Bailey Bigfoot Expedition on Video

The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization heads to Bailey, Colorado for a bigfoot expedition into an area that has had many sasquatch sightings over the years.


  1. Cool structures. How many bigfoot tracks did you document?

    1. ^ bigfoot role player

      dying for plaster to enter into the equation...

    2. Buggys GF ^ Seems you find googlyEyes a turn on. Got mold?

    3. You're an idiot Kelly Shaw. And no, I don't live in my bookstore. What do you have against books, Shaw? Oh, that's right, you're an ignoramus and a fool. And also, you are a liar. You're obviously just jealous of us and our Project and our fine area of research. If you really want to prove yourself so badly, go out and do something worthy. Sitting here ranting on a stupid blog and all over Facebook groups is getting you nowhere. People see you for what you are, and so you defeat yourself. Complete moron!

    4. ^ infighting among bigfoot role-players.

      meanwhile...Jeff Meldrum is having plaster declared a new species, so there's that...

    5. Buggyeyes jealously stalks shaw & then accuses him of doing what Steven actually does. Trolling 101. Thumbs up Steven you are poster child of pathetic. Extremely.

    6. why argue, u r both idiots who believe in imaginary apemen, cant u find common ground in ur idiocy?

    7. ^ says the tosser who frequents the blog about what he thinks is imaginary apemen. good going pillock !


    8. ^ Oh Joe,your words injure me could you be so absolutely beastly ?

      You rotter - there,I`ve said it and now am going to say it in capital letters too...

      You Horrid ROTTER !!

    9. Snibbery snibbery snoo, lotty motty ROLLIP!


    10. ^ Oh you horrid beastly rotter.

    11. Oh, I am! And a silly one at that!

      Teee heee!


  2. What's this? Some kind of video by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization showing wood structures and outlines in the evergreen needles? It's all there...vocalizations, wood knocks, footprints and wood structures so it HAS to be made by a Bigfoot because a human couldn't possibly do those things - right? Oh they could! Well then I'm.......

    Not interested. Done.

  3. Who is Michael Adams? I don't know but he seems like a real fun guy.

    1. Agree Michael! You are a real fun guy! Quit picking on Gollum, he has mold issues & don't have time for your crap Mike!

    2. Michael Adams - fresh fish for Joe. He likes guys who talk about sucking!

    3. Gollum sucks & he has been going to a support group that supports each other to unsuck, however he just keeps sucking. All good you gotta be good at something & Steven is best at sucking.

    4. All this talk about sucking is getting Joe hard.

    5. ^ Coalition of Turd Bangers is perfect for you Joe! You have to put up with a lot of whining, crying & little floor flopping tantrums. In the end as much turd banging as you can handle. I can introduce you to the head corn hole. He is on here 24/7. Steve say hi to your new friend Joe!

    6. Have you idiots had your fun for the day ?
      i'll bet you all get together later on over your magic game cards and mountain dew having a good laugh about your antics on here laughing like silly birds .
      Here's some news lads, you are all a bunch of losers !


    7. Lads cheers knickers shag Blimey tosser cheers


    8. ^ what about tonight Josephine ?

  4. I've not been commenting here. All of the stuff above is from Shaw and his trolly-poly friends. Now they think they're oh so clever copying and pasting things here that I wrote like a year ago. They are obsessed lunatics and liars.

    1. Don't worry about it, most who post here don't believe in bigfoot and enjoy making fun of those that do. People that believe there are 10,000 10 foot tall 800 lb ape men hiding in the USA are to be ridiculed and hoaxed.

    2. Kelly Shaw rules!!

      Iktomi (I swallow) Joe F

    3. Kekky Shaw is a piece of Kakk.

    4. Bigfooter infighting is the saddest.

      "I search for this imaginary creature better than you."

      "No, you don't. Arrrrrrrrgg. Naaaaaarg!"

    5. 5:04, who's the idiot that said there are 10,000?

    6. ^ Crayola Bigfoot hoaxer has joined in!.. Can you post your latest hoax or crumby drawing Squat? Thanks!

  5. CaptainDipshit posts five times on this thread and then claims he isn't commenting here. You are a special kind of stupid aren't you Steven

    1. ^ you mean the fellow with the "pretend"name of Joe ?

    2. He's referring to bookstore guy. He got caught in a lie and took a veiled shot at Rictor is his smear campaign against RMSO.

    3. A bigfooter got caught in a lie? The whole thing is a lie. Bigfoot doesn't exist.

      ALL of you are liars...or dumb.

      Hoaxers rule, all others are saps.

    4. anybody attacking and revealing the truth about the Kacky Shaw group just has to be one of the good guys...No ?

    5. Iktomi = pissy bed wetter

  6. Here's my biggest complaint with, not only these folks, but most of the people that go out in the woods, searching for evidence: everything is automatically bigfoot evidence. A little depression? Has to be a footprint, right? So rather than ruling out some obvious causes, the reaction is to immediately attribute it to a bigfoot - which is irresponsible. I know for a fact that a lot of times, depressions in the ground out here in Colorado are the result of a burrowing animals - long abandoned homes can sink and fill in, leaving depressions that, in some cases, appear in shapes that COULD be mistaken for a footprint.

    1. Well that's one way to tell the IDIOTS, from real researchers.

    2. These fool's need to learn to draw in a Bigfoot on sticks and shadows like Dr Squat does. At that point it becomes real evidence.


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