Scary Deep Woods Stories

Camping is a relaxing past time millions of people enjoy, but sometimes those relaxing adventures can turn into nightmares when you get too far from civilization.


  1. Children...where are you?

    1. ^ well we've found pedo stu . When he's not enjoying his online smut he'll come on here and leave the most inane comments not even worthy of the lowest of the low
      bugger off stu !


    2. Yes children...where are you?
      "Uncy" Joe

    3. ^ you are a disgusting troll piece of garbage .
      And then people wonder why i have so much hatred towards trolls- well here is the perfect example of that type of human filth !



    4. Children come to "Uncy" Joe

    5. If Joe doesn't like it then he shouldn't call it out, ain't that so?

    6. Where I come from Joseph a real beating would ensue for you and your buddy, keep coming

    7. If Stuey doesn’t like being called Pedo Stu, then he shouldn’t threaten to rape the children of people around here.

      You narcissistic psycho.

    8. And trust me, you’d have a proper pasting for saying stuff like that where I’m from... Pedo Stu.

    9. I’m shaking in my boots! Too bad that your pathetic internet tough guy act can’t magically make bigfoot exist. Ha ha ha ha!

    10. Rather... it’s too bad your rape threats don’t make the evidence for Bigfoot disappear.

      And you’d get stomped Stuey. Believe me.

    11. ^ Another puny keyboard warrior — are you going to bonk me over the head with your iPhone? Ha ha ha ha?

    12. J oe Fit zgeral d @ 198? @
      Yeah you should start hiding

    13. Oh no... How will I cope? Is that meant to intimidate me, Pedo Stu?

      You’ve simply proven even more so, that you’re Pedo Stu, since you have a long history of stalking me, and then publishing me email to try and intimidate.So thanks for adding to the dossier, Pedo Stu.

      Scrawny little old Pedos never intimidated adults... they just get stomped on by adults.

    14. Who's stalking whom?

      IktomiSunday, October 1, 2017 at 12:55:00 AM PDT

      I could be in Leeds in a couple of hours. Fancy a couple of beers Stuey?

    15. And I could be... That’s not stalking, that’s a proposition.

    16. I bumped into you last week and apologized, you don't remember?



      To make a suggestion of sexual intercourse to (someone with whom one is not sexually involved), especially in an unsubtle or offensive manner.

    18. What’s the matter Pedo Stu... you not up for meeting adults so much??

    19. No, I’m not interested in your sexually depraved “proposition.” I understand that you’re in love with me, but please try to have some self respect man!

    20. Awh come on PS, don’t you ever wonder what I look like... when you’re obsessing about me being American, Welsh, Russian, admin?

      Gimme a kiss PS.

    21. PS gone shy all of a sudden. Maybe it’s only female strangers from behind anon mode he’s got the confidence for.

    22. Well, you’re correct that I’m a heterosexual who’s attracted to women. If you’re gay, then more power to you — no judgments here. But please stop stalking and flirting with me, okay? There’s a guy named Joe who is apparently gay as well, so you might want to hook up with him. Good luck!

    23. Argh come on PS... why don’t you use that email address and gimme a little email.

      What ya say, eh? Don’t be shy.

    24. And allow me to elaborate my comment at 1:22... you seem to be big and bold when you’re insulting female strangers online behind cowardice... threatening to rape their children.

      But that big & boldness seems to go away when you’ve got an email address of a grown man? What’s the matter Pedo Stu? Is it only women being anon you’re tough with?

    25. I get it, you’re angry and bitter that an intelligent, incredibly sexy man like myself is attracted to women and you’re using this “pedo” schtick to try to shame me into taking part in your gay sexual fantasies. But please stop, it’s starting to become — what’s the word — CRINGEY! Ha ha ha ha!

    26. I left hours ago and you kept going, it's even funnier because I haven't even read a thing you said, I just count your avatar and smell your fear, your really obsessive and sick in the head. Well you and I are going to finish this soon

    27. Ha ha!!

      And how do you propose that, Pedo Stu?

      You have no control over anything. You’re a powerless psycho who preys on strangers on the internet, by what you perceive are attempts at intimidation. You’re a coward, that has a plethora of psychological and emotional issues.

      What you gonna do about it, Pedo Stu?

    28. If you give me an email, I’ll give you my full address... just so we can “finish this”. What do you say boyo, you man enough?

    29. I have yours so you're going to be hearing from me, send me your address or just post it here since you're so brave

    30. Of course if you're scared call the "us Authorities "

    31. Oh you have my address? Ha ha ha ha!!!

      What’s the matter Pedo Stu? You scared to even confront me from behind a safe little email? You’re the epitome of cowardice, ha ha ha ha!!

      You can tell you’re a little old runt at a desktop.

    32. Better call those "us Authorities " if you're scared, so simple showing you to be a retard

    33. Rape threats warrant calling the authorities all day long. And if you’re fishing for a hint of lack of a confidence on that fact... maker no mistake PS. It was reported.

    34. It might be a better idea for you to call the grammar police, given that your writing is completely unreadable! Ha ha ha!

    35. Reported to the "us Authorities "...a coward and a liar, enlighten us on those Authorities or shut up, go on coward

    36. You scared Pedo Stu? You should be.

      Like I told you before... you don’t know the half of what some people here do around do for a living.

      You just can’t help yourself. You can’t stop. That means it’s pathological, and I know for a fact you have genuine problems.

      I’m on the money aren’t I?


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