Bigfoot Sighting in Yosemite!

From Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio:

Tonight’s guest, Claudia Ackley, is a Sasquatch researcher from Big Bear, California. At one time, Claudia thought she’d never see a Sasquatch. One day, when she was camping in Yosemite National Park, though, she found out just how wrong she was on that. That wasn’t the only time she’s had run-in’s with Sasquatch, though. She’s had other encounters with them. We hope you’ll tune into tonight’s show and listen to her talk about her experiences with them.

Click here to listen


  1. Stuey got brain damage when it was in the womb

    To many big black snakes pounding him in the head.

  2. I seen a girl on a one way corridor.
    Stealing down a wrong way street.
    For all the world like an urban toreador.
    She had wheels on her feet.
    Well the cars do the usual dances.
    Same old cruise and curbside crawl.
    But the roller girl she's taking chances.
    They just love to see her take them all.

    Dire straits----Skateaway lyrics

    There ya go Harriet Tubman just for you peanut.

    Hey Harriet did you see the reports of blacks looting homes, and strong arm robbery in Houston yesterday? Oh no that's not good for you anti racists(code word for anti-White)propaganda machine! My,my how the mighty have fallen! Just like those old confederacy statues?

  3. 3:03 comment is just another example of stuey A.K.A. Harriet Tubman trying desperately to incite "racist" remarks from other bloggers. He likes to play 5 different anon comments daily. This people is the type of mentality challenging retarded liberal minds we regularly have to deal with. Liberal Marxist values are out of their minds bat shit crazy. They claim they aren't racist, bigoted in any way. Yet race is constantly on their minds. Good job Harriet letting those true racist feelings show. This is too easy people. Liberals are as dishonest as it gets. If he gets the reaction he's looking for he then will be the bitch snitch that he is anyway and turn the racist Bigfoot blog in to the ADL GESTAPO.

    1. Volunteer! Get Involved! Help Support Israel and Fight Jew Hatred and Terrorism Online!

      Many people express a desire to support our work, but don't currently have the funds, so we are providing free and easy opportunities for them to help the cause. In a nutshell, the more people learn about our work, the more people join the cause, and can help respond to JIDF ACTION ALERTS and stay informed!

    2. Hello

      This e-mail is to inform your organization of a website that is rapidly becoming a haven for anti-semitism and holocaust denial. This will sound strange but it is a blog site devoted to bigfoot of all things. Lately a character who goes by "Zabo" has been posting very anti-semitic and anti-Jewish propaganda. He/she is aided by another character who uses the name "Iktomi". Below is a recent example of their hate,with a link to the page.

      ZaboSunday, August 27, 2017 at 12:08:00 AM PDT
      Hey Marxist, show us proof of these concentration camps. You can't And you know it. All this Marxist dribble and nothing more. To hell with blm, antifags, and college Marxist university.

      Driver Spots A Small Group of Bigfoot

      Driver Spots A Small Group of Bigfoot
      From PacWest Bigfoot comes a sighting where a driver observed a small group of bigfoot on a hillside in Oregon.

      This garbage is just getting worse daily. There are some of us fighting back but we could use some help. At the very least you should be aware of the ways hate is being spread online. Thank you for your time.

    3. Hurry "Zabo" and try to delete all your vile,racists,anti-semitic hate.

      You better try to do the same "Iktomi".

      JIDF is now very aware of this place.

    4. AC COLLINS will burn in hell!!
      HAAA HAAA HAAA lol!!

    5. As wrong as any racist comments are, you can't violate freedom of speech in the 1st amendment.... It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely.
      God on the other hand says you will be accountable for every word that comes out of your mouth.

    6. Good Doctor you are correct.

      But I am not asking for government interference of speech.

      I simply made a private,foreign organization aware of the hate spewed by "Zabo" and "Iktomi". Based on "Zabo's" comments he/she knows well who and what the JIDF are.

      They should be worried.

    7. Worried about what? You can't violate their rights, even if it's uncalled for.
      God would be the only worry.

    8. 6:53 is obviously THAT RUMFER KOOK!

    9. There are no "rights" on the internet good Doctor.

      They are worried because they know full well what the JIDF is capable of.

