The Return of the Giants

From World Bigfoot Radio

In this episode we go deep into many strange topics, from portals, vortex's and gates, to Giants, Mountain giants, Trolls, Bigfoot and Dogman, and we connect the dots to let YOU know how all of this may be interrelated, as we ride a runaway mine car down the rabbit hole!


  1. I'd love to get an honest answer from these trolls as to how they feel threatened by us bigfoot believers ?
    Do we burst into your homes and put a gun to your head and force you to believe or else ?
    Do we force you to buy the bigfoot books or make you watch the tv shows or movies ?
    Do we go on your ISF site and troll you with nasty comments about child rape ?
    No, of course not but the anger coming from these trolls is quite nasty
    If you don't believe , fine, let us be even if it makes you lose your precious 40 winks
    refresh, refresh,refresh


    1. Sorry Joe - didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Say, how about you come on over to the ISF and play awhile? We will even provide the REFRESHments!

    2. No bloody way. Your refreshments are probably spiked with drugs. i know how you nasty ISfers work, Pedo stu is one of you and he is the king of nastiness !
      So sorry, you can stay on your board and i'll stay on mine thank you


    3. Well it's an open invitation. You can have some fun by chiding us over our non-belief. We're not all nasty folk. Here I'll prove it:


      Oh yeah - we don't believe in God either.

    4. Well Joe, I was heartened to learn recently that belief in bigfoot among Americans has declined by about 10% over the past ten years. Skeptics like myself have worked tirelessly to expose the footer liars and frauds who twist the facts and misrepresent the evidence.

      It’s a big win for rational thinking and the scientific method when people like Iktomi are shown to be the deceptive phonies that they truly are. If you want to know why I’m here, there is your answer — and my side is winning.

    5. Hey MMC how is your half-breed grandchild? Just because you daughter got knocked up by an african american gentlemen that does not make you grandchild a bigfoot.

      It is really sad you do not accept the child and view them as a half human/animal with no soul. God will judge you for this MMC.

    6. Ha!! What a dirty pedo racist, Stuey is. Tell me PS...

      1. You got a link to this “10%”?
      2. You got a link to you exposing lies & frauds?
      3. You got an example of mistepresented evidence?
      4. You got an example of not botching the scientific method?

      I’ll expect some substance... However we know only too well that you, Pedo Stu, are a intellectual throwback who needed people like me to hold your hand through basic textbook scientific method. You’re also a devout Christian, which I can provide evidence for in a drop of a hat, with your discussions with Brucey Baby.

      Let’s face it Pedo Stu, you’re not remotely intelligent enough to hold an adult level debate here with all the “loonies”, and you use eugenics, racism, and criminal activity as a basis for trying to otevent decent people exchanging, rather than addressing the subject matter. Which should be easy considering you have so much evidence of exposing frauds and liars, right? You have never, ever, ever made any impact on the subject... and you are known simply because you have repeatedly elbowed your way past repeated attempts to be banned and because you stoop to things like child rape threats towards female posters.

      That pretty much sums you up, Pedo Stu... and I’ll expect some answers for your 4 questions.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Why is it that you can’t even figure out how to post a comment properly? Ha ha ha!

    9. It was such a profound comment... I thought I’d publish it twice.

      How about some answers, pedo racist?

    10. Oh... and when world renowned geneticist are finding the subject worthy of study, and when evidence is worthy of peer review... what are you winning exactly, Pedo?

      Answers please, Pedo Stu.

    11. ^ Kiddy-fiddler priKtomi thinks sex between adults is weird - his own experience is based on abuse of young boys (parent influenced?).

      You mean the outcasts of the scientific world.

      Most esteemed scientists state categorically there is no evidence for the creature bigfoot.

    12. Pedo Stu... nobody has ever threatened anyone with sexual violence, not to mention of children, other than YOU. You do know the general psychological make-up and upbringing of people who find that type of behaviour acceptable? Of course you do, you know it well since I gave you a free diagnosis. You are a racist pervert. A vile human who would get stomped on alk day long if you were to express what you do without cowardice to people on the street. Quite simply, a predatory coward with a personality disorder.

