Strange Bigfoot Footage

Mountain Beast Mysteries on youtube shares a strange bigfoot sighting known as the Peguis Tape. Does the footage show the real thing?


  1. I don't think this is real. Seems very fake and hoaxy. The fact that bigfoot doesn't exist also makes it hard to believe.

    1. Bigfoot is real, because not only is there peer reviewed science for its existence, but that evidence transcends 60 years, having produced the exact same morphological congruency before particular replica casts were made, and before things like mid-tarsal breaks had attention drawn to them. These being aligned with track ways that show that a genuine biological foot has made contact with the ground. Circular reasoning and conspiracy theories don’t abide by the standards of science.

    2. Wow 9:07 it's shocking that you value you're time as being worth so little that you waste it ALL here on a hoax. Now that truly is what I find hard to believe.

    3. Well I need my laugh for the day so.....

    4. Stuey is the one absolutely obsessed with bigfoot.

      And conversation with others other than him/herself

      And joe

      And ikitomi

    5. ^ and he/she also needs a LOT of attention

    6. Stu is hung like an armadillo. 1.5 inches and thin as a toothpick.

    7. His wife used to say "What was that? Did I just get mosquito bit?!" before she left him. Now she just tells all her friends and they laugh.

  2. Real or not, its interesting.

  3. OMGoodness! This is so fake that it's hard to believe that anyone would fall for this. It's totally asinine. You've got to be a total dim bulb dumbass to fall for this.


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