Todd Standing's Bigfoot Exposed!

ThinkerThunker on youtube points out some interesting things about the ratios of a human face. Check out what happens when you compare Todd Standing's face, and the face of one of his bigfoot creatures.


  1. Replies
    1. Todd needs to take someone with a gun on his guided trips. If they see a Bigfoot while with a person with loaded gun in the hands of someone planning on possibly shooting one, well that would go a long way in my book. Otherwise, it’s just Todd and friends in make up

  2. tod standing has been busted !

    Its already difficult getting anywhere near the big guy

    But impossible to recover from this video


  3. Only busted if patty and the white bigfoot are real.........but the patty shot is on an angle as well...

  4. I believe in Biggie but this is FAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKEE!

    1. If you people don’t believe that Sasquatch has been here from the beginning of time. And don’t realize he still missing link and there’s so many woods and forest in the world and he has been spotted everywhere and now we spot him more because of videos in the days of 2021 and 2022 and make it easy to spot him on social media I’m sorry Todd’s better than the rest of your people I don’t think he’s real no one would put that much time in the woods I am self give a man a little credit even if he’s making money off it and cares you’re watching it at least he’s doing his job he’s even went to court over it to prove it exist. I live in Massachusetts we have spotted Bigfoot here I have friends that have spotted Bigfoot he’s a real animal he’s not human he’s all over British Columbia New York state and everywhere else it’s time to come to terms with the truth get out of your houses and start going in the woods. I’m a hunterI track animals since I was 16 years old someday I’m gonna check the in-home myself when I Cesar a peaceful creature.

  5. In the Todd Standing bigfoot documentary on Netflix, there are three different head shots of purported sasquatches. All three of them look nothing alike. The first one is sooooooooo obviously fake that it is beyond question.

    The one in this article is the second "bigfoot" head in the documentary. Well, if the first head is obviously hoaxed BS, what does that say about the credibility of the other two.

    Todd Standing is a fraud, a huckster, a charlatan. The term con man is short for confidence man. Con men seem sincere and they get your confidence. This is what Standing does. He seems legitimate. He seems sincere. But he is a con man. A con man who is making money with bigfoot.

    This con man even duped Dr. Meldrum and the late Dr. Bindernagel; both of them appear in the Standing documentary on Netflix and appear to give Standing credibility. Watch this documentary preview on Youtube and you can see this for yourself:

    The bigfoot world is full of charlatans who know that there is worldwide interest in this topic and that money can be made with bigfoot.

    1. Joe F*tzgeraldTuesday, July 15, 2014 at 2:49:00 AM PDT
      We have two district hairy bipeds described to this day in the US; the ape like with long arms and the human/native faced with limbs in proportion (you do have occasions when both characteristics appear to blend).

    2. Stinker stunker exposed Patty as being a mask with non-human proportions.

    3. I believe they're probably fake too but you can't base that on them three shots not looking alike do you look like a Chinese man or an African woman or a Russian transvestite we all look different Hell look at the crocodiles and alligators they look different dogs cats if you're going to doubt him and slander him use your head first

  6. This charlatan has much to answer for as he has regularly brought faked "bigfoot" to a public audience with the pretence it is real.Quite obviously they are likely to all be faked.

  7. Terd Stinking is one of the most credible voices in the Muppet Bigfoot communtiy.

  8. Fraud Standing busted !
    He is a charlatan who has never researched and the obvious red flag is he was working with the thief Meldrum . Ikdummy will have a meltdown over this because his precious idols have been exposed big time !
    if you want real honest to goodness research go and check out my youtube channel
    here's something to whet your whistle folks
    Ha ! Ikdummy says I never get footprints

    1. A meltdown over what exactly?

      And sorry to burst another fantasy bubble of yours, but real researchers usually do a size comparison of the tracks they leave. And since you’re self-admittedly on the local footpath, a normal sized shoe print doesn’t make the cut. Drawing toes on it doesn’t either.

  9. Is Gigantor, the Mod at a homo?

  10. Todd can sure clear this all up. He wants Canada to pass laws to protect them. Well first they need to be proved real. To Todd Standing: if everything you say is true, tell the Canadian Government you want to accompany you for 3 months so you can provide them proof that they can bring a gun and possibly shoot one if they so choose. Ain’t no way in hell that Todd or a friend will dress up in make up and a suit if a person is possibly planning on shooting one. Todd, the reason people won’t go with you out in the woods is because they don’t want to look like fools if you turn out to be conning them. Plain and simple, tell them to bring a gun with on your guided trip. I know I’d definitely take a second look at your evidence if you did that. Plus, if they are by some small chance real, just allowing the Canadian Govt the chance to shoot one that you have guided them to will do a lot in the long run to prove their existence. I know I’d have a hard time saying that Todd Standing is a fraud. You’d never catch me in the woods in an ape suit when I know someone has a gun and wants to shoot a Bigfoot. Until then Todd, the majority won’t believe you


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