Sasquatch Revealed! Part Two

In this second part, bigfoot research Paul Graves goes over the stories and reports from his 25 years as a bigfoot investigator.


  1. One thing I’ve never gotten an explanation of from skeptics is how they account for the massive number of bigfoot sighting reports? How can they all be lies or misidentifications?

    1. Think about it this way friend: With such a “massive number of bigfoot sighting reports,” shouldn’t there be other “massive” amounts of evidence – possibly even a body? All you have is a bunch of crap evidence having to do with loony theories about dermal ridges and midtarsal breaks and the like. How can there be hundreds of thousands of sightings without a corresponding amount of solid physical evidence?

      In one breath, believers tell us that bigfoot is so reckless and stupid that he’s routinely seen by thousands upon thousands of people – in fact, they tell us to believe that bigfoot is actually living in close proximity at “habituation” sites. But in the next breath, they insist that bigfoot is some kind of super stealthy almost invisible ninja creature that cannot be photographed, can somehow detect trail cams, and leaves virtually no trace of itself. It doesn’t add up at all.

    2. Thanks Barret, when you put it that way, it does seem pretty farfetched.

    3. No problem friend, I’m here to help.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.


    5. “Forensic science is the application of sciences such as physics, chemistry, biology, computer science and engineering to matters of law. Forensic science can help investigators understand how blood spatter patterns occur (physics), learn the composition and source of evidence such as drugs and trace materials (chemistry) or determine the identity of an unknown suspect (biology).
      Forensic science plays a vital role in the criminal justice system by providing scientifically based information through the analysis of physical evidence. During an investigation, evidence is collected at a crime scene or from a person, analyzed in a crime laboratory and then the results presented in court. Each crime scene is unique, and each case presents its own challenges.”

      “Physical or biological anthropology deals with the evolution of humans, their variability, and adaptations to environmental stresses. Using an evolutionary perspective, we examine not only the physical form of humans - the bones, muscles, and organs - but also how it functions to allow survival and reproduction. Within the field of physical anthropology there are many different areas of focus. Paleoanthropology studies the evolution of primates and hominids from the fossil record and from what can be determined through comparative anatomy and studies of social structure and behavior from our closest living relatives. Primatologists study prosimians, monkeys and apes, using this work to understand the features that make each group distinct and those that link groups together. Skeletal biology concentrates on the study of anatomically modern humans, primarily from archaeological sites, and aims to understand the diseases and conditions these past people experienced prior to dying. Forensic anthropologists use the study of skeletal biology to assist in the identification and analysis of more recently deceased individuals. Such cases often involve complex legal considerations. Human biologists concentrate on contemporary humans, examining not only their anatomy and physiology but also their reproduction and the effects of social status and other factors on their growth and development.”

      To an old retired psycho-nerd who spends his days refreshing comment sections, answering his own comments, probably scarred by a personal experience linked to this subject, and/or maybe is in need of creating negativity which is far easier via a controversial subject like this... to someone who doesn’t understand a subject that which he is obsessed with... then scientific disciplines like forensic science and physical anthropology are “loony theories.” There are literally hundreds of years of this data associated with this subject, aligned to cultures that have had these hominin deep rooted for thousands. And since we are talking about anthropology, we can draw upon sentience and varying temperaments, and can simply look at the databases reports of what is a large hairy humanoid, and safely presume that they a susceptible to things like curiosity, mistakes and close enough social bonds for evasion and maintaining dead. A body would be the fruits of using the readily available physical evidence in a consorted and appropriately funded professional study. And that hasn’t happened yet. And the years that apparently roll by without “proof”, but ten times the evidence the Bili Ape had does, it simply means there’s no body YET. To draw conclusion that Bigfoot does not exist, would be to ignore a plethora of credible data, that’s impossible to be the result of anything other than a real biological entity leaving it.


    6. ^ a real purple bell-end

    7. AnonymousThursday, June 14, 2018 at 3:31:00 PM PDT
      ^ likes a hot creamy smeared bellend for shure doncha Joe

      British. vulgar slang. 1The glans of the penis. 1.1 An annoying or contemptible man. 'he is a total bellend and should step down as soon as possible'
      bellend | Definition of bellend in English by Oxford Dictionaries

      Nwah... Stuey is so obsessed that he’s even trying to learn British slang now. Fancy that?

    8. ^ real purple throbbing bell-end - has nothing to shoot out of it though...

      IktomiJo = Jaffa (seedless)

    9. Iktomi = Jaffa

    10. See Iktomi dance, she tried but she couldn't help herself, now Shawna will punish her

    11. Bigfoot doesn't exist and all the footprints were proven to be false

    12. 'Gug',I'm enjoying a Hairy Cane

  2. Site administrators please go back to blocking Iktomi because he is a bad man who preys on innocent children, please stop this bad man


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