Man with Life-Long interest in the subject talks about his experiences

From Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio:

Tonight's guest, Marty, has been fascinated with Sasquatch since he was just a boy. His fascination started one day when a lady who lived next door told Marty and a friend of his that she had a story to tell them. After hearing the things that neighbor shared with him that day, he was hooked! Little did he know, years later, he'd have his own experiences with Sasquatch. We hope you'll tune in and listen to Marty talk about them.

Click here to listen


  1. Sounds like Marty is the anti-Stuey .
    you see, Stuey's fascination started one day when a lad who lived next door told Stuey and a friend of his that he had a story to tell them. After hearing the things that neighbor shared with him that day, he was hooked! Little did Stuey know, years later, he'd have his own experiences with being schooled 0n a bigfoot site daily . Ever since his neighbor told Stuey about the his dad going out in the woods in his hairy caveman costume after drinking up his moonshine poor Stuey has been filled with thoughts that bigfoot cannot exist because every sighting must be his neighbor's dad drunk as a skunk scaring people in the woods
    So creased !


    1. ^ Obsessed with Stuey ... the guy Joe hates with all the venom he can muster but cannot dislodge from his position of superior intellect - note how "the Joes`" keep vilifying him from an obsession greater than their obsessions for least it can be said that "Stuey" is real.

    2. How's debunking Bigfoot going for ya Stuey? Nobody hates you Stuey, nobody even cares who you are... You're needed as the village idiot to demonstrate the average ignorant stance on the subject.

      ... But nobody hates you. They would have to know you for that. And that's all we have on you is an extensive psychological evaluation and a whole lot of failures.

    3. ^ Obsessed with Stuey almost as totally as he is obsessed with appearing to distance himself from "hate" ... but the vile temper he exhibits is on show daily.

      Long live The Stuey...he who outsmarts and outwits "The Joes" at every turn it seems.

    4. Yes... You've got us alright Stuey. How many anthropologists' work have you debunked by finding grammatical errors now?

    5. Look who's talking Joe, Nobody hates you either,I stop by now an again and what do I see ?
      lol Same as it ever was,,SAME AS IT EVER WAS!! HaaaHaaa lol

      Such a misguided Don Quixote
      (I don't know who first made that reference toward you ,but it was COMEDIC GENIUS). Anyways when exactly is SYKES COMMING???????????


    6. AnonymousMonday, June 19, 2017 at 10:43:00 AM PDT
      To bad joe was not killed again. I really hope he is one day. A livestream of his beheading would be great fun.
      Also the beating and **** of chick would be enjoyable. I bet that could make some money on pay-per-view.
      But I really want to see joe die in the most painful,humiliating way possible. To bad he is a coward who will never leave his home.

      AnonymousMonday, June 19, 2017 at 2:11:00 PM PDT
      I hope joe gets killed in a terrorist attack and is beheaded on live TV

    7. ... And that's just a drop in the ocean as far as evidence to the contrary, Mr Stuart. All because the boy couldn't handle losing an exhange on the internet (I can't apply "debate" to anything Stuey is involved in).

    8. Awe come on now !!
      We here in the good ole US of A want to see Joe Slay a sicko jihadist with a MACHETE!!

      But we all know he will do the PC thing And help the jihadists bugger his little brother ,, in the name of inclusion and social diversity

      YOU GO GIRL!!

    9. It's odd Stuey... You seem to go all quiet on one comment section, whilst you're too preoccupied with saving face on another comment section you're getting annihilated on? Not the actions of someone working as part of a network of troll soldiers?

    10. Was talking to A White PHD a few weeks ago, And the question of D Dover&JoeF came up and Dr White said,,

      Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!

    11. Hmmm, of course, Andy White... You don't have to use that strange attempt at a writing style to distance yourself from your usual sockpuppet, Stuey. It's got to the point that it's cringing people out, reading you trying all these different styles and asserting you have an army.

      Just saying.

    12. poor Stuey doesn't even realize he has become the object of ridicule on such an epic scale !
      We got stu all riled up today and that is a good thing


    13. This blog is now simply the window into the mind of the unhinged.

    14. well it juzt goes ta show yA!


