Real Monster Encounters

Here's some true stories about encounters with real monsters no one knew existed until it was too late.


  1. So the American tax payer builds their stadium. They get free use of American public airwaves and they ain't happy

    I wonder what other kinds of tax money/breaks they get for their fake show business ?


      Nfl gets taxpayer dollars to act patriotic

  2. Zero evidence of any bigfoots anywhere ever. Aparently it is only possible to find a bigfoot if you are a heavily funded team of experienced biologists. This has apparently never happened. Never mind the millions of other people present in the areas. These dont count and it is impossible for them to stumble on any bigfoots or evidence thereof because they simply wernt looking so they dont count. Its ok though DWA knows best.

    1. You obviously don't research.

      "A heavily funded team of experienced biologists."....THAT'S HILARIOUS! THEY ARE JUST AS CLUELESS AS SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T RESEARCH.

    2. ^ and as clueless as those who do it appears seeing as there is no evidence whatever.

    3. I hope everyone here enjoyed my CLEAR Bigfoot pictures, not trees, Bigfoot. My camera works fine

    4. 6:31, I have over 8,000 pics in my playlist, saying there is no evidence whatsoever is hilarious.

    5. sorry Dr but your photos are all either trees or bark. My photos are 100% bigfoots , the real deal.
      Get yourself a professional camera like I use and maybe you might get lucky one day but until then leave the bigfooting to the pros like me

    6. Duh, I like testicles and so does Dr Squatch. He has evidence of Bigfoot penises and testicles, do you have that Zaskey ? No

    7. ^ but Zaskey has his sanity, which is more than you can say Cra Cra

    8. If liking testicles and penises is crazy then go ahead and call me and Dr Squatch crazy, right Dr Squatch?

    9. You guys are so immature
      get a life

    10. 8:34, I have over 50 documented species, and the best camera.
      You're a Troll.

    11. Over 50 documented species, that is a Lot of pictures of penises and testicles, far more than Zaskey and his clear Bigfoot pictures, mind you some of those penises and testicles aren't exactly shaped like we expect them to be but the good Dr Squatch has taken the liberty of outlining them for our viewing pleasure

    12. DS knows that Zaskey only has pictures of the homeless blacks and Mexicans that hide out drinking and doing drugs in the woods, thanks to the liberal mindset they can get welfare and snap cards to buy booze and drugs, I know from experience that you can get a lot of booze and drugs with a snap card but I'm an American and should be able to buy booze and drugs with a snap card. There's nothing wrong with disliking Mexicans and blacks if you dislike them equally, that way it's fair and doesn't show preference to one racial group over another, and they all hate my confederate flag

    13. They aren't homeless people he's taking pics of.

    14. That's right DS, I also don't classify blacks and Mexicans as people that's why I fly my confederate flag high and proud to keep them away from my property, of course them liberals get on our case about that but I'm in agreement with you about those savages

    15. I classify all people, as God's creation.

    16. That's right DS, people are made by God not them Godless black and Mexicans, savages the lot of them. That's why it's a good idea to get a big confederate flag, it's just like having a scarecrow on your front lawn

    17. Now all good church going people know that that there is a white Jesus up on the cross because you and I know Jews is some of the whitest people on earth, you know when you see white in the woods you got no fear, look at them black faces in Zaskey videos, even he says he wouldn't go in their neighborhood at night, nothing there but check cashing places an liquor stores anyway, not that I don't use them places but only in my neighborhood

    18. Jesus was Judean, and had dark skin, he wasn't the white blue eyed Jesus we see in pics.

    19. That's right DS, Jesus was a white Jew even, I always thought his eyes was brown but maybe they were green, his skin was tan from being in the sun without sunblock but he never got sunburn like us humans

    20. His skin, no matter what color, took the punishment for our sin, that's what matters.

    21. with all due respect Dr, no offense but all your photos are not evidence of anything but trees, bark and leaves .
      You are constantly ridiculed everywhere of your so called evidence . You call me a troll but I have very clear bigfoot photos while you have mostly blurry tree photos.
      You have an open invitation to come down and see what i do , you may learn how to be a real researcher rather than a sofa / backyard charlatan

    22. ^ yay yay yay - that`s fightin` talk y`hear me bhoy ?

    23. Jesus had bullet proof skin like superman, also white, did you ever hear about those Romans shooting Jesus? No, bullet proof, died for white people but might have come back as superman, not sure. I don't know if Jesus would like us giving welfare and snap cards to buy booze and drugs to blacks and Mexicans, I know superman don't like it because he hates criminals, Batman got a lot of money so he's probably a Jew and don't believe in superman or Jesus

    24. Zaskey @ 3:33, just to show that you aren't a troll, POST YOUR BEST PICTURE!

      You're at least 10 years behind me Zaskey.

    25. ha, my worst photo is 10 years ahead of your best photo Dr
      nice try though
      anyone else want to see my evidence , it's all up on my site

    26. First off, congrats on getting pics!! Second, all pics seem late at night, with the pics being lit up. In my opinion, this seriously cuts down on quality. None of the pics i saw are close to my quality, but they are better than 95% of other reseachers. Facial features are hard to make out on Zaskey's pics if you're a skeptic.
      None of Zaskey's pics come close to this one.

    27. That's right DS, you got monsters and Zaskey has homeless blacks and Mexicans, no comparison. Unfortunately Zaskey don't live in a blacks neighborhood like you do, he lives In a nice white neighborhood, probably has a confederate flag flying high and proud too

    28. Well I must admit it is one of your better photos and a probable bigfoot but you have been slipping Dr and your latest output is farcical and sad . How you have gone from taking some decent photo to taking photos of obvious tree bark is beyond me
      keep on dreaming though DR

  3. I have had many encounters with "monsters" ... yummy



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