The Yowie of Australia

From Mattsquatch Presents

Let’s take a look at Australia’s Bigfoot, the Yowie. It surprised me how similar they are to the North American Bigfoot for being on a continent known for its geographical Isolation. Thanks for watching.


  1. Yowies do not exist. As an Australian I am disgusted at being associated with bigfoot. Australia rules!

    1. I remember when you pretended to be Australian a couple of years ago and a few people made you look like an idiot.

    2. Don't recall that. Must be in your mind. I am Australian so i don't see how anybody could make me look stupid.


    4. ^ has been obsessed the whole night by Stuey...hahah hahah hahahahahah

  2. Hey 12.59, I am Australian and you look stupid from here.. Mate!!

    1. You watching the footy? Swans just lost to Port.

    2. Sorry I am neither an AFL or NFL fan but I have looked at a lot of reports about Yowies and they are OZ coast wide, there are a lot more reports than most Aussies know about.

    3. There are reports of yowies only 15mins from my house. It's so ridiculous. Absolutely no chance there are yowies their. It's the suburbs!

    4. Yep well you will believe if it happens to then wont it?
      I have family that have reports just on the border of the Tweed (on GC Hinterland) and they dont want to believe either. These are people that have shared their stories, they aren't hoaxsters and are quite respectable people, what would be the reason to lie?

    5. Not sure, maybe because it's fun to pretend you have seen a yowie. They are the only ones that know why they lied.

    6. Yep! they had been pretending waaaaay back in 1841 then to huh?
      Here read it and weep this has been going on since colonials came to Australia.
      Accept or dont I dont really care what you think just dont make fun of our ancestors just because you "you live in the suburbs" and nothing real outside of that.

    7. Stuey is now role-playing internationally.

      If you don’t like it Stuey, challenge the physical evidence. You were provided a link up top. Chop, chopedy chop!

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. I live in the suburbs and have a family property in a spot that has yowie reports too. The entire area is flat farm land with barely any trees or forest. Don't see how a 10 foot ape could live their but the reports say they do. I trust my own judgement. I don't just blindly believe random strangers stories. That would be pretty stupid.

    10. Itkomi is obsessed with his boyfriend Stuey. He can't stop bringing up his name.

    11. I would think that there would only be a fairly small population of Yowies in Australia that is why you dont see them passing through your farm like its queen street in Brissy.

      I would love to know how many wild pig pass through your farm when the population Australia wide is about 23 million (please use the internet to check this) , thats about one wild pig per Australian so based on that ratio you should have at least maybe one a week or one a month passing through your yard since from your reckoning if there is Yowies why dont I see them in my back yard statement is rediculous?

    12. Shoot pigs all the time on the property. They are a pest species. Rabbits and Roos are everywhere too. My point was, that there was nowhere for a 10 foot tall ape to live. It's just flat farmland with hardly any trees. How could they stay hidden. Do they burrow underground like a wombat? I shouldn't have said that. It will be the next bigfoot theory.

    13. You're missing the point and didnt read what I wrote so I will write it again just for you. They would only be a SMALL population, if you know someone in your area that has come across a Yowie then the probability of another coming your way may not happen for another 20 years and the fact that unless it walks into your property it doesnt exist is rediculous.

      This is why the reports are so sparse across Australia but these reports are there.

    14. You’ll be at it a while... Stuey doesn’t read properly the best of times, but when he’s role-playing someone, he’ll simply repeat himself for the sake of trying to aggravate.

    15. ... “10 foot tall apemen” being his favourite description.

    16. ^ Believes in 10 foot tall apemen"... in his nightmares they have Stuey faces.

    17. I am convinced by the evidence for “10 foot tall apemen". Role-playing empires; not so much.

    18. Humans exist so I'll take role playing over bigfoot any day, you've still failed to prove the existence of bigfoot

    19. I’ve not proven the existence of Bigfoot, no... but I can reference the work of others who have proven that a creature with the same anatomy as Bigfoot is leaving its sign on two continents. Role-playing hoaxing empires; not so much... and just like a good little fundie, you’ll proceed to follow your faith over basic scientific principles.

  3. So from your enormous knowledge of Yowies. You know that they don't live in an area they just move around. What is that based on. Have you tracked a yowie? Maybe you have put a tracking device on one. It seems like you are moving the goal posts to suit your story.

    1. them, they are written by real people and have sent you a link.
      However if this scaring I am really sorry go back to your pretend world where only Rabbits and Pigs exist so you can feel comfortable in thinking that you are the only thing that is in existance in your own back yard and Lord of your own Fence line.

      I wouldnt want you to start hiding under your bed sucking your thumb from fear would we now?

    2. ... And this is just it, he doesn’t read anything. Stuey will assert something for YEARS without actually looking into it. He’s a lazy slob who thinks by using this subject to lure people into negativity, he can work on his self-esteem issues. He’s spent so much time isolated on the internet that he believes he can control topics via comment sections, and he has this bizarre “world audience” to perform to.

      Unfortunately... This subject attracts some of the craziest people out there.

    3. The crazy the insular and those that just plain dont want it reported.

    4. Just because you read and accept bullshit as fact because it fits your agenda doesn't mean everyone else is as foolish

    5. Hmmm... Now please tell us about your globe-hopping hoaxers who don’t appear to have a single bit of coherency in their alleged methods... who have impossibly low numbers to achieve all the activity and evidence around North America, Asia, Russia and Australia, who are in cahoots with PhD’s, who nobody reports seeing, and who dodge loaded weapons all year round.

      Something about “agendas”?

    6. 4:50 is missing some commas and an apostrophe. In addition, the sentence gave the impression that a mentally unstable troll puked a bunch of random words onto the screen whilst getting off to himself. I'm not sure even you know what the hell you were trying to get across to us, but as long as you rubbed one out you achieved your goal. 9:25 needs to end his sentence with a period.

      Miss. Green

  4. Happy Easter Superfriends!!

  5. I accidentally cut myself and started bleeding. I got a yowie.


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