    15. D Dover theory's of native american skulls are actually not native american Skulls and in reality are that of"BIGFOOT"!

      JOE F ,

    16. Leave 2:47 alone ,
      It's just pitiful.

    17. Floyd M. Needs to be careful of the punch to the side of the head. Not heavily uses in puigelism but a staple of MMA.

      other than that it should be Floyd in two


    18. ^100% REVERSIBLE ha ha ha

    19. Mmc just made a pre fight analysis you idiot

      Opps, analysis is four syllables. Better Google it shlt for brains

    20. Long live The Stuey -

      Nemesis of "The Joes"...sure has them on their toes...but they`re all so fat this toe-task is difficult for them to maintain...and so back to the couch with a bag of chips and can of extra-strong cider for them...the "cider" they drink is of the kind that has never been near an apple and is cheap cheap,you Joes ?

  2. Hummf. first for pibs BIG THICK CAULK!!!!

  3. Creased is the time, is the place, is the motion and
    Creased is the way we are feeling
    About you Stuey




    2. No. Nobody cares about you.^^


    3. A bigfoot truth is that Joe and his disciples,"The Joes" are completely obsessed with Stuey...and completely outsmarted by him.

      Long live The Stuey.

    4. "Elephants and lions live in the US."
      "Bears roam wild in the UK."
      "Chimps are monkeys."
      "Humans are not apes."
      "The genus Homo is not human."

      ... Just some of the crackers Stuey has "outsmarted" everyone with.

    5. ^ Obsession on display...hahaha hahahah

      Outwitted and outsmarted at every turn.

      Long live The Stuey...Nemesis of "The Joes".

    6. ^ At least you're dumber than D Dover!

      AC Collins

    7. Dover exposed you pretty wonderfully, didn't he? Stop showing your scars Stuart. How's debunking Bigfoot going for ya? Not so well on the other comment section... That you've now gone quite on, of course.

    8. How dare you, Im Apache!^

    9. YEP....STILL NO BIGFOOT BODY, SHOCKINGFriday, August 25, 2017 at 12:34:00 PM PDT

      So...just checking in, no Bigfoot body yet, just stick structures,tracks and blurry pictures you say? Not really getting mainstream science on board the Bigfoot train? Still arguing that Bigfoot exists with everyone on this site? Not really winning that argument with anyone but yourself? Starting every post just calling out a troll named Stu who'll never believe anything that dribbles out of your mouth even if you throw in Meldrum? Yep, yep, yep. Someone here needs a new hobby, not you Stu.

    10. Don't worry about it so much man. "Yep... Still no Bigfoot body"

    11. YEP....STILL NO BIGFOOT BODY, SHOCKINGFriday, August 25, 2017 at 12:39:00 PM PDT

      YEP, who can forget? Not you but you keep dreaming

    12. Don't worry so much about it Stue! Anyone would think you need to argue the case... Which would suggest it's not as obvious as you'd like. Relax bro... "Bigfoot don't exist". You should be content about that, right?

    13. Time for you to pull up your big boy britches and look at yourself in the mirror boyo
      You say no bigfoot body yet ? Go out in the woods and find the remains of a bear . You know what ? you can't because the type of the environment in the woods takes care of any remains and unless you come upon a freshly dead animal you wont have much luck finding anything
      Sorry to disappoint you bro but maybe you need to get off this page and go back to your nascar page where you can debate whether hemi engines belong in nascar.
      Hoe about that Stu ?


    14. YEP....STILL NO BIGFOOT BODY, SHOCKINGFriday, August 25, 2017 at 12:43:00 PM PDT

      Actually yes, nice to finally see you getting comfortable with that fact, I guess that's exactly why we don't have a body, right there Ik?

    15. Oh yes... You were meant to reference at least one expedition, I seem to remember? That way, you would have something to substantiate the drivel that no body has been found. You know... the negative scenario of actually looking for something; "not being found". But hey... Don't worry about it so much buddy. You seem to have this stuff on your mind 24/7. Surely you're have confidence in that, right?

