Spooky Bigfoot Audio Recorded Just Nights ago

Robert Dodson in SE Oklahoma shares some interesting, but spooky, audio of what many consider to be bigfoot. Check it out:


  1. Along with their photographic memory, Sasq'ets use sound propagation to navigate, communicate with or detect creatures such as other Sasq'ets or humans with photographic equipment or weaponry.


    1. Watch this Joe, u sick F.


    2. False flag.Terrorism and climate change designed to scare everyone.All part of the agenda for a one world government a micro chipped population.Terrorism in the news every day for years so it gets in your head.ISIS created by the west,armed by us and given some lovely shinny Toyota pick ups xx

    3. cant tell if you are being sarcastic PIB

      Focus on "climate change". Of course there is climate change. You don't think there was an ice age? Are you saying the extent of human involvement in effecting climate change has been exaggerated in order for a limited few to profit in the multi trillions of $....or do you think the climate alarm is what the government says it is?

    4. No i do believe that.we are being lied to by the msm.

      Natural climate change is real of course but i don't believe it has anything to do with us and c02.It's all a big con.I also believe the weather is manipulated xx

    5. Then you are probably aware of Al Gore's proposed $15 trillion carbon tax. Always about a small group of elites profiting massively under the guise of saving the world.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. I wasn't :) but that doesn't surprise me. xx

    8. PUSS in Boots, IS A GREEK GODESS,, FACT!!

    9. PIB , being on point,with her suspicions of collusion, Via the MSM,to brainwash "All" to the globalist agenda, thnx pib !

      Notasstalwartasu, jusfinaround.:)


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