Gifts From Sasquatch

Some people believe bigfoot leave gifts for them to find. If bigfoot isn't doing these things, then what is? Take a look at this:


  1. This has been shown to be pure bunkum by scientists...hasn`t it.

    1. ^ Um...there is no proof of this at all.

    2. Scientists don`t need to bother to show this is nonsense...the whole idea is based on "say so" and that is the proof these liars recount.

    3. There is not proof that this happened... There is however proof that the subject has repeatable scientific evidence. There is no proof the scientists have debunked the immediate article, nor the subject in general.

      So is it proof or lies? You’re babbling there, Stuey.

    4. He's probably mixing his crazy meds with all that booze again.

    5. ^ Scientists have stated on many occasions that bigfoot is not real.They have also stated that there is no evidence for the creature.Therefore no specific rebuttal of this particular article is required for the whole bigfoot issue is stated in the negaitive by the scientific community.

    6. Ummm, kay, well we have a creature that science says is real so I don't know what your talking about.

    7. You are well within reason to claim that the majority of scientists reject the existence of Bigfoot being real. However... A lack of evidence for that majority allegedly offering consideration to something like evidence, is not evidence of them denouncing said evidence. What you DO have, like in the lists of scientists I can provide, are some experts who have spent much of their adult lives around primates in the wild, and who are encouraged by the notion having given evidence a genuine consideration. I could just as easily claim that this majority of the world’s scientists DO in fact offer a positive consideration to the evidence but are too afraid to commit publicly. There would be just as much evidence for that, and I would be jumped all over for being a biased fantasist.

      So though no specific rebuttal of this particular article is needed, YOU, Stuey, very much need a rebuttal for the subject in general. If a critic asserts that there is evidence for disproof, he is making a claim and therefore also has to bear a burden of proof. I think the cause of your meltdown, is the fact that the more extraordinary a claim, the heavier is the burden of proof demanded... And there's an awful lot to explain away if you think all the evidence is the result of hoaxing and misidentification.

      8 years and that all you have are the 4 C’s... and for something allegedly that should be easy to disprove. What a klutz.

    8. Is crazy one of those 4 c's? Because Stu has a lot of that.

      Oh yeah, and creep. He has a lot of creep factor too.

  2. I thought it was a good video also. Weither its true or not its entertainment.


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