Todd standing Shares His Sasquatch Wisdom

Todd Standing from Sylvanic Bigfoot fame is back! In this video he shares some of his sasquatch wisdom he has acquired over his many years of research.


  1. Replies

      "YES YOU ARE "!!

    2. Is Todd Standing the guy who shows a bigfoot ?

      But when facial imagery is applied we see the bigfoot is in fact HIMSELF.

      Another one bites the dust.

    3. Todd`s standing in the bigfoot world of belief is more of a total sit-down affair.

      Not a lot of standing.

    4. Mysterious Lost "Littlefeets" Sumatran Pygmy Tribe May Have Been Found...

    5. Littlefeets of the forest...

  2. And with this the bigfoot media explosion of the last decade is officially dead. We have truelly come full circle. No more ketchum papers coming soon, no more matilda videos coming soon, no more sykes documentary coming soon, etc etc. Nadda. Nothing. Its been a wild ride but zero bigfoots really is zero bigfoots and for bigfooting that is absolutely fatal. Bigfooting is back among the paranormal woo train alongside ufos and ghosts. The only remaining footers are the likes of johnson peddling his paranormal portal mindspeak cancer healing nonsense... and charging for it of course in the form of his book and conference. Cashing in on a niche market for gullible believers now all the big names have bowed out, I suppose, fair play to the guy, nice work if you can get it.

    Simply put: Bigfoot dont exist.

    1. Bigfoots don't exist.

      Muppets however…

    2. I liked Matilda, it's rubbery teeth are real proof of Bigfoot in my professional opinion even though I'm not really a Dr per se

  3. Watched this video from start to finish. It is what it is? But the only negative I can draw from this video is that Todd Standing is hung up on being called a hoaxer. Even though he says he's not many times throughout this footage. That the only thing if I were him I wouldn't do is to go on and on about his critics. Well worth the time though. That's if you are a real believer and want to actually learn the ways of the Sasquatch? Thanks for posting this Bigfoot Evidence! Sure beats any Timbo "T-Fats" FATsano videos on how to part time lift weights, drive a cab in Florida, and oh yeah chase wild hogs around the Everglades and call them the Florida skunk ape! lol T-Fats you used up douche bag!

    1. How can anyone see Standing's puppet shows and not know he's a hoaxer?

      A blatantly incompetent hoaxer.

      At this point all this man can do is discredit bigfoot research as a whole merely by association.

      Most people think bigfoot is just a myth.

      Todd Standing makes bigfoot a lie.

    2. Correct 3:38, that's so true about associating a name, with discrediting Bigfoot research, that's EVERY researcher featured on this site!

      Standing's little Rambo rant at the start was HILARIOUS! He acts like he's so skilled, he can sneak up on them! That right there shows he's a total joke. Where are all the video's of him in his Guille suit scouting, LOL!
      I can tell you he's flat out a hoaxer! I'll painfully go through his waste of time video, and let you all know where he's full of crap.
      He said the pointy head of a Bigfoot is the Temporalis Muscle, this isn't at all true, it's a Sagittal Crest. Generally if a Sagittal crest is present, the Mastication muscles (Temporalis) are larger, but he's incorrect about the cone head.
      He interviews Meldrum & Bindernagel, and Stroud, who are totally clueless. He's using their names, to perpetuate his own. People who don't research are clueless, and will fall for BS like Fraud Standing.
      He mentions Bigfoot being 12 trees away, or a buffer from civilization, this isn't at all true.

      Todd asks " Who's getting out in the field, who's doing the research?"
      Well he sure as heck isn't! Where's his proof? I don't see any before and after pics, since the muppets.

      He loves his family, and risks his life every time he goes in the wilderness.....Where are these video's?

      He's taken a Dozen Primatologists out too ( Where's the proof you took them out?)...No matter, it was a waste of their time, and you didn't convince them of anything.
      He's now rambling on about angry unpredictable Elephants, and saying Bigfoot can be the same way (off his rocker, no proof whatsoever to make a claim like this)
      He said an Alpha Male Bigfoot can be 9 feet 900lbs....That's a small Alpha male.

      He just called the Satanist Darwin, "Brilliant"

      He claims him and Les found a 15" track, and he knows which Bigfoot left that print! ( This is just one claim he makes, that reflects back to make researchers look bad)

      He says he puts chemical drops of Douglas Fir all over his grille suit before he goes out. Every hunter knows you don't add smell, you eliminate it! Either way, his grille suit is useless, just his way of making himself seem like he knows what he's doing ( obvious he doesn't!)

      He claims the Bigfoot looked exactly like what his plain eyes saw. Flat out lie, unless you're face to face with it!

