Where To Find Bigfoot

Christopher Noel of Impossible Visits goes on an investigation into an area that caught his attention on Google Earth.


  1. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes?

    1. Using Google Earth to find Bigfoot, LOL....That's one reason why he has ZERO proof!
      More misinformation on how to find them!

    2. I think it's a good idea and he found some interesting stick formations.You're just jealous you didn't think of it xx

    3. Jeffrey Meldrum typed words that others shared, so Bigfoot is now a species. CASE CLOSED

    4. He has as much proof as you do, DS.

  2. Impossible queer visitations.

    1. There's a lot of that poking on around here. The resident troll is here all the time

    2. https://www.google.com/search?q=fecalfeliac&client=ms-android-americamovil-us&hl=en-US&source=android-browser-suggest&prmd=mvin&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiVnZji7cnTAhUB8IMKHe1FCHEQ_AUICygD&biw=533&bih=295#imgrc=T35fGnLJht_lcM:&spf=171


    3. https://www.google.com/search?q=fecalfeliac&client=ms-android-americamovil-us&hl=en-US&source=android-browser-suggest&prmd=mvin&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiVnZji7cnTAhUB8IMKHe1FCHEQ_AUICygD&biw=533&bih=295#hl=en-US&tbm=isch&q=golden+showers&imgrc=iCYg68LWopbJjM:&spf=305

      Racist Stuey

    4. http://zimbabwe-today.com/gay-baboon-terrorises-villagers-in-southafrica-rapes-5-men/

      Stuey dream vacation land

    5. "What's That" ,,! ;-O


  3. Bigfoot is in every forest that is not located next to a major highway. So how can an expert go wrong by directing anybody to any particular location.

  4. Checking in I still see no mention or news of Dr. Mathew Johnson's purported "Great Reveal". So I did a little search and found this:


    If this IS true than he's quite mad and anyone who buys into what he says are complete fools. He also is tying in religion with Bigfoot as well. I personally don't believe in the existence of Bigfoot but I suppose I can understand how there are some who might hold out hope for it's existence. What I cannot understand is how anyone can buy into what is called "habituators" who claim to interact with Bigfoot on a regular basis.

    Now Johnson has said that Gimlin is his friend and has written a forward in his book. If what is said in this video is true than I have to wonder if Gimlin has bought into this as well. If he has then I think that those who look up to Gimlin as the best spokesman for the Bigfoot community will have to re-evaluate that stance.

    The case for Bigfoot continues to spiral downward.

    1. You don't seek proof curious, or you would be on my channel commenting and learning.

    2. Experts have Proof! Noel is a Charlatan!

    3. If anyone comments on your channel and you don't like it you just ban them.500 at the last count xx

    4. I concure. Ds!

      Hey PIB

      AC Collins

    5. I only ban people who are foolish morons like you PIB who can't see plain truth right before their eyes
      Ridiculous !

    6. Not in the least bit true PIB! If you act immature, or swear, you get a warning. My channel, why would you care who I ban or keep?
      Not just PIB fake DS, Vegas and Iktomi too.

    7. See all my evidence, penises and testicles, enhanced and blown up and highlighted so you don't miss a thing, roll up, roll up, see the show


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