh*t. Get ready for a multi-comment mega meltdown in which he shows off his obsessively creepy collection of comments that he’s catalogued since the beginning of this blog!

      Ha ha ha!

    15. “I don’t know how this sock puppeting thing works...”

      Funny as feck.

      There is no difference Pedo Stu, you asked about dMaKeR using an avatar like it prohibits him sockpuppeting, ever. Stick to your train of thought ya silly pervert. I have awesome experience... exposing people like you. And I’m good at it.

      Oh dear... you missing me, can’t wait longer than 30mins? Who you taking to, Pedo?

    16. You baiting for some links Pedo Stu? You’re thing to get off like a good little sadist, are you?

    17. Earlier:

      “Just pointed out you’re too much of a coward to use an avatar because it means you can’t sockpuppet with speed or contradict yourself and be noticed.”

      A short time later:

      “There is no difference.”


      So which is it and why again do I need to have an avatar? Are you sure it’s not because you desperately need to have a name for your enemy in your role playing fantasy game?

      Ha ha ha!

    18. IktomiThursday, August 30, 2018 at 8:08:00 AM PDT
      No, no, Pedo Stu. You’ve used a temporary name in anon mode that it takes two seconds to type & allocate to a comment, and can be easily changed within seconds for the next anonymous comment.

      AnonymousThursday, August 30, 2018 at 8:17:00 AM PDT
      Yet you still managed to whine and complain constantly that dmaker (who had a verified account with an avatar) was sock puppeting.

      AnonymousThursday, August 30, 2018 at 8:41:00 AM PDT
      How is it different if one sock puppets in the same comment section compared to doing so in different comment sections?

      IktomiThursday, August 30, 2018 at 9:34:00 AM PDT
      There is no difference Pedo Stu, you asked about dMaKeR using an avatar like it prohibits him from sockpuppeting, ever. Stick to your train of thought ya silly pervert. I have awesome experience... exposing people like you. And I’m good at it.

      Are you used to having things beaten into you, Pedo Stu? If I needed an enemy, I’d be spending every day of my life trying to get even with people who threatened my way of thinking, who made my little cyber identity look silly.

      Yes... the 100 Club & I are taking a break from all the activity in North America so we can channel our r&r looking for someone like you. It’s a busy old game, but someone’s gotta do it.

    19. You’re publishing stories about me on other comment sections at the same time as demanding my attention here?!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! Is your blood up by any chance Pedo? Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    20. To recap, I need to make an avatar because it will stop me from sock puppeting so quickly, but dmaker having an avatar didn’t stop him from sock puppeting and in fact “there is no difference.”

      Tell me again why I need an avatar?

      Ha ha ha!

    21. Tee hee!

      Sockpuppeting is sockpuppeting. If you’re too irate to pick up what I put down the first time you asked... Then I would suggest you breath, step away form the desktop, take the first bath in weeks...

  6. Wow what an underwhelming response. Even from a moron.

  7. I wonder if you can speak any better than your rambling, insane, nonsensensicals ravings? that I assume are supposed to make sense?

  8. I feel very sorry for you. There are few things more pathetic than a small minded, unimaginative, troll who sucks at it. Do you think your funny? The second most pathetic is monosyllabic, illiterate rejects who imagine they are entertaining. Your not. Go away little man and go back to your porno.

    1. Yes I agree! I too am getting disgusted with icktomi. So pathetic seeing him attempting to peddle his nonsense daily. He should go away!

  9. I agree. He should consider joining MENSES a group of whining jealous bitches who assemble once every 28 days to complain about their pathetic lives and constantly look for scapegoats to avoid reality.


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