A Girl Gets Stalked By A Wendigo

From the Supernaturalist channel on youtube:

The Supernaturalist Channel Presents:
Stalked by a Real Wendigo? or Stalked by a Real Skinwalker?
A girl recounts her nightmare of being stalked by a wendigo. Or was she stalked by a skinwalker? All she knows is something mimicked the voice of her grandma and tried to lure her out of the house when she was just a little girl.


  1. Oh this one - this was easily debunked by scientists wasn`t it - plus,Stephen Hawking said so too.

    1. ^ And so was your sanity.88888888 ^

    2. ^ I like getting "storked" by my men friends who call me Wendy...cos I am his bitch,


  2. "Stalked by a Real Wendigo? or Stalked by a Real Skinwalker?"

    I will believe this only if Swamp Dweller says it is TRUE.

  3. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/space/go-for-launch/la-sci-sn-monkeys-cooperation-sharing-20180330-story.html

    So much for the religion of silence.

    Couldnt even fathom that maybe these monkeys are friends and do what friends do. A very arrogant and self blinded religion


    1. What is the "religion of silence"?

    2. I meant science

      Fat fingered


    3. They act hollier than thou to make peoole think that they know it all.

      Scientists are only in it for the money any book writing deals

    4. These "scientists you so disdain are responsible for all of us enjoying a better life in almost every area of study.

      The study of Bigfoot - not so much. It has contributed however in the world of humor.

    5. https://www.google.com/search?redir_esc=&client=ms-android-americamovil-us&hl=en-US&safe=images&oe=utf-8&q=tesla+einstein+quote&source=android-browser-suggest&qsubts=1522430712045#imgrc=8dpwFS5RQz3toM:

      As you get more age and experience you will realise that science is the quest for knowledge. Meaning that they are admittingly lacking there of

      Inventors who are for the most part alone with their thoughts are responsible for the world we live in

    6. https://www.google.com/search?q=tesla+einstein+quote&client=ms-android-americamovil-us&hl=en-US&source=android-browser-suggest&prmd=nisv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjbyLLVy5TaAhXS3FMKHW7iBPYQ_AUIEigC&biw=360&bih=569#imgrc=S6O2hwMEMhXNNM:

      Enough said

    7. You don’t seem to laugh very much about Bigfoot, Stuey... You’re awake 48 hours on the bounce worrying about it. And the scientific standard now applies to “Bigfoot”. So people with Finding Bigfoot and the media’s publicised hoaxes as the extent of their knowledge can laugh all they like... they’re now laughing at the repeatable scientific evidence.

    8. What a difference a week makes!

      IktomiWednesday, March 21, 2018 at 1:38:00 AM PDT
      What enthusiasts can prove, is that there is a human-primate, nearly twice the size of average people, with the exact same widely reported anatomy, leaving its sign all over North America.

      IktomiWednesday, March 28, 2018 at 11:20:00 AM PDT
      We have a lot of different descriptions.

    9. ^ cant stay on topic

      Dietary related issues

    10. There is no such thing as the second “quote” you made up. But here we go Stuey, here’s where I made you learn a little more about the subject the first time around;


      And Stuey, you need to learn to f’n read properly. The first quote is in reference to the peer reviewed archaic foot matching exactly what people report in “Bigfoot”. Essentially adding perspective, that only one creature with that anatomical feature is likely to be running around the US. How can you expect people to not believe you’re merely running a grammar correction app on people’s comments, you can’t even read properly? I’d be more concerned about debunking evidence mate, your self-esteem depends upon it. And stick to making up your role-play empire, that’s far funnier.

    11. Okay 10:31 I agree, scientists continue to quest for knowledge...when there is ample evidence for them to do so (cue same, old, tired retort from nuttytomi).

      "Inventors who are for the most part alone with their thoughts are responsible for the world we live in."

      Sure.....except for the ones who invented the Bigfoot myth (cue same, old, tired retort from nuttytomi).

    12. Can you imagine if bears were only known from blurry photos, fake prints, campfire stories.... etc... and there were never any expeditions to find any?

