Lots Of Bigfoot Activity Part 1

From the Squatch Watchers

The Squatch Watchers take the woods after a 3 week break and all kinds of activity breaks loose!!! Must see this Part 1 !!!!


  1. Loads of "activity" but nothing to show - yet again...the real activity is taking place in the tent with the men climbing onto each other...Joe is playing the bottom role and is servile to the real men.

    hahaha hahahah hahahaha

    1. ^ Oh yes it is the "crack-tivity" of the butthole that is the main purpose of these nightly ventures into the woods,


    2. ^ stuff it Fake wanker Joe . The biggest news today was the treble from Harry Kane !
      Harry, Harry, Harry Kane !
      Going to bring the cup back home where it belongs after so many years the queen will finally get to see the cup again because the lads will bring it home for her !
      cheers !


    3. At least there's a chance of that happening. As far as proving Bigfoot existing - well, let's just say the results have been pretty dismal so far.

    4. Loads of loads stuwart loves to load

    5. I thought “Joe” was supposed to be from Wales? Now his home is England apparently. The dumb yokel doesn’t even know that England and Wales are bitter rivals in football.

      Ha ha ha!

    6. I am English and Iktomi is Welsh. Which part of that can't you grasp in your pea brain mind ?


    7. Well Joe, how do you explain this post in which you claim to be from Wales?

      Hello Scott! I've just come across your blog but have very much admired your work for some time. Though I find it difficult to make out some of your reported Sasquatch faces, I must say I am finding the images more and more compelling all the time. The fact that you are dedicating work to dogmen is extremely exciting for me as this is a subject I am trying to learn more and more about all the time, so expect to hear a lot from me on this blog in future. I'm not sure if you have the time to respond on your past blogs (as I intend on checking out your past blogs) but I will comment on as much as possible as this entire subject thrills me to pieces and the fact that you personally respond to comments speaks volumes of your character and I'm sure you will help me learn loads, as unfortunately I live in a country with no reported wildmen for hundreds of years.
      Awesome blog!
      Joe, Wales, UK.


    8. Why stuey, you do surprise me by having a rolodex of comments sorted by name and year but.....
      that's not me, that's Iktomi who is also named Joe and guess what stuey ? Joe is a very common name here. Has that blown your feeble pea sized mind ?
      I also live in a country that has no verified bigfoot or dogman sightings although i am always open to that possibility no matter how small it is
      Now stuey , you aren't getting me angry today after England's great triumph so i'll just write this small episode off as the work of a toddler who has trouble piecing together common logic and that's you stu.
      Don't be a tiresome wank puffin and go get a life please
      and go England !


    9. Oh okay, thanks for clarifying that Iktomi is the real Joe and you are the fake Joe who’s always going on about “sexy blokes” — my mistake.

    10. no, you are actually the Fake Joe, stuey . You just have so much bloody time on your hands that you monitor this forum 24-7 , you don't even have time to wank off
      Crazy loon


    11. 1;21 you thick jerk...wait until they play against a REAL footballing nation...then we shall see how "good" they are...as it is on both occasions they were totally outdone when attacks were made and easy goals were given away as usual by the English defence...Belgium will be another story...but you`ll have an excuse for that I expect.

    12. Joe is the SAME person as Iktomi...probably the SAME idiot as Chick-lick-my-tits-chick too...factomundo.

    13. 5:57- We've never had a player like Kane before . After only two games he's already shattered the record for goals by a captain and in the past teams led by the likes of Beckham and Shearer would have barely got by the likes of Panama . i'm not scared of the other teams, bring them on ! this surely is england's year
      5:56 - Just because we are brits you assume we are the same person? only a simpleton such as yourself would come up with an unremarkable conclusion. sorry old chap but you will never be a Sherlock so put away your deerstalker tweed hat and magnifying glass away lad



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