Chance of a Lifetime! Go on a Bigfoot Expedition with Todd Standing!

Todd Standing is officially soliciting spots on a bigfoot expedition into his turf. Check it out for this amazing opportunity.


  1. Will he teach the group how to hoax up a good muppet face????

    1. Wake up Bigfoot Europe. You have no free speech and you dont even know it.

    2. That video has nothing to do with Hoaxers or muppets so I have no idea why you posted it there.^ Or anywhere on this site about bigfoot.

    3. ^ hasn`t much idea,full stop.

      ALL videos about bigfoot are hoaxes..every single one of them.

    4. ^ 12:59 Still lost @ 1:21. Been lost here for 6 yrs. He must be a mental defective.

    5. Why does Standing's fake bigfoot head have a rope coming out of its nose?

    6. He's inside it lol! I saw a breakdown and his facial feature placement matched perfectly to his muppet mask. Stick likely photoshopped on later for effect. Or he was using it to pick his nose.

    7. What should be concerning is that the eyes have became more amber and photoshopped looking since Todd came back with the help of the Hoaxer and Con(mor)man Reo.

  2. Standing is a hoaxer ! He has no proof !
    I have all the proof you would ever need, bigfoot/dogman/barkman/lionman/ name the crypt I got proof of it.
    Got snakeman and baby yesterday !
    nobody puts this baby in the corner
    oh my goodness !
    My evidence = beyond major KABOOM !

    1. I thought I was burning branches in the fireplace all this time. Geez.

    2. The crazy just keeps getting worse for DS. Yikes!

    3. We should all chip in and buy DS a hooker. It is obvious he is a virgin and his problems stem from the fact that he is 65 and has never had sex.

  3. is it a "bring your own hairy suit" party ?

  4. LOL. Todd Standing is in the Bigfoot Hoaxer Hall of Shame. You can read all about the Fraud Standing bigfoot BS right here at the Hall of Shame site:

  5. @12:59: LOL... I live in europe ... no worries my american friend. We do not have a populist president and we are talking to each other ... while you poor American obviously have shared with you in two camps and each side claims to be right. Europe was before you and will be after you. We have invented democracy, made mistakes and survived ... you are running now only in one direction ... good or evil ... that is the wrong way.

    1. glad you have it all figured out LOL

      have fun!

    2. I can see it now.
      Three hours with Todd in the parking lot of a Tim Horton's because he locked himself out of the van.
      He'll explain that he's petitioning Tim Horton's to change the name of the bear claw to the Bigfoot.
      When the Auto Club shows up to let him in the van, we'll be off to a local park.
      Todd will take a large shopping bag and excuse himself.
      Moments later a large fuzzy head appears behind a garbage can.
      It blinks then leaves.
      Todd returns moments later saying "Did you see that?"
      $5000 for a bear claw and coffee.


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