Arkansas Bigfoot Leaves Its Mark

Arkansas seems like the perfect habitat for a big, hairy creature that wants to stay hidden from man. Check out this track that someone found in Northwest Arkansas.


  1. He didn't just find a track, he found a whole bloody treasure trove of them !
    outstanding evidence ! This will make the skeptics surely double over with pain !
    carry on and cheers


    1. ^ You`re right - he found a great long skid-mark in his panties...with a piss stain patch on the front.

    2. ^quit bragging about your discoveries like a wankering top lad
      carry on and cheers


    3. ^ I thought you liked me on top of you wanking onto your face and lips.

  2. Shame it was unable to leave any unambiguous scientifically acceptable evidence. Must just be bad luck that this has been the case with 100% of reported bigfooted bigfoots to date.

    1. So what’s you point Stuey?

    2. The only point that the troll has is the one he can’t cover up, no matter how he parts his hair

    3. ^ Always leaving skid-marks in his underpants - from his loose sagging ring-piece that has been shafted so many times.

  3. I .think those tracks are from a Sonn.It is a trickster spirit that makes peoples money disappear. Its call is a like child whining. It is hideously ugly and unlike other cryptid hominids it has no fear of man.

  4. Those are human tracks. Look at the narrow heel. Look at the well defined arch. Look at the compact, single ball. Look at the curve of reducing toes. Supposed bigfoot tracks are distinguished from human tracks by having none of those traits.

    This is evidence of barefoot hippies, not bigfoot.


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