True Scary Stories

Want to hear some true scary stories? Check out these from the Swamp Dweller youtube channel. The stories start off with a story about an adventurous trip to a cave in New Zealand.


  1. Netflix just added a new documentary titled Discovering Bigfoot. I watched it a few days ago.

    This documentary is hosted by Todd Standing. It is interesting. However, there are some problems with it, not least of which is Todd Standing often being referred to by some in the bigfoot community as Fraud Standing. Standing's reputation issues taint the documentary's credibility.

    Dr. Meldrum and Dr. Bindernagel are in much of the documentary. They do seem to be somewhat skeptical at times at some of the evidence that Standing puts forth. Whereas Standing attributes a lot of things to sasquatches without doubt, Meldrum and Bindernagel are more cautious about quickly jumping to attributing these finds to sasquatches. Although, they seem to be be convinced by a lot of Todd Standing's findings

    Here are the problems:

    There are three times in the documentary in which footage is shown of sasquatches heads off in the distance and they are zoomed in. All three of them look ENTIRELY different. There is no way that all three can be sasquatches. They don't even look remotely the same.

    The other problem is that the first of the three is so obviously not real. Well, if the first one is fake, what does that say about the second and third?

    Once you see any fakery, that calls into question the integrity of the entire documentary. Watch it for yourself and see what you think.

    1. I finally got around to watching it. I found the contribution of both PhD’s very impartial and adequately sceptical. I found the tree structures and footprint evidence very compelling. I saw a fly zoom in & land & fly off one of the “Bigfoot heads”. The other head that I found very dubious was actually seen to move in its environment, and the third more human looking head was extremely compelling to me. I have no issue with the apparent diversity of the more human-like head compared to those previous, because this is what is widely reported anyway.

      The only issue I have left is “blinky”. That looks very dodgy to me and would really expect Todd to address that. Otherwise, I thought it a very good film. If he keeps that up, the people scrutinising his research would have to ask themselves how far do they actually believe someone would go to hoax something to that extent. Todd is very obviously passionate about what he does, and you can tell he believes what’s happening around him is legit.

    2. i don't have netflix and i do want to watch this documentary . Tried looking online without any luck
      i do have issues with standing's creatures. They do have an aura of fakeness to them but i am willing to watch this documentary with an open mind and it may change my way of thinking
      I agree that once you detect even a bit of fakery it throws everything else into question . i just get the vibe that there is something bloody sketchy about Standing but i am willing to reserve judgement til I see this


    3. Thanks Iktomi mate, I’m planning on having an orgy at my flat with five other sexy blokes if you’d fancy joining us !


    4. Haa Haaa Haaa LOL!! ^

      that was a good Goof .

    5. Thanks Iktomi !
      12:14 isn't me- it's that cockroach fake Joe/ stuey up to his old self posting about sexy blokes. i think he has the wrong blog. what a pathetic creature, haha


  2. Oh yes, more TRUE scary stories please. TRUE scary stories are the best! I only like TRUE scary stories. No more fake scary stories because I believe only TRUE scary stories.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. People tried the next level up from “stories” with you (actual physical evidence), and it ended up with you driving everyone away as a sadistic coping mechanism.

      Stick to more stories Stuey... It doesn’t end pretty otherwise.

    3. Oh look more empty,cryptic threats from joe.

      Still waiting on the FBI you fraud.

    4. Waiting on the FBI for what exactly, Stuey? Care to elaborate?

    5. Wanna try these astounding impotence supplements featured on medical talk shows and medicine-related TV shows?
      Click on the URL to read more info with reference to the medicines and your chance to get 'em and you’ll be getting raging boners for the first time in years!

    6. Urania? LOL

      Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all except the troll. Don't want to be the only one to wish the troll well

      Haven't been able to communicate due to job restrictions lately.


    7. Hope you had a good one MMC! Any well wishing would be lost on the little psycho, anyway. He only understands, expresses and seeks out hate.

      Peace for 2018.

    8. Job restrictions.......

      What really happened is MMC came within 500 feet of a child violationing his parole. He has been in jail. MMC likes kids in an unatural way.

    9. “Still waiting on the FBI you fraud.”

      You bottled elaborating what you meant by that, then had the audacity to publish a comment like that? It’s nice knowing karma exists, and you’re clearly as isolated and depressed as you deserve to be.

    10. Audacity is a big word for you joe. Did you copy-paste it?

      Karma is a childs idea to make ones pitiful life seem more fulfilling. Much like role playing a belief in the magic monkey.

    11. Actually... Karma means good or bad luck, viewed as resulting from one's actions.

      “Still waiting on the FBI you fraud.”

      ... what did that mean Stuey?

    12. ... And nobody has time for mere belief when there’s plaster to be convinced by. Remember? It’s why you ended up with you driving everyone away as a sadistic coping mechanism.

      Depression at Xmas... That’s gotta suck. You know alcohol just feeds that, right? Your isolation is because you’re a scummy human being; that’s how karma works dear boy.

    13. "There is plaster to be convinced by"-Iktomi
      "I admit that I'm a Complete Failure"-Iktomi
      "I eat pepperoni pizza in men's toilets"-Iktomi

    14. ^ So saith the Balless Pedo!

    15. “Still waiting on the FBI you fraud.”

    16. ^ down to the last bottle of cheap xmas sherry

  3. Turd Straining is one of the most credible voices in the Bigfoot Muppet community.


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