      LOLOOLZLZOZOLOLOOLLL!!!!!!! How do you get bifoot role players to snap out of it?

    13. Ha ha ha, so the “widely reported anatomy” only refers to the “peer reviewed” foot structure? The natives were using a magnifying glass to “widely report” on these features for centuries? And I noticed that the one example you offered was a set of photos of a stylized foot cast with only four toes and which was used as a serving bowl!!! Is that what was “widely reported”??? Ha ha ha! Please keep talking ikdummy!

    14. Stuey... There is 60 years of ample evidence. So much so that some of it adheres to the scientific standard, has the scientific method applied, now peer reviewed. A fifth of this physical evidence was ample for primatologists to start tracking the Bili Ape. Myths don’t leave physical evidence. Whilst it is impossible for people to invent impressions over three decades that have produced the exact same morphological congruency, before particular replica casts were made, and before things like mid-tarsal breaks had attention drawn to them. These being aligned with track ways that show that a genuine biological foot has made contact with the ground. Circular reasoning and conspiracy theories don’t abide by the standards of science... So let’s not pretend a couple of quotes achieves that eh? Plus, there’s so much clarity in this;
      ... that we can compare it to the skin folds of the elderly.

      One of the oldest native names for this creature is "Shoonshoonootr", one of the few native words to literally translate as “big foot”, giving us some indication of how long physical evidence for this creature has been surfacing. It is generally accepted by modern anthropology that Native Americans have inhabited North America for 14,000 years.

      “The first two images (top) on the right show the foot, from below and above. The third images shows the foot in the hands of a lady museum curator. The last image shows what the complete foot possibly would have looked like--the bowl portion on the front end has been duplicated, placed upside-down on the lower end, and the toes deleted. The length of the foot is about 8.8 inches, as is. Adding the lower portion, a shown, would make the total foot about 12.3 inches, although there may have been a more extended heel.”

      That’s how Natives documented what they were finding and seeing, in their culture. And you can see where one toe has fallen off.

    15. st-st-stuey is a peer reviewed loon of the highest degree.
      He must buy coffee by the bin full so he can stay awake at all hours to be able to comment on here so often
      you really need a life dear stewie


    16. Stuey knows science so well. It’s why he adheres to the 4 C’s...

      Circular logic

    17. Unfortunately for you, Wayne Suttles (who was "the leading authority on the ethnology and linguistics of the Coast Salish people of the Northwest Coast of North America") disagreed with you:

      "How consistent are the Coast Salish descriptions of the creatures that fit the minimal description of the hypothetical hominid? As I have already indicated; they are not very consistent. Nocturnal habits are mentioned most often and where not mentioned it could be an accidental omission. Hair covering the body is not consistently mentioned and some descriptions seem to imply a more human covering. About half the descriptions mention the habit of stealing food, less than half the stealing of women and children. In some they speak but in others they cannot speak but whistle. They may travel through water or avoid water. In one area they have unbending legs that allows them to run downhill only. In another they have spikes on their toes for kicking people. Some of them seem to have the rudiments of culture, others do not."

      From "On The Cultural Track of the Sasquatch"

    18. ^ Did they like men only orgies with men in skirts and thigh high stockings - push it harder and call me Wendy...hmmm,


    19. Yeah, you first published it in October of 2017, and this was my reply;

      To reel off various inconsistencies does by no means invalidate the actual consistencies which are plenty... Which the paper you linked to does pretty wonderfully at times. This is a typical smoke and mirrors tactic that pseudoscpetics enjoy. To elaborate... As westerners, we have all sorts of folklore, legends & mythology that were contemporary to accepted animals both extant and extinct, as well as historical events. Native Americans are no different... They have all sorts of quite beautiful though very obviously fantastically impossible myths about creatures, contemporary to events that are passed down in oral histories. The simple facts are, that for thousands of years, people from different cultures across the country, AND the world have been reporting the exact same tall hairy biped, which has been leaving enormous footprints all over the globe. Descriptions from people who wouldn’t be questioned regarding any other subject, that are consistent over thousands of years. Regardless of things like the Bukwus (a skeletal, long-haired wild man of Kwakiutl legend, largely misunderstood to be the Salishan Sasquatch, but the two creatures are extremely different), or the fire breathing dragon of medieval Europe that brave knights battled with chivalry... It has no bearing on the creatures that DO have consistency, and have physical evidence in the present to point to.

