Sasquatch Hot Spot in Sisters, Oregon

The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization heads to Sisters, Oregon, one of the squatchiest places on the planet. They plan on spending about a week in the area, to see if they can catch a glimpse of the elusive creature.


  1. Patterson used a caveman mask as the basis for his bigfoot costume. It is clearly obvious. "Patty" was a hoax created by a BS hoaxer.

    1. ^ Definitely this is "Patty"...why, I`d stake Joe`s utterly hopeless life upon it.

  2. Kelly Shaw has had his ass kicked by pure facts. This isn't anything I made up. The truth speaks for itself folks. There is no denying that Kelly Shaw is a liar. He knowingly lied in order to prop up his over inflated ego.

    I would ask you this. Since Shaw has no problem lying about things such as a photo of a weasel and the honor of good people, I have to wonder if he has lied about his Bigfoot evidence, photos, videos and anything else related to Kelly Shaw's "research".

    Shaw was quick to label people hoaxers based on weak evidence that was clearly taken out of context but he seems to fancy himself as above the "law". Based on the evidence, I have no problem labeling Kelly Shaw of the RMSO a hoaxer. There is no way out for Shaw. There is no back pedaling and no denying. Kelly hung himself with his own hatred and with his own web of lies

    Also: Help save endangered species such as the Humboldt Marten.

    1. Your a fucking idiot, know body cares but you, twerp.

    2. ^ shut up Joe,you foolish boy.

      And let`s get this straight shall we - Shaw doesn`t research anything - he uses other people`s information and hard work and passes it off as his own...that is about the only bigfoot fact there is within this dodgy field of "research".

    3. 10:06:00 Is Steven (Struefert) pure hate on display. This is what happens when you live in a mold filled book store until your eyes pop put. Steve travels many miles using donations to plant fake bigfoot evidence. Then is caught lying about the marten to his local paper & lying about his own bigfoot experience on national TV. Gollum is full of hate chasing his precious bigfoot.

    4. Steve is the least credible researcher into bigfoot. His only claim to fame is appearing on finding bigfoot however we all know moneymaker is a hoaxer and he allows known hoaxers like Steven and Todd Standing on to the show so being on the show has nothing to do with credibility. The fake marten story is funny. Steve will do anything for three seconds of fame and a 20 dollar donation

    5. Poor paranoid Shaw. Look, 10:06:00 above is NOT me, nor is the comment following. However, I will agree that Kelly Shaw is a hoaxer, and we have all the evidence needed to demonstrate that.

      No matter how many times he lies about me or the Humboldt marten here, it won't change the demonstrated fact that Shaw is a hoaxing sham. In fact, every time he and his allies post on here it only further damages his credibility.

      He really should just stop, and get on with some actual research.

    6. Poor paranoid Shaw. Look, 10:06:00 above is NOT me, nor is the comment following. However, I will agree that Kelly Shaw is a hoaxer, and we have all the evidence needed to demonstrate that.

      No matter how many times he lies about me or the Humboldt marten here, it won't change the demonstrated fact that Shaw is a hoaxing sham. In fact, every time he and his allies post on here it only further damages his credibility.

      He really should just stop, and get on with some actual research.

    7. ^ Head Corn hole at Coalition of TurdBangers. Had his turds pounded for so long his eyes popped out. All know (Streufert) was busted in a plot to plant fake evidence. All know Steven promoted a fake news story about martens to his news paper. All know Steve harasses those that have had bigfoot experiences yet for three seconds of fame manufactured a bigfoot experience of his own for national television. Got mold?

    8. It sure looks like you. And what is there to be jealous of?
      Boucher not loving you anymore?
      Your loss of Rictor and Richard?
      No one cares.

    9. He's got a shitty old prius.

    10. Gollum is a liar on pathelogic level. He is addicted to online trolling 24/7 and will pathetically troll children. Remember the puma kid? Don't but a word Steve says he is a well known liar and hoaxer

  3. The "Sisters" are always searching out my "hot spot" ...and boy what a thrill.


    1. I thought you were going to say that you love it when guys play a tune on your Oregon.

    2. Patty was right. He plays victim but is here playing with us every time.

    3. After Steven (Streufert) was busted red handed in his unethical plot to plant fake bigfoot evidence his opinion on anything bigfoot related became null and void

    4. He's whining on Facebook in Bouchers group right now that noone buys his shite here. What's going on on Craigs list?

    5. I'm just pointing out what a ridiculous troll and liar you are, Shaw. A two and a half going on three year near-daily trolling smear campaign... way to go, Mr. "Researcher." Stop wasting your time repeating these stupid lies. Get out in the field. Get out of the vehicle. Put some boots on, trollboy.

    6. He's trolling Rictor now to. Rictor laughs at him

    7. Like you never do? Seems like Jamie does the woods thing. Stevey trolls bfe and then cries to deaf ears in Booch town when he gets called on it.

      Patrick knows you well. You do this to yourself. Your Prius sucks.

    8. Steven is a jealous welfare whoremonger. He is completely miserable because he knows all have better life than he, the mold collector. Streutard's life of anonymous trolling has come to a screeching halt because all are on to him & this makes the childish dosh even more miserable because his life of trolling was his primary passion.

    9. Steven is a jealous welfare monger. He is completely miserable because he knows all have better life than he, the mold collector. Streutaalfart's life of anonymous trolling has come to a screeching halt because all are on to him & this makes the childish dosh even more miserable because his life of trolling was his primary passion.

    10. LOL. Who is trolling? It's you!

      1) lie
      2) lie
      3) more lies

      Three strikes, and Kekky Shaw the troll is OUT!

      Next up, his buddy Derek. Then that woman of his will chime in after that. It's a lineup of real sluggers, let me tell ya folks!

    11. LOL. Who is trolling? It's you!

      1) lie
      2) lie
      3) more lies

      Three strikes, and Kekky Shaw the troll is OUT!

      Next up, his buddy Derek. Then that woman of his will chime in after that. It's a lineup of real sluggers, let me tell ya folks!

    12. No need to repeat yourself dumbass. You echo when you hoax. And don't you have romance novels to sell? You do run a business don't You?

      How's your shitty Prius?

    13. 5:36 = what Patrick Epistrum was saying. Stevey cries about being a victim but here he is fanning the flames.

  4. Rictor should do a parody show of Steve in the bookstore. That would be huge.

    The bubble gum cards. The crappy prius. The trashy romance novels.

    Not like he ever hits the woods.

  5. Did you know the weasel isn't endangered? It's common and good with bbq.


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