Oklahoma Bigfoot Howls Recorded

Check out these creepy vocalizations that were recorded in southeastern Oklahoma. This area has a long history of bigfoot encounters. Some of them not so friendly.


  1. Would any of you gents like to hear my howls that were recorded at my flat last night when I had a sexy bloke over for a visit ?


    1. Compulsive need to control at all costs- classic sign of a malignant narcissist/ psychopath. 7 years here and not one day of control for Stu. Its steaming him alive.

    2. I thought that I’ve supposedly been here for eight years in your role playing imagination? Now it’s only seven? =~(

    3. Wow.... You are so insane. Its not gonna happen Stu.


    4. I know someone else who doesn’t understand the difference between “its” and “it’s.” Oopsie! Sock puppet much there champ? Ha ha ha!

    5. Don’t mind Stuey... He’s exhausted from saving everyone from the “kind of real harm that fringe pseudoscience can inflict upon the world“ all week.

    6. Yeah, sort of like a certain someone who “built” an entire case of alleged sock puppetry around the use of a dash! Ha ha ha! You’d better go back to your ikdummy account and try to rescue yourself from the mess you’ve made! Ha ha ha!

    7. The strain is showing. On the bright side he's become quite the whistle blower on missing commas and uppercase letters. His first grade teacher would likely roll over in her grave.

    8. IktomiSunday, March 4, 2018 at 1:54:00 PM PST

      I think you’d need to self-reflect on your grammar before making any such suggestion.

    9. And here you are putting so much attention to it! Yay for you!!

    10. I guess ikdummy’s sock puppet doesn’t like a taste of his own medicine. =~(

    11. Nobody upset here but you. You've come a long way on your spelling. For years you were the worst speller on this blog. I secretly thought you were mentally challenged because it was so atrocious. Iktomis lessons are having a good effect on you! Feel free to continue to correct my comments, it doesn't mean much to me. I freely admit I'm not perfect.

    12. I’ve got lists... LISTS of evidence for your sockpuppeting Stu. And Cuicn is correct. The strain is showing. Why do you do it to yourself? You try and troll only to end up feeling even worse about yourself. D. Dover did a great job of exposing you years ago. This is nothing new...

    13. Though on a side note I noticed how you tried to divert the attention onto spelling and grammar away from the
      compulsive need to control at all costs- classic sign of a malignant narcissist/ psychopath. The little ditty you just executed above proves it. Tah tah!!

    14. It’s like jabbing a stick into a wasp’s nest — the blind fury is a sight to behold! Ha ha ha!

    15. Everything Stuey does is a reflection on his world. There’s just too many psychologists writing about it now. Lack of control, self-esteem, with anger issues and depression.

    16. i yearn for the day when we wont have to worry about Stu and his vile rants on here. Then maybe we could all go back to discussing actual bigfoot evidence without the toddler bothering us


    17. Assuming any of that crap were true, you seem to be admitting that I have a “world” — although with your awful diction, it’s difficult to understand what the hell you mean most of the time.

      In contrast, the comment section of this blog IS your “world.” Just take a look at the comments that have been left here for the past eight years — oh wait, maybe it was seven years? Ha ha ha!

    18. Its all insane babble... Such a nut case.^


    19. Anybody wanna laugh? Stuey claiming that he picked his “,,,,,,,,,,” grammar up whilst “travelling”. Which just so happens to be ANOTHER grammatical coincidence to F-AC Collins,


      Remember “AC Collins” who was a paranormal-woo Bigfoot fan? I’ll leave you decide whether that was Stuey role-playing or that’s actually him full-time.

    20. Oh yeah, where did he travel to for the grammar lessons? The magic air force base? It seems to me here MAY have been a real AC Collins here about 6 years ago but Stu has been sock puppeting that name since.

    21. There’s that possibility too.

      Either way, something about Bigfoot really scarred Stuey somehere along the way. Can you imagine being so scarred by Bigfoot that you partake in 8 years of antisocial behaviours?

      Get over it like.

    22. It’s scary how “manaiacally” obsessed you are with me. You’ve been trying to track me (or various people you think are all one person) for eight years! Ha ha ha!

    23. Sockpuppets need exposing... And don’t pretend the dossier doesn’t break you. I’ve now not only got you on everything you’ve always worshipped about anti-Bigfoot, but for your precioussssssssss sockpuppeting too.

    24. Stuey is such a train wreck it's mind boggling.

    25. We can't blame ourselves for stopping and staring. Its only natural.

    26. Funny how anonymous cheerleaders pop in and parrot you just as you’re offering a lecture about sock puppeting! Your brazenness is impressive.

      And your “dossier” doesn’t break me (whatever the hell that means). For you to be so enamored with me that you’d attempt to write my biography (aka my “dossier”) is actually quite flattering!

      Thanks bud! =~)

    27. Sure Stuey... now proceed to go cry about me for the next ten threads.

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!


    28. Laters ikdummy, you definitely need the sleep after your latest marathon session of nonstop posting. If you have trouble getting to sleep, you could always stroke off while reading the biography of me that you’ve written!

      Ha ha ha ha ha!

    29. Only Stuey would consider a daily smack down as flattering lol!

    30. Poor IkkyJo - he`s been totally battered almost non-stop this week - I guess the rage and internal strife is drowned with 2 litre bottles of cheapo cider - the chemical cider-shite that hasn`t been near an apple but is at least cheap for him to buy large quantities of - it`s a matter of oblivion for him.

    31. poor, poor stuey, gets owned on here every single day and keeps coming back like the bloody energizer bunny !
      Gotta give the lad some credit for being so resilient !
      and when i say lad i know we are talking about a man old enough to be a grandfather , a sick perverted one at that


  2. Poor Stuey, hes stuck here on this blog. His tulpa wont let him leave.

    1. ^ can`t exist without his anger and rage - Stuey is his nemesis he cannot expel from his mind.

      hahah hahah hahahahahah


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