Paris Canyon Bigfoot Sighting

The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization has a roundtable discussion as they drive through the area of Paris Canyon where a bigfoot was seen crossing the road just a few weeks prior. Will lightning strike twice?


  1. Keep up the good work Kelly Shaw !

    1. ^ Moron King wants to spoon feed others his toxic puke. Keep up the great work Kelly Shaw!

  2. What's this ? Total bullshit from the Kakk-head Kakky Shaw ?

    1. ^ Rictard Rolypolyo AKA Shamu

    2. You mean Rictor Riolo. I agree he is an obese pineapple

  3. Amazing place. Looks Squatchy

  4. What's this? Some kind of video by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization of them talking about Bigfoot while driving around again? Isn't that Kelly Shaw's group? Don't they ever get tired of driving around and talking about Bigfoot because all of us are......

    Not interested. Done.

    1. ^ yawn. You have a mouse in your pocket Steven Stupidtard? Oh wait it's your GF Rictor that is the lamer. Heard Rictard is tring to lose his third chin. Must be on the have bugggybugeyes piss in your fat mouth diet

    2. ^ Piss in your mouth diet may help Rictard lose that third chinny chin chin. 6:08 And? Don't ever say Gollum did you no favors Rolypolyo. Now kiss & make up.

  5. Good video RMSO. I like to ride along with you in bigfoot sighting hot spots.

    1. Sure thing Anonymous but you are paying for gas and food. Just remember - being the expert I'M doing all the talking.

    2. Hi Kelly! Great video! The girlfriend and I would love to go bigfooting at some point in time. We would like to tag along with your crew when we can actually go. You are our favorite researchers so it would be a dream vacation for us.

    3. ^ if there isn't a photo along with the name it is a hoaxes comment from one of the many BFE trolls that love here. If you want to message Kelly I suggest posting to his media sites. The comment above you is a child without a life and so he is here playing little kids games.

  6. All who are from the trollition, obsessed trolls who badger him at every turn.

    1. True childish online gang that couldn't punch their way out of a wet paper bag. Nerdy adults with their brains stuck in Jr High.

    2. I thought this here Bigfoot Evidence was the kindergarten of Bigfoot trolls?


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