      If the JIDF takes an interest they will be publicly shamed using their very real identities. As well they should.

    10. Shame on the Racist Joe Fitz---d!Wednesday, August 30, 2017 at 8:36:00 AM PDT

      Zabo Monday, September 23,2017 at 9:24:00 AM PDT


    11. God knows their identity, that's all they need to worry about.

    12. Hey JIDF, why don't you go after Michael Merchant, he's the biggest racist there is!

    13. HIGH FOLKS I'm new here ,that being said ,,,,,Pro Tip!!

      Invest in MENS "DEPENDS" panties ,Johnson&Johnson are now Targeting the Frisco Homos
      Because Homos buttholes are known to be EXTREMELY LOOSE!

      IFFIN challenge wants get some easy money,,,,
      C'hall heard it hear first

      Thank me later ,,I'm heading to the bank yo!!!

  4. I saw a bigfoot in Yosemite
    Big and tall, not itty bitty
    I ran away, freaked out of my mind.
    I should have shot it with my 9.

    1. ^ pleeth exthplain for uth roant yoo?

      oooh I theem to hath deweloped a lithp

    2. The silence is deafening from Harriet Tubman this fine a.m. Called you out H.T. And nailed you And liberalism to a tee. Classic liberal line.... I like blacks! As long as they don't live Near me. Or oh I have black friends the ones that wash my Prius. The real racists is the liberal who thinks he/she/ it has to tell blacks what to do and who to vote for or how to buy food at the supermarkets. Liberalism is a mental health disorder. They prove it daily on CNN & MSNLSD NEWS NETWORKS. FACT! Ka-boom

    3. Szabo, hundreds of Jewish centers are burned every year because of posts like yours. African Americans are the victims of non stop assaults, robberies and murders by white nationalists. This country has gone fascist. Why are you so full of hate?

    4. Zabo = Trump supporter = racist

    5. Post like mine? You are delusional once again. The only one besides me that got this right is one of the best Sasquatch field researchers out there today and that's no other than dr. squatch. I've said nothing about Jews on this blog. You Harriet Tubman are the one talking stupid shit again. Off those meds again mr 5 anonymous poster guy . I bet you are a tranny activist by night too. Ya. Chump! Taken to school or I prefer taking out your garbage kid.

    6. Let "Zabo" rant more fellow trolls.

      If JIDF does take an interest they will name both "Zabo" and "Iktomi" very publicly.

      They both know this and are scared.

    7. Zabo, when the neo-marxists gain control of this country you will be sent to a reeducation camp. White people are committing 99.3% the crimes in the US and blaming it on African Americans. According to the SPLC and ADL, over 3,000,000 Jews have died so far under the Trump presidency. This is hate and it has to stop!

    8. God damned it , I just got a home phone line call from some representative from the jidf who ever that organization is and get this they said they are proud of me for all my support in the Jewish community. All my money that I sent to the Israeli poor children who had there home terrorized by those filthy rich Palestinian children and all their lunch money stolen by those evil thugs. Some sort of award was mentioned but I declined the offer. So thanks anon man 5 A.K.A. HARRIET TUBMAN.

    9. Freedom of Speech, except taking God's name in vain.

    10. Ex 20:7
      "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."

    11. Indeed,good Dr,

      Shame,Shame,Shame,on Iktomi & Zabo!!
      God made Adam and Eve,,, NOT ADAM AN STEVE!!!

    12. He sewed his eyes shut because he is afraid to see
      He tries to tell me what i put inside of me
      He's got the answers to ease my curiosity
      He dreamed up a god and called it christianity
      Your god is dead and no one cares
      If there is a hell i will see you there
      He flexed his muscles to keep his flock of sheep in line
      He made a virus that would kill off all the swine
      His perfect kingdom of killing suffering and pain
      Demands devotion atrocities done in his name
      Your god is dead and no one cares
      Drowning in his own hypocrisy
      And if there is a hell i will see you there
      Burning with your god in humility
      Will you die for this?

    13. So sad these yo-yo's don't know the Living God!

    14. Correct 8:25!
      Lev 18:22
      "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

    15. 8:28 seem kinda,ah what should one say,,Hmm ,,BUTTHURT!!
      Yep get some Churchin' son!!

