Bigfoot Night of the Creeps!

Bigfooter Kain Michael from Ohio found himself in the middle of bigfoot territory before he realized what he had done. After he got back to his house, he realized he wasn't alone. Something had followed him, and they would spend the entire night terrorizing him.


  1. Surrounded by creepy bigfoots, huh? And yet couldn't be bothered to collect a specimen. Thermal scopes are getting cheaper every day, so why don't any of these bigfoot so-called "researchers" carry a gun? How can they insist real scientists should take them seriously when they make no effort to get a specimen?

    1. “Real scientists” have already taken the subject seriously. That’s why the subject is now peer reviewed. Stop crying for a specimen when it’s proven that a creature with the exact same anatomy as “Bigfoot” is leaving its sign on the environment of North America.

    2. We have our own creep around here

      It’s name is Stuart

    3. ^ Joe is showing his utter devastation and obsession with Stuey...Stuey,the poster who humiliates him time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time...

    4. There are NO real scientists working in any research area for "bigfoot".

    5. Sorry Stuey... You have no authority to make that call. You’re an uneducated, unqualified nobody who one minute believes in Skinwalker-Woo-Sasquatch... The next uses pseudoscience, circular logic, conspiracy theories and conjecture to debunk the scientific standard.

      You’re as confused as you are messed up.

    6. Ratchet- please load the pressure washer with bleach and spray down the brown delusion @5:37. STAT!

    7. You clowns need to spend less time obsessing about me and more time trying to find evidence for bigfoot that I haven’t already throroghly debunked.

    8. Nobody cares about you Stuey. And whilst you’re maintaining your life’s theme, you’ve got nothing but a long list of embarrassments for your “thorough debunkings”.

      Stop crying and debunk Bigfoot.

    9. Ikky. Seriously. Stop saying "peer reviewed". You're only showing you don't know what that term actually means, especially since you so far have refused to say what the article, journal, author, or reviewers of this supposedly "peer reviewed" study is. That ignorant, cargo cult concept you have of how science works is one of the reasons why real science cannot take bigfoot "research" seriously.

    10. You do realise that referring to me as another name doesn’t distance you from your sockpuppeting, Stuey? Don’t “Ikky” me ya weirdo. You’ve been given the article and journal details too many times to count. And the audacity about me allegedly not knowing what it means, when reviewers are largely anonymous... is embarrassing.

      Remember I had to hold your hand through secondary school level scientific method? Stop crying, if the evidence is that poor then you would have debunked it 8 years ago, and not be resorted to driving people away to try and make your comments stand out unopposed... Ya sad f’er.

      Stop crying, debunk Bigfoot.


      This is u stu

      Understand ?

    12. Nuttytomi has only ONE source that he can hold up as "peer reviewed" and that is the dubious and mostly ignored Journal of Scientific Exploration. To date there has not been any paper submitted to that journal that has contributed to a scientific breakthrough.

    13. Ikky, I don't know who this Stuey is that you keep assuming everyone is, but it's not me.

      Again, what article, what journal, reviewed by who?

      If your claims were in any way legitimate you'd simply provide or repeat that information. So why don't you?

    14. Stop ya whining Stuey, ya psycho... If the journal is so dubious, then why do you struggle so much to debunk what should be easy? There’s not a journal in the entire system of peer review that hasn’t come up to scientific scrutiny... and you want to cherry pick what’s legit from a system you clearly don’t understand? You want reviewers details to simply ad hominem (because you’re too dense to challenge the work they’ve reviewed), yet you’re a fool who hasn’t the first clue of peer review to know that even reviewers in mainstream journals are anonymous. You role-play a person who knows what they’re talking about... just like the other day when you claimed to be “screaming at the TV at anthropologists because they didn’t know Neanderthals and modern humans could interbreed”, when you didn’t even know what the genus Homo meant... you’re a joke, there’s really not that much in it between you DS. I could go through each and every one of your mainstream journals and demonstrate how bias and anti scientific they are, not to mention how subsceptable to being hoaxed they are.

      Stop crying... debunk the paper, ya loon.

    15. AnonymousMonday, April 30, 2018 at 7:13:00 PM PDT
      Ikky, I don't know who this Stuey is that you keep assuming everyone is, but it's not me.
      Again, what article, what journal, reviewed by who?
      If your claims were in any way legitimate you'd simply provide or repeat that information. So why don't you?

      AnonymousMonday, April 30, 2018 at 7:21:00 PM PDT
      Still not Stuey,
      > eight years
      Meanwhile it's been sixty plus years without any proof of bigfoot.
      And before you knee jerk squawk out, "Peer reviewed! Peer Reviewed! Ikky wanna cracker! Peer reviewed!" what article, what journal, what peers?

      Two links where I prove you’re Stuey who uses “>>” ad quotation marks like up top;

    16. So wait. You're trying to claim a standard of quotation that's been around for literally as long as the internet is somehow "proof" that I'm the same person as this Steuey? A quotation standard that's done automatically by my e-mail client? Is my e-mail client also Steuey? You just used the same quoting method. Does that mean you're Steuey too?

      I suppose it's to be expected from someone who thinks plaster paperweights are "evidence" of anything.

      What's the article? In what journal? Reviewed by who? You can't just squawk out "peer reviewed". You have to cite that claim. Every time you make that claim. You can't just pretend you already did so in some obscure thread on a forum that people with real jobs don't have the time to sift through. So why don't you ever do so?

      What article? What author? What journal? What peers? Because believe me, I've gone looking for it myself but turned up empty.

    17. “Boo-hoo, boo-hoo”

      I read a lot of boo-hooing and not enough substance, ya psycho! That quotation grammar you use is one of a million other “coincidences” you like to use, all in the dossier Stuey!


      Hope it burns.

      ; )

    18. No, it really doesn't burn anyone, you're sure looking stupid though

    19. Let me know when you’re ready to continue the basics of science.

      I’m here to help

    20. Ikky, I don't have time for this blog so you get the better part of a week to name the article, journal, author, or peers, and you still haven't done so. All you do is caps-lock "peer reviewed" as if that means something coming from you.

      If this supposed article existed, you'd cite it every chance you get to try to rub our noses in it. But you don't. You just don't. Instead you just keep screaming "peer reviewed".

      All you're doing is convincing everyone the article doesn't exist. Just like bigfoot.

      Oh, and I'm still not Stuey.

  2. Well, I’ve got you mentioning my name in virtually every comment, so I’m certainly not a nobody in your world!

    1. And that might be because you, Stuey, might need a literary slap because of your pleading for attention in vertically every comment section.

      And it’s not about you, Stuey (these pleadings for attention, trying to make a comment section all about you obviously coincides with spiralling self-esteem)... It’s about your crazy take on the subject.

    2. You “vertically” got my name in two times in that comment! Ha ha ha!

    3. “Please don’t call me Stuey, it’s not conducive to my quest for self-esteem?”

    4. Yo yo yo, what's crackin sticky Ikky? Stuey is playin you dogg. Why do you let him get all upz in ya headz yo? He clowns you everyday B. Know what I'm sayin?


  3. Never met an arab he didn't love ^


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