Interview with the Great John Bindernagel

Here's an interview with the late, great bigfoot researcher John Bindernagel. Enjoy.


  1. EHhh. Sasquatch science is stuck in the past.

    1. Where are the young bindernagels and meldrums? ikdummy is grandfather aged and uncredentialed as well as unintelligent, uneducated, and unstable and racist. Who will carry the bigfoot torch?

    2. ikdummy is the best we have sadly. =~(

    3. Why is our bigfoot torch bearer called ikdummÿ? It makes him sound like he's dumb or a dummy.

    4. My theory is that, with the word “dummy” in his name, no one expects anything intelligent to come out of ikdummy so it’s not too difficult for him to meet such a low standard.

    5. “Where are the young bindernagels and meldrums?”

      When To Use Capital Letters;

    6. ^ uncredentialed gramps ikdummy

    7. Never mess with old people, they didnt get as old as they are by being stupid!

    8. Are you projecting being called an old man for the past couple of years now?

      Tut, tut...

      Is there anything you don’t project when sensitive about it? Someone with as many emotional issues as you, probably shouldn’t be scanning over old comments looking for dirt.

    9. ikdummy is 36 but has the wisdom of a preschooler.

    10. So am I 36, or an old man?

      There’s as much coherency here as your ad hoc role-playing fallacy.

    11. CHICK CHICKSaturday, March 24, 2018 at 2:25:00 PM PDT
      The strain is showing. On the bright side he's become quite the whistle blower on missing commas and uppercase letters. His first grade teacher would likely roll over in her grave.

    12. I’m not the only one who’s noticed.

    13. If you’re gonna run around using grammar correction apps on peoples comments, you’d better start using it on your own first.

      ... Stuey the goddess.

    14. I think you meant “people’s” ikdummy. Ha ha ha!

    15. Impressive, ikdummy. Every word in that sentence was wrong.

    16. ikdummy’s brain must have exploded as he was attempting to type a comment free of any first grade misspellings or grammatical errors! Ha ha ha!

    17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    18. But please feel free to elaborate on how “,,,,,,,,,,,,,” constitutes being “well travelled and cultured”. Since you’re so much more advanced than everyone else.

    19. “Where are the young bindernagels and meldrums?”

    20. Didn't you mean ”Bindernagel’s and Meldrum’s?”

    21. ^ Met his match in The Stuey,his Nemesis.

    22. This interview must have been conducted via seance...seeing as he`s been dead some time now.

    23. Actually Stuey, you looked silly with capitals (again), and then to try and worm out of it you referred to yourself as a goddess.

      I’ve certainly met my match alright.


    24. LOL, so now Joe is lecturing on capitalization after incorrectly harping about capitalization in usernames for years.

      You really have no shame, do you, you stinking bag of rotten pus?

    25. Your irony knows no bounds.You should realize you are incorrectly using apostrophes in your correction:

      "Didn't you mean ”Bindernagel’s and Meldrum’s?”

      Using apostrophe here is incorrect.

      You are such a moron.

    26. dMaKeR and Stuart are kindred spirits and bosom friends. They are both nasty and mean old men who's wives have left them for greener pastures.

      Hell, I suspect DS wouldn't get up to half the shenanigans he does if there was a partner involved. She would probably light the garden on fire and be done with it.

    27. ikdummÿ has trouble making connections between things. He knows that an "s" can denote possession but his "brain" shuts down when he contemplates plurality, as in the concept of multiple, other, or addition "Bindernagels", people who are like Bindernagel but not him.

      Remember, ikdummy is the guy that believes the premise that there are 10000 angry naked men perpetually hiding in US forests who are 10 feet tall and weigh 1000 pounds because science proves it.

    28. I have no idea who Stuart is, nor do I pay attention to any anonymous comments here usually.

    29. In the mind of nuttytomi we are all "stuey" because he just can't believe there is more than one posting these comments. He hates anyone who doesn't buy into his arguments and doesn't believe Bigfoot exists.

    30. ikdummÿ will see the same 6:31 on Dmaker's post and the one above it and "know" that they are the same person posting on different browsers or devices. He will also "know" that 6:40 is me as well.

    31. donny, stuey and brucie are all kindered spirits and most likely they are old bitter men with an axe to grind on anyone having the remotest bit of fun.
      they do need a 4th horsemen of the insanity to join in their humorless fete
      don't eat too much chocolate this weekend lads


    32. Ha ha ha!!

      For “10000 angry naked men perpetually hiding in US forests who are 10 feet tall and weigh 1000 pounds”, I have peer reviewed science behind. Three decades that have produced the exact same morphological congruency, before particular replica casts were made, and before things like mid-tarsal breaks had attention drawn to them... aligned with track ways that show that a genuine biological foot has made contact with the ground. Conspiracy theories; not so much.

      And Baby-D is just angry that he got smoked not using capitals again;
      DonWednesday, December 11, 2013 at 6:44:00 AM PST
      And he has them man-boobs......egghhhh

    33. Oh, and not only have I caught Baby-D commenting anonymously in the past, but there is one troll... there has only ever been one troll, and there will only ever be one troll.

    34. Anon 7:21 iktomi's buttboy or iktomi himself? YOU be the judge.

    35. Didn’t you once claim that what Baby-D says is “almost spiritual”?

      What a f’n creepy guy.

    36. This comment has been removed by the author.

    37. Christ on a bike, I wish I could have read that.

    38. LOL. A simple, empty, deleted comment and Joe loses his mind.

      Fun, fun, fun!

    39. ^ Literary moron.

      and beaten down time and again...not that he would "no" that himself...cause he hasn`t the faintest idea what he is speaking of.

      hahah hahah hahahaha

      Sheesh...what a fucking idiot.

      hahah hahah hahahahah

    40. Oops!

      Stop ya whining and debunk the evidence.



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  3. hahah hahah that tomiJoechild has had his ass handed to him yet again - he was up all night fuming and raging because he was outshone yet again...the bags around his eyes betray the sleepless nights of perspiration and worry.

    hahah hahaha hahahahahahah

    1. AnonymousTuesday, March 27, 2018 at 8:08:00 PM PDT
      I think Bigfoot fits in the imagination of some wishful people.

      AnonymousWednesday, March 28, 2018 at 8:08:00 PM
      I think the soldier has PTSD - he is hallucinating.

      AnonymousThursday, March 29, 2018 at 10:30:00 PM PDT
      Where are the young bindernagels and meldrums? ikdummy is grandfather aged and uncredentialed as well as unintelligent, uneducated, and unstable and racist. Who will carry the bigfoot torch?

    2. ^ This is the first thing you have posted that makes sense! Congratulations nuttytomi.

    3. If you didn’t notice... it’s the amount of time you’ve been on the internet without sleeping, worrying about me and “mythical creatures”.


    4. ^ desperately rushing to each post trying to fend off the is getting to him and the raging internal combustion is blowing for us to laugh about.

      hahah hahaha hahahahaha

    5. (Emotionaless monotone)

      Oh no. How will I cope?

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