    16. Those were Lyrics from nine inch nails....But yeah, they both need the Lord.

    17. What about Adam and Eve being the first two people.They had kids so who did their kids have kids with?I'm not a christian and i don't know the answer so i'm asking you xx

    18. Correct me if I'm wrong Doc, it doesn't matter how kind, wonderful, or giving a person she is or whether she lives her life according to the bible in every other respect, but because PIB was born as a transsexual person, she's destined for the fiery pits of burning hell regardless. Is that right?

    19. ^ sorry to tell you

      Nobody is born that way. Some people are born hermorphrodites though

      If you don't like what I say. Get over it. I have the right to my own opinion

    20. Yeah, and you also have the right to believe that your own tiny d*ck is longer than three inches, but that doesn't make it true.

  5. Zabo rocks and I have a big Penis, first amendment as the good Dr says

  6. Harriet Tubman is off its rails today.
    My goodness (is that acceptable Dr squatch?)this moron really needs help. What dope are you ingesting today. I never paid too much attention to your psychotic rants before but I will never give you the time of day in the future. You've got nothing chump nothing. No wonder iktomi has his way with you. You are that f-ing stupid. When on your meds you talk a good game. Well you and your 5 anon accounts that is. You are coo coo for co coa puffs. Ya chump!

    1. Zabo, you're such an ignorant dunce that you think that calling me Harriet Tubman is supposed to be some kind of insult. She was one of the most fearless and courageous women in the history of the world! I might add that she will soon be replacing the racist Andrew Jackson's ugly face on the $20 bill. Woo hoo!

      I don't even have to respond to your disgusting hate speech Zabo -- every time your grimy fingers type on your filthy keyboard, you announce to the world that you're a repulsive, racist pig. So just keep digging your "race realist" hole deeper you dimwit.

      I might add that your idiot pal Iktomi's silence on this issue constitutes his tacit approval of your nauseating racism. Good job Joerg!

    2. I care enough to tell you to be cautious of taking God's name in vain.
      All of a sudden i have nothing, and Iktomi has his way with me?
      Are you for real?

    3. Harriet Tubman was perhaps the smartest woman who ever lived. For iktomi to suggest that ANY Harriet Tubman monument be removed REEKS of anti-semitism. We must protect the trans community and the earth as the temperature rises 1 degree EVERY day. Replace Europe with sub-saharan Africans. Erect Communist Chinese style government across the globe. Only a one world government merciless enforced by Bolsheviks can save us. It's THAT dire.

    4. God say you join that one world government, and you're going to Hell!

    5. Dr Squatch, that is blatant anti-Semitism. The ADL, ans SPLC, and JDL will ruin you financially. It is best to comply.

    6. What did i say that was blatant anti-semitism?

    7. Are you now or have you ever been an anti-Semite? Are you willing to sign a loyalty oath to Israel and donate to the ADL?

    8. You didn't answer my question, what did i say that was Blatant Anti-semitic?

      I'm against the one's the Bible refers to;
      Rev 3:9
      "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

      No, i would never sigh any "Oath" and i don't know what the ADL is.

    9. Proverbs 4:12
      "And ye I shall beg upon thee, and if thy staff not bequeath unto they that hath not dwelt in Canaan, no lord, nay a shepherd, can undo that which was never done."

      So, I think we're on the same page basically.

  7. What racism? I haven't said anything remotely racist here or ever! That's you and your 5 anon accounts. So the real racist pig is you Harriet Tubman. You are the evil racist! Ya chump!

  8. Keep trying Harriet Tubman. You'll get there. Ya chump. You've been schooled again little kid.

    1. Is clicking the reply link too complicated a task for a racist buffoon like yourself Zabo?

  9. Hey Harriet Tubman you'd love for me to explain what the definition of a race realist is wouldn't ya? lol I can tell the Harriet Tubman thing bothers you since you are the real racist. Gotcha chump! Or would you prefer little kid? Guess you gave up on the jew thing since no one took the bait? Huh kid?

    1. Yeah dumbsh*t, calling me the name of a woman who was born a slave and courageously risked her life to free herself and hundreds of other slaves really bothers me. Do you even know who she was and what she did?



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