UK Bigfoot Sightings

From the Realm of the Supernatural podcast comes an interview with Deborah Hatswell. Deborah will talk about bigfoot sightings in the UK. What?!


  1. More than an hour of waffle and bullshit...ought to start the day well for the likes of IkdummyJo.

    1. why the nasty mood ? did someone blow the load in your crumpets this morning ? Dear sir, isn't it time you get yourself a life away from trolling this site ? Give it up bro, you are only making yourself look more foolish by the day


    2. The guy spends his time denouncing something he believes to be paranormal.

      And reports his own hate comments to blogger in an attempt to take down a blog he thinks I run.

      The boy is f’n crackers.

    3. Oh, and I thought this was interesting today;

      “Officials Puzzled By Mysterious Wolf-Like Creature Shot On A Ranch In Montana”

    4. So, want to tell everyone how you know about complaints to blogger about this blog, enlighten everyone how you do this from overseas

    5. He works there, just admitted it too

    6. No one here ever accused that dumb ass of running a blog just being an employee

    7. I saw that today.
      Wonder if it's a cryptid ? interesting news. One day there will be the story of a bigfoot being shot and found and the skeptics will all disappear in a puff of smoke


    8. Yes and you should hold your breath until that day

    9. Interesting article Iktomi, cool!

      Hey back at ya there PIB!!

    10. Oh the clam stench killed bigfoot


    11. AnonymousTuesday, August 15, 2017 at 8:40:00 AM PDT
      Hate speech, violent or crude content on Blogger
      Blogger doesn’t remove blogs that contain insults or negative commentary.

      We do remove content that:

      promotes hatred or violence against individuals or groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, nationality, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity
      is shocking or graphic, without more context or commentary
      threatens others

      And reported. For real. It is long past time that joe/iktomis hate be shut down.

      Keep talking joe/iktomi I will just report your hate every time until this blog is shut down.

    12. @ Real Joe, those puffs of smoke are the lingering smell of fart stink. Its the signature scent of the Stublitch.

    13. Again, how do you know complaints were made to blogger against this blog? Don't site policy, you said it so how do you know this?

    14. I guess you retract your statement

    15. And reported. For real. It is long past time that joe/iktomis hate be shut down.
      Keep talking joe/iktomi I will just report your hate every time until this blog is shut down.

    16. You said it was reported, you said it, proof? No? Bigfoot? No? Boy you are striking out in the truth department as usual

    17. I guess you retract your statement

    18. I think an employee would know about complaints about the blog he worked at


    19. “And reported. For real. It is long past time that joe/iktomis hate be shut down.
      Keep talking joe/iktomi I will just report your hate every time until this blog is shut down.“

      That’s a direct statement from you, that you’re reporting hate speech. And you’re claiming in that link, as well as innumerable others that I’m publishing your racist comments in order to “virtue signal”. You’ll also notice in the link provided, “ikdummy” references and all. Do you honestly think anyone here doesn’t believe you’re utterly, erratically unhinged?

      How many Skinwalker-Squatches are psy-ops attacking you today?

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    20. Say maybe you can show us where someone said you "run" this blog, your boss would love to see that

    21. I don't think I will let you deflect from your lies today, show everyone, go ahead liar, or shall we continue this public humiliation of you. I've proven you a liar, prove me wrong

    22. You’re nuts!

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

      Why don’t you report me to my employer?! PWAAAAH!!!

    23. Well this is a first, the first honest thing you've said here, proves me right

    24. You're coming off a little desperate with that laughing, can't blame you for being caught out and getting nervous

    25. The superfriends are the best

      And Bigfoot is real


    26. My profession has an “ist” at the end. So what stuey says and bleeves is utter rubbish to mwa


    27. Your profession is masturbationist?

    28. The Stuey has mastered all of the loony "bigfoot" (chuckle chuckle) advocates...he`s been able to punish them at every turn and has left them gasping for air for the most part...that`s why they spend so much time away from this site...they`re shit scared of him...and that is about the only fact on this "bigfoot" (chuckle chuckle) blogsite.

    29. Stewie is a f@cktardist- but they make next to nothing.

    30. “Please don’t stay away from this blog. I need to sadistically draw people into negativity to help myself forget about my cruddy existence.”

      - Stuey at 4:06

    31. It's good to see Iktomi obey Stu

  2. Bigfoot in Britain = Asinine

    1. Great news ! Can't wait to tell the lads in the pub !


    2. Only 6% to 8% of the UK is built on don't you know leaving lots of bigfoot space xx

    3. I've just found out there are 2 million deer roaming the Uk xx

    4. 2 million deer in the UK is great. That means Bigfoot could grow and flourish there.