    16. YEP....STILL NO BIGFOOT BODY, SHOCKINGFriday, August 25, 2017 at 12:47:00 PM PDT

      Hmmm, why do they find all those deer remains supposedly killed by Bigfoot? Oh, I guess the Bigfoot scared all the other animals away from them, yep, lots of not so fresh bones, yet strangely no Bigfoot bones, or body boo hoo

    17. ... Three hours sleep and this BANG! On your mind as soon as you wake up? Surely someone with so much satisfaction at showing all us fools how stupid we are, wouldn't need to worry THAT much, eh?

    18. YEP....STILL NO BIGFOOT BODY, SHOCKINGFriday, August 25, 2017 at 12:51:00 PM PDT

      Well I'm certainly able to disprove Bigfoot without a body while you seem to strain on with garbage, that's just me though so don't let go of your dream.

    19. Stuart... Surely you've heard how biologists hardly ever come across bear remains, right? I mean, you do know the basics of field biology... Right?

    20. YEP....STILL NO BIGFOOT BODY, SHOCKINGFriday, August 25, 2017 at 12:54:00 PM PDT

      I'm sorry you think you're stupid but maybe that realization and you admitting Bigfoot doesn't exist shows everyone here there is hope for you, meanwhile as much as I hate to say I'm right, still no Bigfoot body yet?

    21. YEP....STILL NO BIGFOOT BODY, SHOCKINGFriday, August 25, 2017 at 12:57:00 PM PDT

      It's painful watching you deflect facts when you're obviously proven wrong, you go think about those deer bones

    22. Stuart... Whilst there is evidence for a rare hominin in the US, then without an effort at sourcing a cadaver... We can simply rest upon the complex methods of which recognised hominids looked after their dead. So complex in fact, that such remains are found by pure chance... Nobody knew how to find hominid remains such as the homo naledi skeletons.

      But whilst there's actual evidence for the existence of American hominins, you need to confront that head on. You'd have a far more concrete case by proving there's no evidence whatsoever, than by leaning on the fact there is no modern type specimen whilst nobody is looking. Because there always COULD be a body, in line with a simple negative proof fallacy.

      Common sense dear boy.

    23. YEP....STILL NO BIGFOOT BODY, SHOCKINGFriday, August 25, 2017 at 1:06:00 PM PDT

      Well I'm sure in your addled logic that's common sense, sad that there's no substantial proof of Bigfoot to hang your hat on while I have a whole wall of hooks on which to hang my argument but like I said, I'm not here to spoil your fun, I can't wait to be proven wrong and eat my words, I look forward to gazing on Bigfoot. So...any bigfoot body yet?

    24. Stuart... Enthusiasts like me have evidence to sit on. If you wanna make us aaaaaaaaall look like idiots, get that damned stuff seem to! You're at least finally learning how the negative proof fallacy works.

      No Bigfoot body yet... But that damned evidence that's causing you to sleep for just three hours a night is a real pain, eh? Get it done buddy, you can't keep that up.

    25. YEP....STILL NO BIGFOOT BODY, SHOCKINGFriday, August 25, 2017 at 1:14:00 PM PDT

      Yes Sir, can't wait to see that Bigfoot, should be soon too, right lads? After all this time I'm sure to get my comeuppance, can't wait to profusely apologize while gazing on Bigfoot, yep, any time now, can't wait....oh boy, it's gonna be great...oh boy

    26. YEP....STILL NO BIGFOOT BODY, SHOCKINGFriday, August 25, 2017 at 1:18:00 PM PDT

      Get that damned stuff seem to! Well you've sure proven me wrong with such fancy arguments like that, wow, that's almost as good as a Bigfoot body

    27. In the meantime you could just content yourself with the evidence if you wanna see it that bad?

      Sensitive issue?

