Knox County Bigfoot Update

Bigfooter Jerry Cline sits down and gives an update on whats going on with Knox County Bigfoot.


  1. Why is it that they never prove bigfoot's existence? After 45 years of waiting, I'm starting to think that bigfoot is just folklore.

    1. ^ Bigfoot has the ability to change dimension at will...silly!

    2. Lots of evidence but you just seem too thick headed to take a look. if it's just folklore than please do us a favor and leave this blog and go habitat the Kardashian fan pages


    3. Fake Joe, only a numpty like you would think that there’s any reliable evidence for Bigfoot. And don’t be a patoot and mention the PGF because that’s been debunked multiple times. Creased.


  2. My hairy man-friend "knox" me up all hours of the day and night..into my saggy butt-hole,


  3. Yes, the world breathlessly awaits on what's going on with the Knox County Bigfoot.

  4. The Patterson film is over 50 years old. If there are thousands of 6-10 feet tall 800 lb bipedal animals roaming America, they would have been proven to exist and be accepted by science by now.

    Bigfoot is folklore. It's a money making tool. It's a multi-million dollar industry. There is no actual bigfoot and there never was.

    1. But...but...but what about the evidence? The same type of footprints found on two continents? The traditions of Bigfoot passed on thru generations of tribes for the past thousand years? All the sightings that.... okay I can't go on I'm laughing too hard.

      Your right of course.

    2. do you realize this actually requires a scientific backed team to go into the woods not just for a few days to come up with some sort of proof. Up to know it's been a bunch of weekend semi so called researchers or tv shows that can't stay in one place for more than a few days.
      we are never going to get the so called proof you ask for by sending a bunch of hillbillies into the woods so your statement is ridiculous as probably your mindset


    3. Roger Patterson was exactly the type of guy that would hoax a bigfoot film.

    4. ^ I doubt that however the buggyeyed freak that moved into the willow creek book store making a rather pitiful attempt at moving in on the Patterson/Gimlin legacy has no problem planting fake bigfoot tracks & sending the news paper fake news stories.

    5. ^ LOL - bitter, bitter Shaw.

  5. LMBO ol Cheif Liar Jerry! What kinda made up story is it this time? Attacked again by a homeless man and needs more money? Or is he attacking others because his simple mind cant follow along?

  6. Jerry Cline.....Youve never had a sighting. You're a liar and you have mental probs. First, before you make a video and put yourself out there, get your hat straight and get your coughing and sneezing done and check your camera first. More than anything else, learn to speak.

    1. LOL - HARSH......but funny.

    2. Willow Creek Book store troll doing what he does best. Childishly trolling BFE. Hi Steven. Get a job and get a real life. We the working tax payers are sick and tired of supporting your worthless life style

  7. I'm guessing there's a Knox Co. In a lot of states. I know of two, including Tn. And Ohio. Which Knox Co. Is Mr. Celine from?

  8. Oh my goodness... I just watched Jerry's YouTube video entitled "I just got attacked from a bigfoot". HILLARIOUS! He's drunker than hell. You idiot!

    1. He probably got those scratches from falling down in a drunken stupor. Obviously drunk yet all those who commented on YouTube believe him. Who is the bigger idiot - him or them?

  9. You drunk sumbitch....if fantasy is what makes you happy, then more power to you.


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