Bigfoot Hunting at Old Homestead

The Squatch Master hits the woods again, checking out an old homestead area. While he's investigating, something hits his camera he left behind.


  1. Where is Dr J Big Reveal????

    1. I have to confess to shaving my legs for a smooth silken feel for men to run their rough manly hands over before getting real manly with their hard tool and ejaculating all over my silky thighs..buyt I DO have great trouble shaving around my hairy asshole area and it IS difficult even with a mirror..and so I encourage men and boys to shave the area of my ringpiece before they sully my brown todge-hole with their manly leaves a kind of cheesy brown slurry that sticks to any hairs left unshaven near and around my red-raw asshole.


    2. ^ hmmm yes i like it

      any chance of your address ?


    3. HAA HAAA HAAA LOL!! @ All of above!


  2. The Dr. J. "Great Reveal" is a story about somebody seeing a bigfoot pop out of a an interdimensional portal.


    I've come to wonder if this guy really saw a bigfoot at Oregon Caves in the first place. His credibility and nearly non-existent at this point.

    1. Steven Stupidtard has been planting fake bigfoot in Oregon for over a dozen years. Dr J is finding hoaxed evidence from Bluff Creek Scam Project.

    2. Give the guy a break - how else can he make a good living ?

    3. Only and idiot who charges car batteries would fall for fake evidence, and live his life in Paranoia about it!

    4. ^ DrScamsquat seems a little sensitive when anyone talks about his buggyeyed hoaxing friend. You two have so much in common that it makes sense. Dr Scamsquat hoaxes sharpie drawings of faces on shadows. Steven spends donations to plant fake bigfoot evidence. You guys share the same hobby! Yay! BFF

  3. Isnt it amazing that squatchmaster searches and searches for years and never found anything or seen anything(real). But all of a sudden he is seeing bigfoot every time he goes out, and then even manages to capture it on film. just amazing isnt it. I smell a dirty rat(called squatchmaster) hoaxing constantly. and the sad part is he has followers that believe everything he says. if they would just think about some of the things he says and does they would realize he is pulling the wool over their eyes. I feel badly for those simple minded people. Most people out searching (some for decades) might not see anything and if they manage to, they definitely don't see them time and time again every thing they go out there. Come on people wake up and see him for what he is. Just a person that wants the views to feel important.


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