Bigfoot Tosses Rock At ATV

While out investigating an area on his ATV, a man gets a little too close to a bigfoot. The creature sends him a message to let him know.


  1. First

    For all the good smart people who still visit this site

    Your faith in the big guy has allowed you to endure


    1. Hi PiB

      Hope chick chick doesn't get flooded


    2. To Chick Chick and others who cry for hurricane relief, may Sasq'et comfort them and give them hope, console their hearts and ease their pain.

    3. Yeah i was thinking that MMC,i hope she's ok xx

    4. How do you know ikdummy, unless you are MMC?

    5. He's been caught red handed using sock puppets at least ten times and he also dishonestly doctors quotations to fit whatever his stupid argument happens to be at the time. He has no shame about it and he'll just continue on as if nothing ever happened. And he wonders why he isn't taken seriously.

    6. You don't have an audience that would believe you, Stuey. (Poor Stuey thinks he's playing mind games). How's this Stuey... I know you're at that desktop seething about me.

      Not good when you already have so many emotional issues eh?

      ; )

    7. Where would you be if you'd never had your vocabulary expanded by being labelled as being partial to that? Oh yeah... You's still be crying about plaster casts as usual.


    8. Everything you do is about control. From the way you claim for yourself & then project the insults & vile things people call you out on... Even to the very word "projection"... To the way you have to drive away anyone new who decides to contribute positively to discussion that threatens your pathological need for Bigfoot to not exist. You don't have to be an academic in psychology to work out that control is desperately lacking in your life.

    9. ^projecting

      Some of us have degrees. Psychology is a 101 course that practically everyone with a college degree takes, YOU IDIOT.

      You are so impressed by the term you still think no one has heard of it.

      You have admitted to being a lower class Welsh chav with no degree so your behavior fits.


    10. Ikdummy is mad that his evidence of 10,000, 10 foot tall naked hairy apemen is literally plaster. Then he will bob and weave between 100 years old "bigfoot" articles, costumes, and anecdotal tales. But when you boil it all down, plaster is the best he can come up with.

      Ikdummy has pathological need for "bigfoot" to exist. "Bigfoot" does not exist. That is reality. He needs for it to exists so he projects his own pathology on those that live in reality.


    11. You don't know the first thing about me, my education or my social class. And if you'd had but a menial education in psychology, you'd have been more mindful to have hidden you're bat **** crazy ways, not for people to flag them so easily.

      Hey Stuey, did you manage to source any counter arguments for that 72 hour "episode" you had?

    12. "Pathological need"... Sounds like the "P" word Stuey!

      Still waiting for counter aguments in the advice comment sections : (

    13. Your lack of awareness that there are a diverse group posting here that find you opprobrious underscores your need to force a "reality" that fits your pathological underpinnings.

      You have published comments stating that you do not have a post-high school education. Were you lying then or are you lying now? Your writing and slang betray your social pretense.

    14. Meltdown? There's that word "pathological" again. New word of the day I think! Again, you know nothing about my education whatsoever.

      By whose authority does "plaster" not amount to solid evidence? Biologists use it for wildlife surveys, & especially mammal surveys, where they are able to determine the presence of a mammals in an area on the basis of its tracks. Might I remind you... That not by all the sceptical academics in the entire world has this equivalent for the Sasq'ets been shown to be bunk. Neither has it in this BFE fantasy world you live in, where you control the Bigfoot universe.

      So where is the substance?

    15. So where is the substance?

      Your substance is plaster. It's all you have.

    16. Stuart... "plaster" appears to be your biggest obstacle at the moment. By publishing that word a million times, you by no means devalue its significance or provide substance against its authenticity. Substance dear boy, try it.

      Oh, and that's not even considering the hair samples, footage, thermal, audio... Essentially everything that would be expected to exist just short of a type specimen, and what would usually convince anyone of any other animal on the planet.

    17. ^
      Paragraph 1: plaster

      Paragraph 2: bob and weave

    18. Hmmmm... I think you'll notice three links to comment sections up top, that are still unaddressed.

      That "P" word again!

    19. ^ ikdummy playbook: plaster/bob and weave

      Ok, now we're on bob and weave. That would be "b and w".

    20. Three links up top... Chop, chop! You don't want to look the idiot for struggling with so much terrible plaster, after all!

    21. One body will trump millions of lies, chunks of plaster, and blurry images.

      Chop, chop!

    22. "... Lies, chunks of plaster, and blurry images". By whose authority, Stuey? Surely you can provide me with some substance? Leaning on a negative proof fallacy, a LOGICAL FALLACY, doesn't lend to substance. How unfortunate for you, that someone should come along, teach you how that fallacy actually works and snatch away another pseudosceptical mantra that made you think you were clever?

    23. Try refuting that "one body will trump millions of lies, chunks of plaster, and blurry images" regardless of by whose authority your "evidence" is deemed such.

    24. You've been presented evidence, every week of your life for the past few years, that refutes "lies, chunks of plaster, and blurry images" as being insufficient whilst there is no concerted effort to source a cadaver. There is three links up top as an example for the past week. Full of experts and academics substantiating such evidence, I might add.

      What ya got sporto?

    25. idummy, your evidence of lies, chunks of plaster, and blurry images does not refute your evidence of lies, chunks of plaster, and blurry images.

      ikdummy with the cadaver again.

      A live body is not called a cadaver.

      You can keep shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic but after 50 years of stumbling in the needed to produce a body 50 years ago.

    26. Circular logic, in that "lies chunks of plaster and blurry images, are lies chunks of plaster and blurry images, because they are lies chunks of plaster and blurry images", doesn't really get around to what an adult would refer to as substance. That's another logical fallacy, just like your negative proof fallacy.

      So many fallacies, not enough substance. And you'd think this would be far easier after six years of assertions?

      : (

    27. Once again Iktomi is spot on in his total destruction of the trolls . He wields a sword of logic that cuts through their bollocks like a hot knife through butter
      a wonderful thing to witness


  2. I just want to say I've thoroughly enjoyed the Dan Shirley videos, he's one of the best researchers


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