    28. YEP....STILL NO BIGFOOT BODY, SHOCKINGFriday, August 25, 2017 at 1:23:00 PM PDT

      Well I am a little sensitive to the fact that the evidence seems to point to Bigfoot not existing but you save those losing lottery tickets, some day you can cut them up and reassemble them into a winner, just don't try to cash it in, just look at it and dream...winner..winner

    29. YEP....STILL NO BIGFOOT BODY, SHOCKINGFriday, August 25, 2017 at 1:28:00 PM PDT

      I've got to go because continuing on with you is a waste of my precious time, I can't wait for you to laugh in my face and say " I told you so" because that's the day we're going to see that Bigfoot body, then you'll be proven right, sure hope it's soon, you're young right? You've got time?

    30. Oh and Stuey? Before I go and leave you begging for significance for the whole weekend... I've kept something special for you. Since you needed something so badly...

      "Steelville, Missouri, 1933 - 8ft Skeleton
      While reading through the microfilm at the Steelville library three reports of the find where uncovered including the photo that shows Les Eaton, a 6-foot man, laid out next to the 8-foot skeleton in Dr. Parkers office."

      You'll find a wonderful photo in that link. Try and get some sleep now buddy, I'll see you in a couple of days.

      ; )

    31. YEP....STILL NO BIGFOOT BODY, SHOCKINGFriday, August 25, 2017 at 1:31:00 PM PDT

      Wow, surely no human ever grew 8 whole feet, wow, winning now, not really going to close the case with that, I have an 8 foot ladder, doesn't really wow anyone

    32. ikdummy cites no bear bones in the woods when there are REAL LIVE bears in ZOOS.... not to mention bodies in MUSEUMS, hundreds of real taxidermied bears in many, many locations..........

    33. Yes... In a country where people have reported 8 foot tall hairy humans for thousands of years, an actual photo of an 8 foot skeleton, with "a low brow, and what is probably more significant, a very narrow one. His jaw, too, while not of the prognathous type characteristic of the most ancient men, was somewhat heavier than that of the average man of today."

      Hope you have a great weekend Stue.

      : p

    34. Stu, maybe you should use your 8 foot ladder to take a flying leap off.
      You just wont find a bigfoot body out in the wild for the same reason you wont find bear bodies out in the wild but more importantly bigfoot travels in groups so if one should die out in the wild the others would come by and take the body where they bury them later on. How many human bodies have you come across stuey ? but you know humans exist and they are very plentiful (sadly there are prats like you around) but we don't leave bodies laying around either because we give them burials and so does bigfoot
      Just common sense once you have learned a lot of bigfoot behavior stuey
      Oh and another thing stuey , have you ever met any 8ft tall human beings ?
      i'm sure you run around with scads of them


    35. ikdummy bobbing and weaving. Here's a bigfoot article from 1870. Here's plaster. Here's a photo of piece of fiber that could be bigfoot.

      Get a body dead or alive, 10,000 of them in the USA, what you're "cool" with.

      To a normal person no expedition means no one believes it's worth exploring. Even if people had been throwing money down the drain on multiple bigfoot expeditions, ikdummy would still claim more needed.

      It's a no win with ikdummy because facts won't sway him, his mind's made up.

    36. "Bobbing and weaving"... The audacity is quite incredible. Denial's one heck of a thing... And being rhetorical is one heck of an indicator of it. Like demanding the body of an 8 foot tall hairy archaic human, only to deny the skeleton of an 8 foot tall archaic human. Stuey, if someone brought you a dead Bigfoot you'd merely claim it's a hairy tramp and demand another one.

      Even if 99.9% of people on the planet think it's not worth exploring... It still doesn't prove the evidence for "Bigfoot" won't lead to a cadaver if used. Start with the evidence Stuart, a negative proof fallacy doesn't help you, especially when you're officially in so much denial about the current state of evidence.


    37. Where is the modern scientific analysis including DNA tests on your 8 foot tall archaic human skeleton proving it's a bigfoot?

      What's your cadaver biz? A real life bigfoot would be pretty good proof. Tranquilizer guns are even effective on the social animals known as elephants, ikdummy.

    38. Denial's one heck of a thing... And being rhetorical is one heck of an indicator of it. Like demanding the body of an 8 foot tall hairy archaic human... Only to demand DNA tests on skeleton of an 8 foot tall archaic human in 1933!!


