Return to Sasquatch Canyon

The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization return to the location they call Sasquatch Canyon to check out one of their game cameras, and to take a look at a structure near a bigfoot sighting.


  1. Iktomi and I would like to see some juvenile male sasquatch Mr Zaskey, yay superfriends

    1. oh please like me

      please please


  2. Rough boys, rough boys, I want to bite and kiss you....what? That's a good song...what?

  3. What's this? Some kind of video by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization at a place call Sasquatch Canyon? Isn't that Kelly Shaw's group? Is Sasquatch Canyon an official name that's found on maps or just Bigfoot enthusiast's name for it? Aw - who cares....

    Not interested. Done.

    1. I absolutely agree.

      It`s all utter fecking rubbish and has the worst type of useless and hopeless trashy people involved in the whole scam - as for the followers,they`re of the moth foolish type of person..simply put,they are idiots.

    2. Bitter bitter Steven Stubbypecker. The marten still isn't endangered. Nobody believes any of your opinions since your planting fake bigfoot evidence scandal and your so called friends keep dropping you like an unethical maggot. Hope lashing out over your childish self induced problems helps your simple little mind Gollum. Got mold?

    3. Steve's mom says hi? She'll bid one dollar on Craigs list. Lolz

  4. Seems the Booch got bounced by Gollum last night after calling Spudford what he is. A troll enabling troll. They rightly did what everyone should do. Shut the fuck up Gollum. Noone cares. And show your screenshots up your ass Turd banger.

  5. So can these folks rule out that this was not a raccoon, porcupine or other smaller animal that was in that tree/climbing down/dropping? Have spent more than my fair share in the back-country and have seen bushes, trees and undergrowth disturbed by normal creatures. But I guess that doesn't fit the narrative of the average bigfoot fanatic, so I guess I answered my own question.

    1. Think it was an endangered Marten in that tree. They eat the giant Rocky Mountain racoons then Shit Willow Creek book store mold. Going to contact Steve's local newspaper dweebs they will print any type of Bullshit Steve can dream up..

  6. 9:47 you obviously care otherwise why would you bother posting


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