Les Stroud Discusses Tree Structures In The Bigfoot World

Les Stroud talks about the plausibility of tree structures and limb foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemations being the work of sasquatch. He makes a comparison to the uses of these structure type by Native Americans.


  1. Les Stroud will get it done. Cant Finding Bigfoot is washed up.

    1. Les Stroud knows Bigfoot isn't real.

    2. Finding Bigfoot knows bigfoot isnt real. They send crew out into the forest to respond with knocks and crappy screams. Its a completely fabricated show.

    3. 6:48 Bigfoot is the only horror genre where you have morons debating whether the monster is real or not.

    4. I hate it when jerks come on here and say things like the 1967 Patterson Bigfoot film, which has been debunked so many times, the costume maker came forward, even the guy that wore the costume and played Bigfoot confessed, but you have these cucks still saying that it's real. They're annoying the people that like the Bigfoot genre, as you say, and want to discuss cool plot scenarios for Bigfoot movies and books. Then some A-h0le will post here and swear that he saw a real Bigfoot in his backyard or something. It's idiotic.

    5. Patterson/Gimlin film has never been debunked. The guy that lied about being in the suit cant even come up with a single synthetic hair from the suit he claim to wear. Cant give a credible maker or rental place for the suit. Skeptards will believe any hoax at trying to debunk the film. Funny how skeptards want solid evidence but will sucker into any fabrication to debunk without a shred of evidence.

    6. The Patterson Hoax is old news. It's funny hearing from the stray person that still thinks it's real but they are usually just trolling. I crack up when I see that guy walking in the woods with a total human gait in a costume with obvious cutout holes for eyes even though the film is very grainy.

    7. I kind of wish Heironomous and Morris hadn't demolished the lie. It was kind of cool imagining it was real before we knew it was a big hoax.

    8. ^ very very good

      hahahaha hahahahah

    9. You guys talking about that berk Phillip Morris who claimed to have sold Patterson a gorilla costume and then tried to recreate one in a very failed way ?
      You'd think a costume maker had more expertise and know how at making a top notch bigfoot costume way more than some so called drifter like Patterson did but Norris not only failed but did it miserably .
      sorry lads but you'll have to do better than take the word of some two bit scalliwag like Morris
      But carry on and you are welcome to try and try again.
      The PGF has never been debunked and never will be
      Pip pip !


    10. ^ Neither has it been proven or backed up in any way by any evidence.

      And scalliwag Morris ? What a pathetic comment to make ... do you know him and if not why would you say such a thing about a person you`ve never met yet take the words of two very well known good for nothings and fraudsters as truth ?

      You`re a fucking prick.

    11. Patterson was fake. Debunked over and over again. Cool costume tho.

    12. Yes, he is because he's laying about the costume and couldn't even come close to doing a half decent job of recreating it. A very weak attempt to get his name in the press trying to ride the coattails of something that was marvelous which happened 50 years ago.
      Since you toddlers seem to think the PGF was a costume my challenge is still on- make one of your own that looks like it. shouldn't be too hard for you. Pro tip, put down your cheetos, your beer, your xbox,put down the remote control and take a crack at it
      I'm betting you'll do an ace job of it, hahahahahahahaha


    13. Joe, you're being foolish. The Patterson costume worn by Bob Heironomous was embarrassingly cringe worthy. He didn't even attempt to change his walk.

      Why do you have to pretend that Bigfoot is real? What if people started doing that with Star Wars...over scrutinizing the film and claiming that it was a documentary.

      Just enjoy the stories and tales of Bigfoot. Quit pretending that you're a scientist on the verge of a huge apeman discovery.

    14. But he said he wore it and you foolish skeptics believe him and the blighter Morris hook line and sinker while discounting the thousands of credible witnesses who have seen one . so what are people really seeing? A three legged bear who walks upright ? a bloke in a costume ? too much moonshine+ imagination? People are seeing something and that something also leaves big footprints in the middle of nowhere
      You go and enjoy your grand theft auto, your dungeons and dragons, your duck dynasty and world of warcraft but don't take it too seriously mate


    15. Put a fork in it, Joe. You're Done.

      Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back
      No more no more no more no more

      Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back
      No more

      What'd you say

      Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back
      No more no more no more no more

      Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back
      No more

    16. Joe has a fantasy perception of the USA. Bigfoot and hillbillies making moonshine and hiding everywhere. lol

    17. Bears standing upright are huge, here in America, go back to your drug addled ape faced Queen for true Bigfoot comparisons , duh, I like testicles

    18. God save the queen, she ain't a human being.

      Joe being the queen.

    19. Not true 5:08! I have a Pic that has 3 similarities to Patty, and there's no way in the world P/G knew to put these 3 features in a costume, no way, no how!

    20. We'll take your word for it Dr. You know better than most

    21. DS is right, Patterson was not a biologist or an anthropologist and back then there was no internet to research what a bigfoot would look like.
      I will concede Patterson may have bought a costume and had someone wear it in practice of filming a bigfoot documentary but all that went out the window when he came upon and filmed a real bigfoot at willow Creek in 1967. You may call it too lucky but just think, how many people back then would have gone deep into the woods with cameras . Patterson was lucky that day and he died never realizing the big money he thought he was going to get and he also did not recant his story right til the end.
      and no, i don't think all Americans drink moonshine and watch nascar , just the miserable trolls who come on here and leave nasty comments
      Our queen just turned 91 !
      God save her


    22. There are no trolls, Joe. If anything you are the troll. 99% of the bigfoot reports come from areas where humans frequent, not some unexplored area of the US, even if there even was such a thing. How there could be tribes of 10 foot tall apemen in Ohio, California, Oregon, Penn, Florida, Texas, Montana, Idaho, etc...that evade focused cameras is beyond ridiculous. You have it absolutely backwards..in the USA, nascar hillbillies are the much more likely the ones that believe in bigfoot. In the US, educated people with teeth don't believe in Bigfoot. I like Bigfoot as entertainment. I make money off of Bigfoot related stuff but I don't actually think that it's real.

    23. Gee,91? She had the same hideous face at 20,glad that mug is on your money and not ours,she makes the Euro look good.Also, the church of England has nothing to do with God

    24. And what will you look like when you're 91, Romeo ?
      At least we don't elect morons as leaders.
      Let that sink in for a bit mates


    25. No, you're morons are inbred and handed to you without choice,chew that over you git

    26. Jeez,Allah bless the Queen hahaha haha

    27. the only queen I'll ever bow down to was named Trixie who used to dance at the drag revue in downtown Philly

  2. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it…


  3. Todd and Les have no clue what the structures mean, and how to tell dead fall from a Bigfoot marker.
    Snow load....Hilarious!

    1. Stick to your inner city bike paths... You're not ready for the big leagues.

  4. If you associate with Todd Standing you are a fraud.

    1. ^ True and if you associate with Steven Streutfaeurt you are a fraud.

    2. ^ True and if you associate with Steven BugeyeStreutfaeurt you are a fraud.


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