    5. 1:10 & 2:12 = Special kinds of Stupid!!
      Goes to show your lack of research, and Ikdummy too, for posting a wild dog pic. So clueless!

    6. It’s puzzling genuine experts.

      You’re just an expert on passing off pareidolia as Pokemon.

      Go back into retirement, ya clown.

    7. Give it up Bruce, you lost it way before you started seeing demons in poop


  3. Puzzling experts,LOL,you mean you like you Ikdummy? It's a wild Dog, they labeled "Werewolf" for publicity. And non researching idiots like you eat it up! The people that field research and put massive amounts of time into this, come to the same conclusion, these are Demons, not flesh and blood creatures like Patty. I fought for 5 years Ikdummy, that Patty, and Bigfoot, were flesh and blood. After 5 years, my research shows what they are = Demons!
    And the feed on your time. They you away from what's important, God, family, friends, work, everything! Ikdummy,you're a great example of what these Demons do to person. You have no life, and i didnt either. Neither does anyone involved in this. Take this to heart and move on...Stay away from this and see what happens.....Prov 28:1 "The wicked flee, when no man persueth"

    1. “State wildlife experts said they have been unable to pinpoint its species.”

      So you’re telling me someone who’s scared to go into the wilderness, and opts to make up pareidolia on his public footpath is gonna know more than State wildlife experts? Sorry ****head, I’ve never even suggested it’s a “werewolf”, I just find it interesting. I find all genuine wildlife interesting... Lionmen, not so much I’m afraid. And no, because you’re prone to crazy ad hoc fantasies, you suddenly needed Patty to be fake because it meant your fanstasy creatures [to you] seemed sincere. You’re a loon.

      You don’t know **** all about my life, ya f’n loon. Just because you see “demons” in every bush doesn’t mean everyone affiliated with this subject does. Have some accountability for your delusions, and speak for yourself.


    2. No need to have kittens over it ikdummy, calm down and take a chill pill!

    3. Any religion that worships a scantily clad man is good by me

    4. I know all about your pathetic life! You don't leave the house, or JAIL! You can't take a single pic to prove me wrong, been over a year if of epic FAILURE! I know your a coward who won't post a pic of himself. I know these Demons control your life. I know you never researched a day in your life, which is so pathetic! I know you don't have a clue what's in the woods. I know you make a fool of yourself thinking Patty and the wild dog are Cryptids, what a joke!

    5. Nargh! Sorry Bruce. You’d love to know all about my life, since you’re desperately trying to bait me into showing you a photo of myself, ya f’n weirdo.

      You can’t replicate pareidolia. It’s why your images have never been considered anything other than the blurry ravings of a god fearing nut job. I’ve researched more in one afternoon sat on my backside across the pond, than you ever have snapping photos of brush on your local footpath.

      Oh, and for magic monkey suit?

      Didn’t think so.


    6. Yeah right idiot, you trawled through my YouTube videos and did continuous google searches on me all to find out my real name and what I look like. Who’s obsessed with whom you psycho? I don’t give a flying f*ck who you are or what you look like, except that I’m sure that it would provide me a huge laugh if I knew! You’d better keep yourself well hidden to avoid humiliation.

    7. Quite a fantasy there Stuey. Considering you stalked me on YouTube comment sections and have published my email here numerous times, and threatened me with revealing my ID (that you don’t have)... it’s a little a rich.

      Stuey is a racist pervert who threatened to rape a female poster’s child here. It was reported the the authorities in the US. He’s also so desperate for attention from me that he has to pretend to be others... Just to get it. That’s some serious dependence right there.

    8. Oh and Stuey? Please continue to beg for my attention. I AM watching, make no mistake about it. And it must aggravate you to **** knowing I grant you my attention when I want, and when I do, it’s to ridicule you.

      I run your crummy existence.

      ; )

    9. So desperate for attention, attention whore alert^

    10. And you keep coming back... You in need of some satisfaction Stuey?

      That would be eight years of being laughed at.


    11. And please... Continue to beg this “attention whore” for attention every day of your life, ha ha ha!!

      It’s so funny watching you get angrier because you can’t get a reaction. You’re tapped mate, I’ve never seen anyone so obviously get off on seeing a comment in response to their own.


    12. See, he loves that attention ^ what a whore

    13. And you keep coming back, and back, and back??

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

      Your emotional issues shine through so unbelievably! Ha ha!!! Please continue with your insane, paranoid, delusional ramblings, it’s making you look like an f’n psycho and I don’t even have to lift a finger!!

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

  4. Wow, look at that meltdown of IKTOMI, sad

    1. That’s it little mouse... come get the cheese every time.

      ; )


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