Figures in the Trees - British Bigfoot

From British Bigfoot Reports, a couple takes photos while they're out in the woods because they felt like something was there with them. Things started getting scary when they noticed figures in the trees.


  1. Why would iktomi dismiss british bigfoot reports when they exhibit the exact same "scary figure in the woods" narrative that he has no trouble believing when the country in question is America? Is the location of North America, perhaps in combination with his fascination with native indian folklore, an essential part of his LARPing when it comes to bigfoot?

    1. ^ Who cares - nobody bothers with him here anyway and he is simply dismissed along with his bum-chum buddy Joe.

    2. ^ plus,he sucks dick and has fishy-smell breath.

      Yukkkkkkk, what a dog !



    4. IktomiWednesday, February 21, 2018 at 7:20:00 AM PST
      I have the scientific method applied to this subject, plus average height & weight ratios & Gaussian distribution ascertained from physical evidence over a 60 year period. I can support the fact that SOME level of a breeding population exists based on that data. By this basis, I can estimate that at least 10,000 “Bigfoot” are currently in the US and Canada.

      IktomiTuesday, February 20, 2018 at 11:37:00 PM PST

      ***There is as of yet, no physical evidence for “Bigfoot” in the UK. When that’s sourced, then I’m happy to go along with it.***

      There are over 200 sightings a year to which is likely just the tip of the iceberg to what is really being witnessed, as people don’t report it due to ridicule, careers to look after, etc. Thus, that amount of witness reports in the UK accumulated over many decades might be of the same frequency of reports that are indeed attributed to wishful thinking and suggestion in the US. Either way... the physical evidence in the US is in abundance. So much so that average weight & height ratios can be ascertained, as well as Gaussian distribution pointed to. Plus it’s bee peer reviewed.

    5. ^ There are your two rehashed queries answered many, many hours ago.

      Now, your turn... How many role-players do you estimate, are running around the wilderness of the US in gorilla costumes, planting tracks, holding and attending events?

    6. Meldrum came up with 10,000 you chimp. You said before that you didnt know the number but were "cool" with the number that Meldrum formulated.

      You're a liar.

    7. Meldrum did indeed come up with it. However reflecting on the readily available data, I can whole heartedly agree with him. 10,000 apemen seems utterly plausible. Congratulations Jeff!!

      So... How’s about that answer? The more you’re dragging this out on every comment section, the more you’re simply adding to your frustration, Stuey.

    8. No Stuey... you have put words in my mouth for about a year on this “10,000 apemen”. But I’m actually happy to go with it in light of an anthropologist’s opinion, and the readily available data.

      Are you happy to go along with 10,000 role-players?

    9. ^ nobody cares what you have to offer - it`s akin to verbal dogdhit - you asshole sniffboy

    10. Well a certain amount of PhD’s were happy with it.

      Maybe you can consult a probability expert, since you’re so sure I’m alone on that matter?

    11. Hmmm... a “lie” that I can actually back up with data.

      How’s that figure on role-players coming along? Remember they’ve been shortened considerably by people misidentifying, of course.

    12. Nice to see you admit to role playing Joe/ Lucy

    13. “So what you’re saying is...”

      Not sure where you’ve got that from Einstein. Does this mean I’m in counted in the world-wide empire of role-players?

    14. We’ll move on to your world-empire... as soon as wel can eat some clarity on a figure for the US role-play community.

    15. ... Since you were “joking” about there being just 100 role-players partaking in planting tracks, running around in gorilla costumes and holding/attending events all over the US.

      Since we’ve eradicated most of the hoaxing due to alleged misidentification... Maybe we can start looking at little case studies of reports and see how this new ad hoc applies? Hopefully you’ll be able to provide some consistency to your ideas and not backtrack this time?

    16. I will provide you just what you provide as proof, nothing , you reap what you sow, you'll get back just what you've given and like it.Now isn't it time for night nights in your asylum?

    17. You really are a fool, its great people realize you just made up numbers and facts, save your demands,only honest people are acknowledged

    18. Night nights you big girl, have a nice seethe

    19. ^hands down pants lol! Stus a sicko.

    20. Stuart... “proof” is a body. But the evidence that was good enough to begin funding an expedition to track the Bili Ape didn’t require a body first (that’s the “cart before the horse”, an idiom about another concept that you’ve butchered). And the evidence at this stage of comparative research for American hominins dwarfs that which was good enough for he Bili Ape; essentially a man sized primate. So whilst I don’t have a body to reference... I also don’t have an expedition to demonstrate that such a find is anything remotely unlikely. A body therefore at the very least being a negative proof fallacy. I can provide evidence for the basis in which I can make an estimated figure... You apparently cannot. An estimation is by definition a rough calculation to judge the value, number, quantity, or extent of something. And whilst supporting data puts into perspective how much of an educated estimation mine is, I’m at least not doing it on a made up subject...

      You dear Stuey, very much appear to be.

    21. And you provide nothing, because this is what your religion is based upon; nothing. Not even a moment’s logical reflection.

    22. Is this finally the figure on role-players Stuey?




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