      No, I mean people who are leading authorities in their reacted fields, who are being endorsed by other leading authorities in their respected fields.

      You don’t speak for “most esteemed scientists”, a scientist would laugh at you for your understanding of science, and recoil at your perverse use of things like eugenics... and since you brought it up, name one scientist who is aware of, and has actually looked at the evidence and proclaimed it isn’t good enough. Every time you’ve been asked to provide substance on this, you stupid pervert, you’ve never once provided a scientist who’s addressed evidence. This is because the majority of the scientific community aren’t even aware of the current state of evidence, unless they look at the subject in-depth. Which is why nearly all who have, believe it it worthy of genuine scientific study.

      You don’t have the first clue what you’re talking about, Pedo Stu, and this is after it’s been rubbed in your face for YEARS. Plus I’ve got all the time for you today to bully you about and make you look stupid.

      And you didn’t answer the 4 questions.

    13. Pedo Stu is a big time racist

    14. With his hand down his shorts, waiting to get off on the response.

    15. That would explain his/her lack of ability to get laid

    16. If the "Puke" says Giants are returning you can bet your ass they are. Remember there are no experts in bigfoot except for the "Puke, Scat Hansen and the the "Germs".

    17. ^ awful testy there Suzy Stu.

      No wonder your all alone, in your mamas basement

    18. He hates women remember. See’s them all as feminists. Talk about isolated with YouTube.

    19. I don’t get it — in one comment, you’re calling me “Suzy” as if I’m a woman, but 12 minutes later, you’re claiming that I hate women! Make up your mind as to which deranged, paranoid delusion you want to go with!

      Ha ha ha!

    20. I think I’ve been consistent with what I brand you, PS. Maybe you should start answering questions.

    21. ^ Autistic kiddy fiddler

      But that is still no excuse

      Is it.

    22. Only one of us has threatened child rape, Pedo Stu... You and me both know it, and it don’t matter how much you project it.

      I’m chipping away at you nicely... You regretting it now?

      “Knock, knock, knock”

  2. Just keep repeating to yourself - Sykes is coming...Sykes is coming...Sykes is coming...

    1. ^ Yes - and we all know just what Sykes said - don`t we?

    2. Do “we”? I know what he said... I read his book.

      Tell me what he said, Pedo Stu, I’ll see if it’s accurate.

    3. IktomiSaturday, June 4, 2016 at 8:27:00 AM PDT

      The Zana stuff is almost wrapped up... Tick, tock.

      Is it still “almost wrapped up”?

    4. Guess you didn’t read that book either.

      Yeah, sure seems that way. You still upset about the bet?

      Poor Pedo.

    5. ^ Zana totally occupies Pedo stu's days and nights. He tosses , he turns, he can't get any peaceful sleep . He needs closure with Zana ! I think maybe he needs zanex


    6. He needs closure with his uncle

    7. All of the personal insults in the world won’t magically make bigfoot exist — and belief in bigfoot is plummeting because of intelligent skeptics like me! Ha ha ha!

    8. ^ thinks the world revolves around her


    9. This comment has been removed by the author.


    10. Ho, ha, hee, ho, ha.

      It’s easy to insult a racist pedo. Even easier to stomp one in person if he tries it in public. But that has nothing to do with anything you’ve ever written about Bigfoot... You’ve no doubt contributed to convincing some people they actually DO exist based on how much you’ve served as the typical village idiot.

      And you have 4 questions to answer, one with respect to this “10%”.

    11. guess what Pedo stu ?, we don't need any magic to make bigfoot exist because it already does and guess what else ?
      You totally devout your valuable time on this blog all about ....BIGFOOT !
      You probably look like Jimmy Saville you total pillock pedo tosser !


    12. I certainly sympathize with you people who have had your bigfoot fantasies crushed by me. It’s understandable that you would lash out at me with every disgusting insult that emerges from your depraved minds.

