Real American Werewolves of England!

From Dogman Encounters Radio:

Tonight's guest, Chris Edge, is a Dogman researcher from the state of New Jersey. Chris has been researching Dogmen since 2009 and is going to share the details of several Dogman encounters eyewitnesses have shared with him, over the years. Chris is also the host of a podcast, called Cryptonormal-X.

Click here to listen


  1. The dogman will kill you given the chance. The most dangerous being in the woods bar none. It's been known to outright attack even the Sasquatch that is a lot heavier in size. The scary thing is dogmen don't play fetch like you would think being its part dog . They have been seen carrying human femur bones on occasion but it's been said that if you have a wound the dogman will bandage it before he eats you? Silly when ya think about it.

    1. What evidence is there that this is more than a mere tale ?

  2. This guy just woke up after a big bender, poor guy, he was trying to hide from me but i could smell the booze from a mile away

    So awesome !
    Mega super KABOOM !

    Hey Ikdummy, when are you going to take a photo of a bush or branches that look like a creature. the world is waiting Ikdummy !
    so pathetic !

    1. Thats really pathetic. Those fake accounts of Carla Gentry and Jae Janet don't fool anybody DS.


    3. The jealousy coming from Ikdummy's sock puppet accounts who do zero research is very ironic !
      epic fail !

    4. if you notice it's always the same two people who comment on DS' videos heaping praise on his sharpie drawn images. it reminds me of the Manson family, lmfao !

    5. Vegasthedog, real one childish asshatsMonday, June 26, 2017 at 6:03:00 AM PDT

      Duh, I love testicles


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