Alabama Bigfoot On The Ridge Video

Lightning struck again for Jonathan Odom, as it appears he has caught another bigfoot on a ridge with his video camera. Check it out:


  1. Cut the crap and get to the meat of the clip! Who are we subjected to the low brow bull crap before the "sighting". Again, I propose a new law REQUIRING showing whatever is the SAS then show the pontificating crap almost all of us view as drivel later. Robert Dodson, you are a low brow red neck (Trump supporter) that bores the heck out of people. Too bad I don't have the patience to wade thru the crap to get to "the good stuff". I guess my 142 IQ is a disadvantage in the internet world of Bigfoot!

    1. "good stuff"? Here? Where? What?

      I'm afraid if they went right to "the good stuff" there wouldn't even be a video.

  2. SuperFriends unite

    It is time once again to make a leadership position decision.

    The position of chairman of the SuperFriends has been vacant for some time. Chewy is off doing what chewy does and does so well. And no matter what he will always be the SuperFriends and this sites mascot. Personally I think that wookies and sasquatches have a lot in common, duh

    So now we must choose someone to fill the chairmanship position. Like the presidency it requires an intelligent and clear thinking individual who is dedicated to the cause. And that being helping prove that bigfeet exist and eventually cashing in on the fortunes that will follow.

    I nominate Iktomi to this prestigious office. He has proven time and again that he has what it takes times further the cause

    And be the by-laws the floor is open to discussions and seconding of my choice

    1. This nomination will secure a strong future for all of us superfriends


    2. ^Youre masterbater lol- what a serious f*c@tard.

    3. ^ 1:40 projecting AND a bigfoot-believing one of what you call others.


  3. Odom the scrotum produces nothing again. What an idiot this guy is.


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