The Yowie Chronicles

From the Yowie Chronicles:

The Yowie, Australia's version of Bigfoot and the Yeti has been encountered by many since the 1870's. It is a common belief that there are 2 types of Yowie, the big one which is 7-10 feet tall and the smaller version being between 4-5 feet tall. Many believe the smaller Yowie to be the most dangerous with many accounts of this creature attacking people.

Our Yowie story began in 2012 after reading a magazine article about Australia's "Yowie Hunter", Dean Harrison and his encounters with these creatures. As we read we learned these encounters occurred very close to where we lived which naturally seized our attention.

Shortly after this my family and I were sitting around a campfire singing and toasting marshmallows when my wife suggested the strange growling coming from the riverbank might be the Yowie. I initially dismissed the idea until I needed firewood and it so happened the best firewood available was a pile of driftwood at the top of the river bank, right where the growling was coming from. As I made my way to within 10 metres of the wood pile a loud aggressive growl came from directly behind the wood pile where an 8-10 dropoff to a lower part of the bank was located. I froze for about 10 seconds, partially soiled my pants, regathered myself and took a couple more slow steps forward. The growl that followed was so aggressive and so blood curdling I freaked out, turned around and immediatey sprinted back to where my family was. We decided to drive our 4WD down to the edge of the river bank and shine the headlights. We saw and heard nothing for the rest of the night. The creature had disappeared.

Since that first Yowie encounter we have had countless other encounters including sightings, growling, howling, footprints, heavy running and the list goes on.


  1. Suck it long time said the master to his manservant, Joe.

    1. ^ no wonder your father was never in your life

    2. Me so horny Joergy, me so horny. Me love your Joerg stick long time

    3. 2;23 no,he was shagging your mom for most of the time,brother.

    4. ^ makes very hard work of simple things

  2. Bearman with birdman on his head...ka boomThursday, April 27, 2017 at 6:02:00 AM PDT

    Duh, I like testicles

  3. Thank you Dr Squatch for showing us testicles and penis pictures, I am now willing to label you #1 bigfoot researcher

  4. Oh yes, thank you Dr squatch for those wonderful pictures

    1. Come and get my loving :)

    2. I can't believe DS asked me if i got turned on by his pervy drawings.If you ask me that's creepy xx

    3. I loved it, loved it, true proof of Bigfoot

    4. He should be ashamed of himself.It was very unchristian of him xx

    5. Leave it to fake Joe to get turned on by testicles. I'd hate to see his place. Most likely a pigsty filled with gross things of all shapes and sizes


    6. You're pretty stupid if you think I would ask anyone that.

    7. True proof of Bigfoot

    8. ps - I need to add that I`m much more interested by what is inside the testicles that outside - all the yummy hot creamy cum is just ecstasy - oh yum yum yum.


  5. Stop it. Just stop it. LEAVE ME ALONE!

  6. Did you fellows know the skookum cast has a huge testicles imprint in it,you can see all the veins and wrinkles, true proof of Bigfoot

  7. "Suck it long and suck it hard" said the master to his manservant,Joe.


      The Coalition is a group started in 2011 for the purpose of moling and trolling the Facebook. Bigfoot Community. They hide behind the Bluff Creek Conspiracy, which has some merit if they weren't involved in their troll conspiracy.

      Debunking their claims:

      They claim they identified a Humbolt Pine martin, an endangered species by trail camera. First failure is that there is no DNA confirmation of the species. The second fail is the Humboldt Pine Martin is listed as Of Concern, not endangered by the government. It's a manipulation of data to enhance the project.

      They claim they found the historical PGF site, but offer no confirmable proof. We are supposed to take their word for it. No evidence, no confirmation. Also this does nothing to advance Bigfoot Research since theres been no activity out of there, if it is there, in several decades. It's another attempt to enhance reputation.

      They claim they outed SOHA from Matthew Johnson. What they actually did was cyberstalk and troll him for two years, and then conspire to commit a hoax at SOHA. There was a plan to discredit the Olympic Project in the mix as well. The geologist, the one actual scientist in the Bluff Creek Consipracy has had issues with the Olympic Project and saw a chance to discredit them. That and one of the Coalition admins is the actual SOHA hoaxer.

      They also pick on a sixteen year old Austrailian kid over a cougar track. That's pretty lame.

    2. ^ it is in their nature to attack people they are afraid of

    3. There are cougars in Australia?

    4. Jackie just can't stop himself.

    5. 11;07 oh yes and they`re usually over 60 with peroxide blonde hair...and a wrinkled muff that is used as a weapon to force your manhood to employ the billabong position.

  8. STUDY Finds "Artificial Passageway" On The Moon

    This IS the REAL deal,folks !!

  9. Australians won't be able to find bigfoot because...dumb.

    The entire country is a festival of stupidity.


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