      To address some of the points in the extract...
      • Most sightings reports occur in day time, leading plenty of researchers to refute the idea that they are nocturnal.
      • There have most certainly been a race of “giants” (7-8 feet tall and not biblical versions) in the US, as do the many documented archeological studies attest to. Whether these were hair covered or not will never really be known, but if not, and the hairy bipeds who lived contemporary to them outlived them to this day... Then you have proof of such legends regarding “more human covered” beings. The fact that such oral histories were contemporary to those of Sasq’ets, does nothing in any way shape or form to harm the latter.
      • The fact that half of these oral histories claim that these hominins steal food is expected, given general temperaments of different individuals, as well as circumstances that may render them opportunistic.
      • And as for woman and children being taken, according to Kathy Strain (an anthropologist employed as the Forest Heritage Resource and Tribal Relations Programs Manager for the Stanislaus National Forest, located in Sonora, California), though this indeed occurred, it is in fact men that were taken more than anything. She does state that nearly all the tribes in the US regarded them as cannibals, with a few tribes referring to them as a “brother”.
      • Choosing to speak or whistle is again consistent with current reports and is typical of a sentient wild human being able to choose the manner in which the communicate. And they may travel through water or not? Some people don’t always like the water see.

    20. lktomi states "A fifth of this physical evidence was ample for primatologists to start tracking the Bili Ape". Well guess what? They found it! In the middle of the Congo in Africa! lktomi also states "There is 60 years of ample evidence". Well guess what? With all this evidence Bigfoot is still not recognized as a fact in spite of reports of sightings every day right here in the US with all these people out looking for it that we read about everyday on this site.

      Of course the Bili ape does not have the super evasion abilities that Bigfoot has (at least that will be the excuse).

    21. So Stuey... in relation to what was presented in the comment preceding yours, what was Wayne Suttles meant to be disagreeing with me about? When you’re rehashing arguments that got annihilated the first time around, try and make them at least relevant, eh?

    22. And guess what it took to find the Bili Ape, Stuey? A funded expedition? And guess what hasn’t happened yet for Bigfoot, Stuey? In the middle of the PNW? Actually, with all the evidence, regardless of off-putting hoaxes and the fact that scientists are restricted to invest enthusiasm, the subject still has evidence that’s now peer reviewed. And for what has largely amateur researchers looking for it daily, we have three databases of reports that accompany 60 years of physical evidence.

      And actually, the Bili Ape does have very efficient methods of evasion, since it took a while year to track it down.


    23. " since it took a while year to track it down"

      Well I don't know what a "while year" is but I do know they had to track it in the MIDDLE OF AFRICA so that would make it a little more difficult don't you think? Much harder than in the backyard of some person's house or in areas with few trees as has been reported.

      Don't you wonder with ALL this evidence why self-respecting scientists continue to laugh it off? Because the evidence never amounts to anything substantial. Give them a piece of a Bigfoot and I GUARANTEE a expedition would be funded immediately.

      Talk about Klutz's - these amateur investigators out looking for it must be totally inept if they can't produce better evidence after all this time. Hahaha - three databases of STORIES!

    24. in between munching on his doritos stu must have missed the info about the bili ape being found by a funded expedition and it's habitat was not as huge as the pacific northwest or the deep woods of California where few humans dare venture. if we had a properly funded scientific expedition instead of backwards hillbillies than we would see something significant come from it but til then let stu enjoy his nascar and mountain dew while he trolls this site 24-7


    25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    26. It makes no different whatsoever. One might simply argue that Sasq’ets are far more human, which their descriptions clearly indicate, which means far more difficult to track. The fact that it took that long to track a non-human primate indicates how much of a need for a funded professional body of experts is needed. I can quite easily publish the words MIDDLE OF THE PNW in capitals, or the MIDDLE OF NORTH AMERICA, what’s your point?