      "The Hoofnagle brothers, a lawyer and a physiologist from the United States, who have done much to develop the concept of denialism, have defined it as the employment of rhetorical arguments to give the appearance of legitimate debate where there is none, an approach that has the ultimate goal of rejecting a proposition on which a scientific consensus exists."

      You're poor, desperate son of a gun. I've genuinely gotta go now. Sleep tight.

      ; )

    39. ikdummy, you post a black and white digital image of what you claim is a bigfoot skeleton. I ask for proof and you claim that I am in denial.


    40. DNA in 1933!!!! HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

      That one's added to the list...


    41. 1933!! I thought Svante paabo sequenced Neanderthal DNA out of skeleton remains that were 37,000 yrs old??

      HAAA HAAA HAAA LOL! (added to Duh list).

      Sounds like something "ikdummy" would do!!!


      AC Collins

    42. No method of sequencing DNA in 1933, dumbo! You missed the boat F-AC!!


    43. You get DNA out of the skeleton today, ikdimwit, not go back in time to 1933 and attempt it.

      Don't tell me, the skeleton doesn't exist. You only have a digital image of a foreshortened skeleton we're supposed to accept is bigfoot or else we're in denial. Oh, brother!

    44. IDIOT ALERT @ 1:25 !

      Never fails!!

      AC Collins

    45. You requested DNA from a skeleton photographed in 1933. Not too smart are you Stuey? That one's on the list with "bears in the UK." The skeleton was handed over to the Smithsonian, and was likely handed back to Native Americans during the repatriation. But denial will eat away at you bro... Let it go, you'll end an even bigger twisted mess.


    46. Where is ur skeleton, ikdimwit?

      a digital image is not a skeleton.

      an alleged 1933 photo of an alleged bigfoot skeleton is ur latest bob and weave away from ur search for the elusive plaster.

    47. It's actually a newspaper, Stuey... In black and white. You wanted a skeleton, you got one boio. Is this why you've had an epic meltdown on the latest comment section?

      : (

    48. a digital image is not a skeleton of a bigfoot, ikdummy.

      stick to plaster. LOL

    49. Tee-HEE!! Keep telling yourself that Stuey. And guess what? You'll read aaaaaaall about it, time and time again.

      Denial's one heck of a thing... And being rhetorical is one heck of an indicator of it. Like demanding the body of an 8 foot tall hairy archaic human... Only to demand DNA tests on skeleton of an 8 foot tall archaic human in 1933!!

    50. Where is your skeleton, ikdummy?

      where can i go to see this real life bigfoot skeleton?

      digital images are not skeletons, ikdummy.

      you were doing so well with plaster. LOL


      Yes, they had digital images in the 1930's... HAAAAAA!!!!!


    52. You are presenting a digital image in 2017, ikdummy.

      Have you examined the original photo?
      Have you examined the actual skeleton it depicts?

      Stick to plaster, ikDumms

    53. From a newspaper in 1933. Stuart... I have never seen you this desperate, and it's really rather pitiful.

      Oh what have I done?

    54. This comment has been removed by the author.

    55. ikdumms, you're latest bob and weave away from plaster is a digital image copy of what you claim to be an old photo.

      It may be a digital copy of an old photo. It is not an actual real life skeleton. The original photo is paper.

      You can not dna test a photo. You need the actual skeleton.

      There is no way of 100% accurately measuring the height of foreshortened images in your digital image. We don't know the actual height without the actual skeleton.

      There are 8 foot and taller people alive today. It doesn't make them bigfoot or "archaic".

      Are you missing plaster yet? LOL

    56. Steelville, Missouri, 1933 - 8ft skeleton

      As part of the Search for the Lost Giants show, Jim and fellow researcher James Clary investigated the following account that had this heading:
      "An Ancient Ozark Giant Dug Up Near Steelville: Strange discovery made by a boy looking for arrowheads, gives this Missouri Town an absorbing mystery to ponder."
      From The Steelville Ledger (June 11, 1933):
      "…he turned up the complete skeleton of an 8 foot giant.

