Alert Bay, BC - Investigation by John Bindernagel

From Sasquatch Central:

Dr. John Bindernagel spent decades researching the Sasquatch mystery in British Columbia, Canada. Convinced the species exists, his work represents one of the first tenable efforts to evaluate Sasquatch biology. Drawing primarily from historical collections of witness testimony, related artifacts, and his own formal training in ecology, his insights are summarized in North America's Great Ape: The Sasquatch. Once the species is conclusively documented and better understood, the hypothetical model of Sasquatch ecology developed by this professional wildlife biologist will probably turn out to be largely accurate. Representatives of scientific and professional communities attest to the influence of his ground breaking work as it helped them develop a rational, scientifically founded, perspective of the likely social structure, diet, behavior, and general ecology of North America's native ape population.


  1. North Americas Great Ape is his earlier book, written in 1998...The more recent one is "The Discovery Of Sasquatch"..both are pretty influential in the scientifically minded believers camp..The first argues that many reports describe primate behaviour; details unlikely to be invented by laymen...The second makes the case that the known evidence is enough to warrant further investigation..Prof Bindernagle and others that push the no-one is looking thesis forgot about the long running Olympic project and Byrne's well funded ready response operations
    of the 70's and 80's...There has indeed been plenty of searching, but in cryptozoology negative results are forgotten.... RIP Professor...EEG

    1. Finally , someone with a sense of intelligent conversation posts on here instead of the usual wanker trolls
      We need more people like you on here


    2. go back to eating your tide pods ,trailer park trash !


    3. I agree more intelligent conversation posts are needed here. So what are you doing here Joe?

    4. 6;27

      Oooh, you are just so angry Joe - I guess the truth hit deeper than usual.

    5. You are the ones i'm talking about not belonging here. Skeptical tosspots who just come on here to create drama. Go do something productive with your lives !


    6. Joe is right - there is no room for questioning or skepticism here! Accept every story here as gospel truth or get lost!

      Right Joe?

    7. Right-o !
      Thanks for the sarcasm biatch !


    8. Your more than welcome. The pleasure is all mine.

    9. 8:56

      But Joe, we`re here looking for evidence.

      But nobody has been able to provide any yet.

    10. How many years have you been made to look like an idiot about the evidence? I forgot the magic number now, Stuey. You neither have the capacity to understand, nor the mental health to acknowledge. For example;
      ... You have nothing. You are too stupid. You have achieved nothing for 8 years of obsessing about strangers on the internet with your hands down your shorts.

      EEG... I’ve seen Byrne’s “ready & response operations”. They were nothing but following up sightings reports a day, maybe a few days later, via a jeep. All very important research which was contributing to attempting to predict the migrations of these hominins. I don’t know how far Byrne got with this research in the end but the efficiency of his “operations” was never gonna be sufficient in catching out one of the most elusive creatures on the planet.

    11. ^ Not only do you believe in a fantasy figure but you post in a likewise fashion to yet other fantasy figures all of your own making.

      Is there any limit to your ineptitude?

    12. Let me get this straight, you know how “to predict the migrations of these hominins,” but you cannot ever find them??? You can’t make this stuff up! Ha ha ha!

    13. ^ Stuey has issues grasping even the simplest of ideas so throw hominin migration into his face and his brain explodes like a tide pod in the mouth of these wretched toddlers on youtube.
      poor stuey, still is trying to figure out sesame street


    14. Stuey... can I ask, for 8 years of harassing people on this blog, for getting around being banned too many times to count like a bad pervy smell... what have you got to show for substance for this alleged fantasy? How might you go about convincing someone that these creatures, with the innumerable sightings reports and footprint evidence is mere bunk?
      “All very important research which was contributing to attempting to predict the migrations of these hominins. I don’t know how far Byrne got with this research...”

      And you somehow got that from my comment? You see, how can anyone believe you’re not simply running grammar and spellcheck apps from your desktop as a deflection when your drivel about “Bigfoot” falls flat? You can’t even read properly, Stuey. You’ve never even attended a seminar, have you?

      1. discover or perceive by chance or unexpectedly.
      "Lindsey looked up to find Niall watching her"
      synonyms: discover, become aware, realize, observe, notice, note, perceive, learn, detect
      discover after a deliberate search.
      discover or perceive by chance or unexpectedly.
      "Lindsey looked up to find Niall watching her"
      synonyms: discover, become aware, realize, observe, notice, note, perceive, learn, detect More
      discover after a deliberate search.
      "I can't find my keys"
      synonyms: locate, spot, pinpoint, unearth, obtain, detect, put one's finger on;"

      Every time someone comes into contact with a hominin that would be described within the definition of “found”, one or both parties are equalled in enough intelligence to retreat from the situation... relegating the event to an anecdote rather than what many would perceive as an official discovery, classification, etc. For instances where differing temperaments might occur, there are plenty of missing hunters. If you've seen a coyote in your back yard and found trace evidence of it and filmed it, then you merely haven't caught it yet... Painfully basic stuff.

    15. ..Thanks Joe(6:07) and Iktomi..I'm skeptical, but I support cryptozoology..I see it as an interdisciplinary approach to discovering animals..I was glad to see Meldrum published a peer-reviewed paper recently and the comment section under it is pretty cool..The journal is not exactly Current Biology, but it is still peer reviewed and though that may not mean the author is correct, but it does guarantee the work is original and has merit...EEG

    16. My pleasure mate, perhaps you’d fancy getting together with some cute blokes for a hot tub party !


  2. My final book will be published by my family, I call it "A wasted life" . Thank goodness for the money I made on the Bigfoot lecture circuit, good scratch in believers

    1. How many of these scientists & authors who are warranted to lecture their hard work, did you manage to show were hucksters in 8 years?

      Let’s have a little recap.

    2. ^ yeah , make it around 15 years later,you sicko pervert with nothing to show.

    3. So you literally have nothing. Not one example?

      Recap over. Abject failure.

    4. 11:48 cracking cement heads with a limp peen hammer, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha,,,as per!!

    5. Did you really call me out hours after I left, wow, just because I made money off imaginary creatures is no need to hate, believe if you're so desperate but pardon the rest of us for living in the real world and afterlife


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