      The reasons why the evidence isn't chased up by mainstream scientists are;
      1. If scientists are interested in studying the topic, unless they are already established then they have careers and credibility to look out for.
      2. The general public which account for people in all professions including mainstream scientists, have "flag ships" like Finding Bigfoot as the main mainstream output, which would make anyone remotely intelligent cynical.
      3. Hoaxes always get massive publicity.
      4. When people are already suspicious of the credibility of the subject, they'll settle very quickly for an uncountered "debunking" due to the "extraordinary" nature of what's being proposed. However, should these people listen to the actual experts' counter opinions to these shoddy "debunkings", they'll realise very quickly that the evidence is reliable by consistent scientific standards. The problem is the only people who realise this are those willing to put in the time to look at it.

      And you can keep dodging it... but the evidence of which has been peer reviewed is substantial enough to reference as repeatable scientific evidence. Do you understand the relevance of that type of data? And they’re not inept, since for the 60 year these amateur researchers have been looking they have every piece of evidence just short of type specimen; evidence that wouldn’t exist if the hominin leaving it didn’t. “Better evidence”, meaning a body, needs better funding, better resources and better experts. But you carry on and recline on your special pleading and “stories”. Let’s be honest, you can’t be expected to be man enough to challenge something that’s already proven to be way above you.

    27. Ikdummy, you just wrote:

      “To reel off various inconsistencies does by no means invalidate the actual consistencies which are plenty... “

      But earlier in this thread, you wrote that the “consistencies” were:

      “[I]n reference to the peer reviewed archaic foot matching exactly what people report in ‘Bigfoot’.”

      Which is it — “Plenty” of consistencies or just the “archaic foot” consistency? You reverse your own nonsensical logic depending upon which argument you’re trying to support all in the same thread! And then you throw in photos of an ancient piss bowl for good measure! Ha ha ha! Keep talking please!

    28. Sorry Stuey... now I know you’re reeling from making yourself look like an idiot with your incoherent role-playing empire, but I’ve been very clear.

      There are too many consistencies down through the ages with the behaviour and features of these hominins. And above in reference to your first word play attempt, the peer reviewed archaic foot matches exactly what people report in “Bigfoot”.

      I do realise I’m exchanging with someone who’s invented comments from me to obviously project the incoherent fantasies of a conspiracy theorist.

    29. IktomiWednesday, March 21, 2018 at 1:16:00 AM PDT
      And talking of “spins”... we started off with 100 role-players that account for entire US and Canada, then it was ”an overwhelming majority” that were misidentifying, then it was all “a joke”, then we went around two more times with the aforementioned, then the role-players amounted to five (four of which were frequenters to this blog), THEN just three... THEN role-play was split into two camps (“producers and consumers”)... then we bounced back and forth from role-players to misidentification again about two more times... to where we are now with you relegating your US role-players to impossible hoaxing numbers after applying a deflection comparison tactic. ALL THE WHILE NEVER ONCE ADDRESSING THE EVIDENCE THAT’S PEER REVIEWED. All because you were asked the first question ever about your conspiracy theory. A month down the line and we’re still no closer to the first bit of coherency about these impossibly low in numbers, super-human evading, bullet dodging role-players that nobody EVER reports. You klutz, ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      ... Stuey never attempts anything that he can’t project. This is because not only can he not think for himself, but due to being so sensitive, he needs to project to take some control over these things so they’re not used to hurt his feelings anymore.

    30. Wow, someone really put ikdummy in a lather today!

    31. Add this to the big learning list Stuart.

  4. The Stuey obsession ikkychild has is hilarious...there is hardly a post without a diatribe from him...and ikkyboy says he isn`t on his mind...not many,Benny.


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