      The grisly find was brought to Dr. R. C. Parker here and stretched out to its enormous length in a hallway of his office where it has since remained the most startling exhibit Steelville has ever had on public view."
      While reading through the microfilm at the Steelville library three reports of the find where uncovered including the photo that shows Les Eaton, a 6-foot man, laid out next to the 8-foot skeleton in Dr. Parkers office.

      Jim Vieira comes across this newspaper and photograph in an actual museum on TV.

      (Meltdown in 5... 4... 3... 2... ... !!!!)

    57. Oh and Stuey? There is a comparison in that photo to a 6 foot tall man.

      Who you talking to Stue? Are you ok??

    58. How do you know he's 6 feet tall, ikdummy?

      Has the media ever reported anything inaccurately?


      Plaster Boy strikes again!

    59. Get some fresh air Stuey. You need a break.


    60. ^ projecting.

      10,000 bigfoot in the USA, ikdummy's best proof is plaster.

      How's your expedition to capture the elusive plaster going?


    61. Stuey... Deflecting to an argument where "plaster" is actually being published in science journals, like it's somehow gonna help, isn't gonna help.

      You're a mess.

      Have a rest... You've been at it for four days straight and just gone further backwards.

    62. fringe journal, ikdummy

      ikdummy's bobbing and weaving, now he's away from an unsubstantiated 80 year old alleged bigfoot skeleton photo and he's back to tackling plaster.

      debunk my plaster, ikdummy demands!

      debunk my trex, I retort!

      ikdummy debates going back to unsubstantiated 80 year old alleged bigfoot skeleton...


    63. What you waiting for then Stue? Surely a "fringe journal" shouldn't be publishing your best argument against Meldrum, and THEN be publishing Meldrum's self-correcting stance on the same work? Surely you should be debunking this stuff with ease? Surely you shouldn't be so threatened by a mere fringe journal? You got owned by Jim Vieria, and it's starting to be a little painful watching a grown man cry.

      Search For The Lost Giants is Stuart's nemesis.

  4. I am a disciple of Joe

    Known to the world as an

    Average Joe

  5. Shoe print found in hundreds of millions of years old rock / dinosaurs wore shoes all those years ago.

  6. YEP....STILL NO BIGFOOT BODY, SHOCKINGFriday, August 25, 2017 at 12:41:00 PM PDT

    STILL no Bigfoot body?


    2. when plaster isn't working it's

      bobbing and weaving, ikdummy

      wheres the modern dna analysis of those bones?

    3. Shouldn't you have debunked "plaster" by now Stue? I mean... It's not meant to be working and all...

    4. Shouldn't you have debunked Trex by now ikdummy?

    5. You see? Didn't get too far with it, did you?

    6. Shouldn't you have debunked Trex by now ikdummy?

      I'd love to know how you debunked the Trex, ikdumms...

    7. Gimme something to test & debunk then Stuey... What have ya got for comparative evidence?

  7. YEP....STILL NO BIGFOOT BODY, SHOCKINGFriday, August 25, 2017 at 1:34:00 PM PDT

    Nope, no Bigfoot body yet

    1. Denial's one heck of a thing... And being rhetorical is one heck of an indicator of it. Like demanding the body of an 8 foot tall hairy archaic human, only to deny the skeleton of an 8 foot tall archaic human.


    2. when plaster isn't working it's

      bobbing and weaving, ikdummy

      wheres the modern dna analysis of those bones?

    3. Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 356–374, 2016 0892-3310/16

    4. is this your fringe journal?....paste their findings on the skeleton but they are by no means the bottom line.

      its perfectly ok to study whatever interests you but...

      The Society for Scientific Exploration, or SSE, is a group committed to studying fringe science.[1] The opinions of the organization in regard to what are the proper limits of scientific exploration are often at odds with those of mainstream science.[2] Critics argue that the SSE is devoted to disreputable ideas far outside the scientific mainstream.

    5. A journal is a journal, and an editorial board by PhD's, is an editorial board by PhD's. All the "F" words in the world, all the quotes from backward-types who think quantum physics is "woo" (creased), doesn't get around to debunking that paper. And by the time I've rubbed that link a thousand times in your face, you still won't have a means of debunking that paper. Just think of that. Outside of the mainstream? Just like most science propelling concepts, Stuey. And that's where I'm proud to be.


