Bigfoot Throws Rock On Video

An investigator in Ohio had quite the night recently when he approached a bigfoot he had just seen with his camera in hand. What he captured was a bigfoot creature throwing a large rock. Here's his story.


  1. Id der anyting noo on dis Toodsdee mohnin` hyoo silleh bhoyz ?

  2. - but there`s no actual video of the "event" for us to see - funny that...maybe it is imaginary.

    1. Christ...

      I go away for a few days and come back to this blog basically being a diary for Stuey's two/three personalities. I'd normally have apprehension about stating the obvious for fear of feeding his personality disorder... But this place is ******.

    2. AnonymousTuesday, September 19, 2017 at 1:48:00 PM PDT
      State of you **** buying into a 50 year old hoax. Hidden monkey men in north america ha what a load of shiite.

      noun & exclamation BRITISH vulgar slang
      another term for sh**.

    3. ^ Are you some kind of moron ? (yes is the obvious reply)

      - people across the world know the meaning of "shite",you silly live within a world of hard and fast rules where the prim,prudish and "proper" have you nailed down fast...geez,get a grip of yourself,stick your head out of a fast moving vehicle,and BREATHE for cryin` out loud...get some fresh air into your stale and staid life.

      Did you ever have sex with the light on ? or was it always under the covers in the dark ? I think we all know the answer to that...and the answer is that you never had sex at all...carry on nursin` that hand eh ?

    4. Wow, what a rant! Didn't even read it... Stuey, from Leeds.


    5. Taking God's name in Vain...Yes, Ikdummy is a complete Moron!

    6. They found a Bigfoot skeleton while you were gone, oops, no my mistake, they didn't. Funny how you even bring shit down to a lower level

    7. posting pics of trees and bark and passing them off as bigfoot...yes, Dr Squatch is a complete moron
      and a hoaxer

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. 9:50, only a jealous, non researcher would make a comment like that.
      And you're flat out Lying, saying i'm a hoaxer....THAT WILL NEVER BE PROVEN!

    10. That's right DS, these liberals don't appreciate hard work, now your pictures don't show a whole bunch of blacks and Mexicans like Zaskeys do because he lives in Florida and it's warm there so it's easy for the blacks and Mexicans to lay around and buy booze and drugs with a snap card. You live in Pennsylvania so unless you're in Philadelphia or Pittsburgh you ain't going to see many homeless blacks and Mexicans like Zaskey does, and they don't like the cold anymore than they like my confederate flag

    11. You sound a lot like the racist Merchant.

    12. If you hate blacks and Mexicans equally then it ain't racist because you are giving equal treatment and you should love whites because Jesus was a white and whites invented all good things, some bad things too like welfare and snap cards to buy booze and drugs, blacks and Mexicans love them things but they were invented by liberals who even though they look white are probably mixed race an that explains their retarded thinking, just cause Zaskey videos homeless blacks and Mexicans in the woods don't make me racialist, I didn't make them live there as a matter of fact I wish they would get off welfare. Merchant is crazy because he likes the Jew Dr Matthew Johnson and we know that Jesus wouldn't let a bunch of dimensional spruce trees come to America

    13. If you hate anyone, that's a problem. I have two black friends that are the nicest, most Godly people i've ever met!

    14. You're racialist because you call them your black friends and not your friends

    15. I was telling YOU i have black friends....HELLO???

    16. My Pastor is black, and 70% of the church.
      Yeah, i'm a racist, LOL.

    17. My Pastor is Jewish and so is 40% of the church, along with 3 Unitarians. So, when people say that I don't have Chinese friends, I just laugh.

    18. I'm sorry you live in a poor neighborhood full of blacks, I know they make you say black lives matter, I hope they don't riot, I hope you own fire arms, you should get a confederate flag like me to scare them.Everyone who thinks Dr Squatch makes money from YouTube or being a chiropractor, now you know he don't. I'm sorry DS, I hope you get a snap card because you're a white American

    19. Only two of the blacks in Dr Squatch church are godly, the rest is savages, he said so himself, see DS, they don't know like you, I feel so sorry you live in a blacks neighborhood, I hope you can move but blacks kill your property values

    20. They don't go to my Church.

      Done with you.

    21. I'm so sorry DS, none of the blacks in his church is godly, savages, savages. I'm going to start a go fund me to get you some money to move, I'm going to say you're a kid with cancer though because you need to raise a lot of cash fast, don't you worry DS

  3. where is this costume? why cant they replicate the costume and the film. wheres the person that can fill that costume. why would they make a costume with breasts? why? why would they make a costume that will scrutinized but add BREASTS!? why??

    1. Cameramen have been unsuccessfully trying to match the long distance from the subject, the shaky camera movement, and the heavy film grain for years. To incorporate all that into a costume is impossible.

    2. no you are absolutely wrond they try and try but cannot do it. with all the technological advancements in cameras, software, costume making they just cant do it

      heres the best thats been done using 1967 technology and its laughable like your logic and your intelligence

    3. BFRO is a hate group. It's blocked in my region.

    4. BFRO are a bunch of conservative white Nazi racist
      Keeping black folks down!
      Welsh Racist Claim Zana was a NIGRESS .


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