Top 10 Bigfoot Sightings

Check out this top 10 list of bigfoot sightings caught on video. See if you recognize them all. Are there any you would add to the list?


  1. Brils ! but you should have added the bigfoot ripping off the tree bark in the swamp which is A-one evidence ! i like the accent of this narrator , nice to hear a fellow Brit talking bigfoot


  2. Most of these are obvious bigfoot BS hoaxes.

  3. With a heavy heart I wish to announce to all interested parties, friend and foe alike that Iktomi passed last evening after choking to death on another's man organ. Please delete any future comments from anyone claiming to be him. Cheers!, Iktomi's child bride.

    1. Hahahahahah

      Pedo filth Stu cannot handle the silent treatment from iktomi

      He loses his little mind


  4. I wish to relate an Iktomi story which really cuts to the heart of his character; I arrived in the UK to visit relatives and to my horror they were not there BUT Iktomi was! He opened his house, pantry and several pints! before tucking me away in his guest room. The only thing that marred my night with him was when he walked in buck naked sporting his full 4 inches. I was horrified at first then couldn't stop laughing. Iktomi Rest in Piss, my friend. Donations in lieu of flowers to the micropenis foundation would be greatly appreciated. Iktomi's 12 year old Thai bride.

    1. Hoe they let toddlers like you on this site is beyond me. Your juvenile attempt at humor fails greater than any bigfoot haoxer Pedo stu Savile so now please go and sod off !


    2. Pedo Stu is filth and trash

    3. Not the venue. You sickos need help.


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