    6. A journal is a newspaper or magazine that deals with a particular subject or professional activity.

      Ikdummy, you don't think that if busy, serious people aren't debunking every claim in a fringe journal that the claims must be true? No one has time to put out every fringe fire.

      There's nothing wrong with people exploring crazy science topics or coming up with their unique conclusions. It doesn't make those conclusions accurate if no one takes them seriously and "debunks" them.

      I have concluded that I have a 30 foot tall real T-Rex in my backyard right now. You haven't debunked it. You can use logic but you haven't seen the backyard and looked for evidence. Until you do, I have a 30 foot tall real T-Rex in my backyard right now. Welcome to your logic.

    7. Good- now go fed yourself to it and we will all be so pleased!

    8. Well, like Bigfoot it isn't real so.....

    9. Whats truly tragic then is that you use the majority of your time here on something you admit you believe isn't real. The joke is on you buddy.

    10. The joke is one you. There are likely 6 or more regulars on here that iktomi calls Stuey.

    11. No the joke is still on you, not one person believes that drivel and you keep chanting it as if somebody might.

    12. No the joke is still on you, I'm one of them.

    13. Stuart... You've demanded that "Bigfoot" evidence be published in science journals for years! You've leaned on it as a rhetorical argument for a very long time. Denial's one heck of a thing... And being rhetorical is one heck of an indicator of it. Like demanding that science be published in a journal, only to brand journals as mere "newspapers or magazines that deal with a particular subject or professional activity". Journals are how the scientific method is applied, and journals are what makes the scientific world go around.

      And even though Meldrum ripped David Daegling a new backside in that link anyway, to be dismissive of that journal is to be dismissive of the one anthropologist who'd actually written a paper on Meldrum (which JREF cherished), and is essentially calling out the best source you could have hoped for in challenging Meldrum's work. You can't have it both ways. A peer reviewed journal by PhD's, is a peer reviewed journal by PhD's.

      Oh and Stuart? There is no physical evidence for a T-Rex in your backyard... Therefore it can't be scientifically tested. And people most certainly aren't publishing the evidence for it in journals. Anybody that thinks quantum physics is "woo"... Probably isn't intelligent enough to be passing judgment on such journals anyway.

      : p

    14. ikdummy: "There is no physical evidence for a T-Rex in your backyard."

      How do you know?

      Have you seen the property? Have you flown to the property to check it out? Have you interviewed neighbors? Have you checked for footprints? Have you taken DNA evidence?


      T-Rex is still alive until you debunk it.

    15. How's the T-Rex debunking coming along, ikdummy?

      Haven't debunked it yet?



    16. I know, because there's no physical evidence for a T-Rex in your backyard... Therefore it can't be scientifically tested. And people most certainly aren't publishing the evidence for it in journals.

    17. Ikdummy: "I know, because there's no physical evidence for a T-Rex in your backyard."

      You have never seen my back yard. How do you know there's no physical evidence for a Trex? You have to look at the foot prints first and test them. Test the DNA evidence i provide and then make a determination. You haven't debunked anything. You just have a knee jerk emotional reaction and haven't even seen the evidence.

    18. Your hypothetical drivel would apply, if people were seeing your "T-Rex" and there was enough physical evidence for it to publish in journals.

      Chin up Stuey, you'll have better days.

    19. Hypothetical is your interpretation, ikdummy. Until u examine the evidence, you are merely speculating.

      Still struggling to debunk the T-Rex, ikdummy?

    20. COOL!! Show me your comparative evidence... And I'll play your game. Unfortunately for you, your game ends there.

      Think things through before pressing "publish".

    21. ikdummy, you have never stepped on US soil to examine any bigfoot evidence but now you're ready to fly to the states to examine Trex evidence?

      Stick to plaster, ikky-D


    22. Stuart... I present evidence that is not only endorsed by a line of PhD's, but is published in a journal... And it means nothing because "I haven't stepped foot in America"? Is that your idea of logic? You're being irrational dear boy. Stop focusing on me, it makes you look way too emotionally invested and personal with me. Like you're upset. STOP SHOWING YOUR SCARS!!

