Small Bigfoot Runs Out Onto Road Video Breakdown Update

Phil Poling of Parabreakdown shares his findings on this recently posted piece of footage. The source of the video believes it shows a small bigfoot running out onto the road in front of the vehicle.


  1. Breakdown = I repost your creativity and hard work but talk over it and monetize it so that I make money off of you.

    1. ^ Hard work ?

      Creativity ?

      I guess folk such as yourself think this is a real bigfoot - well it is kinda,as it is as "real" as any other "bigfoot" I s` `scuse me while I guffaw loudly into the palm of my hand...haw haw haw haw hawwwwww.

    2. 12:53 Yes, hard work and creativity. Bigfoot isnt real. Therefore anyone creating anything bigfoot-related has to go out with their camera and create something.

      These leeches like Parabrkdown or whatever,, honestly I didnt even watch the video, download the hard work of others, talk over it, upload it on their own channel, and claim "fair use". ...sometimes getting more views than the people who created the original video.

    3. ^ I beg to differ - a drop of rain on a window turned into a small bigfoot isn`t creativity but outright scamming...and aren`t they themselves trying to garner attention,and thus money,from their outright scam ? Neither is there much hard work in allowing rain to fall upon a windscreen.

    4. ^ ps - now,the bigfoot "patty" is creativity and hard work indeed.

    5. ^ true "patty" is creativity and hard work indeed but he was a scammer by your definition.

    6. ^ Hmmm,yes,I see your point but at least some time must have been spent formulating their plan and hard graft creating the costume and finding the right area etc for their "event"...think also of the huge pressure they dealt with and the sheer enormity of what they achieved was only because of the hard work that mainly came after the event..the stuff of filming their creation turned out to be the easy part compared to what came later...and surely this could not be called a cheap scam in any sense of the word...unlike the drop of rain on the guys windscreen which can only be said to be a cheap scam.

    7. The bottom line is bigfoot does not exist. Tweaking a costume or scouting locations makes bigfoot no more real than filming rain drops. Bigfooters declare what is fake and what's not fake when in reality IT'S ALL FAKE. Why buy into their crap with "Patterson is more real than Dyer" or "Meldrum is more real than Dr Squatch"? IT'S ALL FAKE.

    8. ^ Gee - could dogman be a fake too?

    9. I'm open-minded about Dogman. I've also heard that "KABOOM! Mini long-armed Werewolf Spider Cat-Thing" may be real.

  2. Bigfoot evidence, you're only source for bigfoot testicles and testicle related topics

  3. Bearman with birdman on head...kaboomThursday, April 27, 2017 at 12:38:00 PM PDT

    Duh, yummy testicles

  4. Replies
    1. ^ shaven guy with that smooth sensual feel that encourages the menfolk to sway,then crumble,as they toss themselves silly dreaming of brown holes of desire.

  5. Bearman with birdman on head...kaboomThursday, April 27, 2017 at 1:47:00 PM PDT

    Dr Squatch please repost those wonderful pictures to prove to these simpletons that Bigfoot is real

    1. did you want the dick pics ?
      I am especially proud of those . Usually penis' make my camera blurry but I guess I have been lucky this year.
      Tell those simpletons who is the best, it's me of course !

  6. No one wants to watch this asshole steal other people's videos. Stop posting this garbage Matt. Your blog sucks.

    1. He`s not stealing anything.

      More to the point who wants to watch this sort of complete rubbish and lie from the original poster either.He is a moronic opportunist trying to find his 15 minutes of fame...shame he only managed 5 minutes before he was collared as a fraudster...The Parabreakdown guy is merely taking his opportunity too but I doubt he makes much from it at all.


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