      But think about this: if a bigfoot body were discovered and the creature were proven to exist, I would be the first to come here to congratulate you on being correct all this time! To me, the truth is what’s important and I wouldn’t lower myself to ugly personal attacks if the truth proved me wrong. But that’s just me!

    13. Nobody cares bout you, pedo Stu

    14. Pedo Stu...

      1. You got a link to this “10%”?
      2. You got a link to you exposing lies & frauds?
      3. You got an example of mistepresented evidence?
      4. You got an example of not botching the scientific method?

      You have answers to give. And don’t give anyone that BS, if you wanted “Bigfoot” to exist... you’d have acknowledged the evidence as it is, to be impossible for something like that not existing.

      Silly Pedo Stu, you’re not talking to children now.

    15. Pretty scary thought. Pedo Stu talking to the little ones

    16. He’ll never be allowed alone with children once his vast amounts of comments are dealt with appropriately.

    17. I’ll respond when I have more time, but regarding #4, I will concede that I won’t be able to find an example of you “not botching the scientific method.” Ha ha ha!

    18. I’ll answer for you PS...

      1. Nothing.
      2. Nothing.
      3. Nothing.
      4. Nothing.

      1. not anything; no single thing.

    19. Stuey, you’re a retired/unemployed old pervert... you’ve got plenty of time. You’re just too dense.

    20. ^ Sykes said it was ------- a bear.

      you are a fat bellied old singleton with no teeth who has nothing in his life except venom...why is it you hate yourself? Why have you consistently attacked those who disagree? Only a person afraid or insecure in his belief spouts abuse the way you always have.

    21. ^ says the pedo name stuey who has no shame in making rape threats on here !
      creased !


    22. Reality - Sykes said the samples he tested were known animals. The only known researchers who submitted samples to him were Dan Shirley, Marcel Cagey, Justin Smeja and Derek Randles. The BFRO did not provide any of the North American samples, with Sykes encouraging researchers to get more samples. Sykes also attests to a whole community’s descriptions of Zana. And even theorised she was a subspecies of archaic homo sapien. Ain’t reality a b*tch? I love reminding you of the embarrassing closure desperation bet.

      : )

      Nwah, you the victim now PS? Or are you just baiting so someone responds by listing off everything you’ve done around here so you can get off... so it’s all about you? Isn’t it Pedo Stu? Only a psycho posts vile racism towards the alleged children of posters and then plays the victim.

      And last time I checked, Pedo Stu, you still bad 4 questions to answer... I’ll check back in the morning to see if you’ve manned up.

    23. Gee, you have a lot more than 4 unanswered questions Ikdummy! The best example of misrepresentation is YOU Ikdummy! You quote Sykes, LOL, non researchers sure flock together!

    24. Gee, you have a lot more than 4 unanswered questions Ikdummy! The best example of misrepresentation is YOU Ikdummy! You quote Sykes, LOL, non researchers sure flock together!

    25. Hi Bruce ! find any lionman trees along the pathway ?


    26. AnonymousSunday, November 15, 2015 at 2:30:00 PM PST
      Hey DS my friend, i enjoy your work, but i do think the blue bag idea is a little too far fetched. Its an interesting observation mate, but i just dont see it happening. Sometimes a bag in a tree is just a bag in a tree. But keep up the good work my friend!


    27. Hey pedo Stu, i see you consulted your rolodex of quotes from me . I know you probably have a bigger database of neighborhood children eh your perverted geezer Jimmy Savile loving twonk !
      anyways arsehole, that was 3 years ago when i thought Ds was legit as a researcher but as we now know he's turned into a total loon with his fantastic beats lionman, bearman and stick boy.
      Both of you can sod off and now i'm wondering if Bruce and Pedo stu are one in the same person ? Wouldn't be surprised , Bruce does seem like a creepy bloke
      cheers twonk


    28. Bruce you’re not a researcher. You make Real researchers look bad, to anyone who would wanna learn about this subject. You’re not even up to scratch with the likes of them... yet you know better than the most pioneering geneticist in the world who’s written a book about the subject?


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