      How do I know you're American? One of the harassment trolls is on record claiming he's from Leeds...

    23. And I'm proud to be an American
      Where at least I know I'm free
      And I won't forget the men who died
      Who gave that right to me
      And I gladly stand up
      Next to you and defend her still today
      Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land
      God bless the USA

    24. Oh dear... You've actually lost it.

      And Stuey? Nobody has published the word "plaster" more than you in the last 72 hours. I think suggesting anyone else is obsessed is slightly audacious?

      Maybe you should just get better debunking methods?

    25. ikdummy, how is your Trex debunking going?

      10,000 bigfoot in the USA but you focus on plaster.

      plaster is the word
      It's got a groove, it's got a meaning
      plaster is the time, is the place, is the motion
      plaster is the way we are feeling

    26. Actually... "10,000" Bigfoot in the US and my focus is pointing to evidence of any sort, which wouldn't be there if they didn't exist. You do that by using the simplest, tried and tested method of field biology, fundamental to that field; track impressions and he study there of. Field biologists know something exists and is roaming a certain area, by the track impressions it leaves.

      "When we talk about the Sasquatch as just another North American mammal, you know I always think of my work doing wildlife surveys, & especially mammal surveys, where we are able to determine the presence of a mammal in an area on the basis of its tracks. Mammals are not like birds, they're not so easily seen. They're elusive, they're often nocturnal so we look for sign. We look for tracks, we look for scat, we look for feeding sign. On the basis of bear tracks we say, "yes there are black bears in this area or grizzly bears", and this is [in my opinion] the same with the Sasquatch."
      - John Bindernagle, PhD

  8. The small amount of time I spend here (no - I'm not "Stuart") is well worth the entertainment value of seeing believers such as yourself try to convince others of Bigfoot's existence.

    You guys STILL really think there is only one guy posting here that doesn't believe in Bigfoot don't you? If you only knew.

    1. Ha ha - Anon 5:09 is most likely correct but believe what you want. It will be like that old Spartacus movie - "I'm Stuey - no I'M Stuey - no it's me I'm Stuey" - LOL.

      We are legion.

  9. YEP....STILL NO BIGFOOT BODY, SHOCKINGFriday, August 25, 2017 at 7:03:00 PM PDT

    I'm not Stu but I'm right,still no bigfoot body, don't get scared Ik and Joe, I'm sure fairies exist

  10. YEP....STILL NO BIGFOOT BODY, SHOCKINGFriday, August 25, 2017 at 7:51:00 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, Ik and Joe are going to laugh in my face and make me eat crow when that bigfoot body comes along, oh how I deserve it for thinking humans could even remotely reach a height of 8 feet. Did you know Bigfoot runs in packs, true fact pulled out of someone's nether regions, don't ask me how someone could put that in writing to win an argument. Here's a great fact, if you write stupid crap on a piece of paper and call it a journal fools will eat it up as factual. What a great world we live in, I can't wait to see mighty bigfoot, should be real soon, until then Ik will get all huffy and blue in the face,once that body comes out he can drop all his made up facts and rub my face in it but until then he'll just keep dishing up big heaps of dung and wonder why he's convincing no one of anything, oh Ik, the magical Khat says to tell you heavenly father says hello, isn't that lunatic your buddy? Why yes, she sure is, maybe she'll show you her secret film or bigfoot grave or the bulge in her pants...tee hee,laters, you feel free to call me out when they show that bigfoot body, until then...still no bigfoot body?

    1. Stuart WILL insist he's not having meltdown.


      Stuey... Why do it to yourself? You start trolling and end up like this? Every time bro, it's like clockwork!!

      : )

    2. wow, stuey really put a lot of time and effort into writing that drivel .
      cheers to you stuey, I never thought i'd meet someone so absolutely obsessed with a subject matter they have zero interest in.
      Bless you Stu, even though you're a Villa fan we can still forgive you. impudent toddler



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