      Claims Duke university showed temperature/heat coming from his face pics, and it can't be a mask. That's because it's Todd, with make-up on. If Todd's pics were real, HE WOULD HAVE HUNDREDS, YES HUNDREDS, NOT TWO!

      He claims people stole his images, don't have permission to use them, risked his life to get them. Really? All of my pics are free to use, without permission. Nothing to hide.

      He talks about people interviewing him. These people who interview you, are clueless about Bigfoot. How bout an interview with me Todd. I'd like to come to your area, and see what you got! You claim you're not a hoaxer, prove it! no one knows more about bigfoot than me, i think you're full of crap!
      Prove me and the world wrong!

      He says he did not believe the Patterson footage, but met Bob Gimlin, and Gimlin thinks Todd's stuff is real, so now Todd think Bob's video is real.

      He claims Bigfoot were sleeping in a cave all winter, and got some DNA. Where's the video, Liar!

      He claims he had all this hair, but doesn't anymore...and Melrum is his colleague?????????????? Guess meld rum stole his too!

      He ends asking for money.


      I'll be the first to apologize if i'm wrong, but i'm not. I don't want anyone being fooled by hoaxers.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. With a 17 paragraph essay, some would say you're a little bit jealous.

    5. I love Todd Standing and Matt Johnson, a real Dr.

    6. I knew some idiot would say that. Not possible to be jealous of a hoaxer, or anyone else.
      I don't want to see people taken advantage of.

    7. ^ says the #1 laziest hoaxer in the world.

    8. Doc is indeed jealous of everyone else and inflates his own status. classic narcissist sociopathic textbook behavior from the doc.
      at least Fraud standing stepped up his game by introducing claymation puppets . Doc is still stuck on his sharpie enhanced kindergarden fluff only the most gullible will fall for

    9. Todd Standing Shares His Sasquatch Wisdom...

      Reveals he`s more of a Norman Wisdom than a bigfoot researcher - ironically Todd has no Standing.

    10. Driving around filming and not having a single pic because Steven plants fake evidence....WHAT A LOSER!

    11. 100%!
      Where's the footage of him walking in and taking these pics? He convienently left that out! His Muppets do not even resemble these creatures, and the clarity should be the first clue its totally fake!
      He does not have ANY before or after pics, which is another major red flag.
      If he really had footage, he would associate with Meldrum or Bindernagel, because if they had even a remote clue about these creatures, they would know its fake.

    12. Hey PIBs, you got anymore of those Barkman pics? Those always cheer me up.

    13. Merely your opinion DS. Proof of nothing.

    14. But DS isn't that what people say about your pics? xx

    15. For you 12:14..stickman xx

    16. I still love Todd Standing and Matt Johnson, a real Dr

    17. Lol Thanks PIBs!! I would hate to run into that monster in the woods.

    18. Ignore the fake DS who doesn't love Standing and the Dr

    19. Would you like to see my monster in the woods?

  4. Hey! Todd Standing and his poorly constructed muppet show is back! Yay! I like muppets. Dont know what they have to do with bigfoot research but he owns some of the best flocked muppet ewok heads.

    1. The only puppet shows going mate are the ones going on in your basement.

      Get a life go throw a ball or something you sad sack of nuts.

    2. ^ Joe being abusive in anon mode.

      We KNOW it is YOU,JOE.

      Get a grip on yourself.

    3. I am gripping myself, in the crotch

    4. That's not me- it's the fake Joe aka dmaker or haints
      Both are trumpet tossers


  5. A Pegasus flew over our most gracious Queen and shat on her royal walkers

    1. The adults throw scat from the trees, and it's big scat


    Worst hunting dog ever

  7. Todd standing opens up about the art of bigfoot hoaxing. it must really burn doc Squat that this blog features a known hoaxer like Standing but Doc's MS paint creations get no action on here
    Poor doc, he may have to up his hoaxing skillz

    1. Only hoaxers and non researchers are featured here.

    2. Long live the armchair panelists.

    3. In that case you'd be the star here Doc because 100000% of everything you have created in pure trash of the lowest form.
      This blog wont go near your crap and neither will any other and when one does please give us a call
      we'll be waiting

    4. Is DS even a real Dr? at least I am

    5. Todd Standing is the real thing DS, your stuff is faked news

  8. Todd hoaxed bigfoot imagery. Not sure where you go after that. In my book he is done.

    1. It's not just that he's a hoaxer. He's an incompetent obvious hoaxer. His puppets are pathetic.

      But even more pathetic are the losers who fell for them. I lost all respect I had for Stroud the moment I saw him next to Standing. Even those fools from Not Finding Bigfoot saw through his lies, and Matt Moneymaker will believe anything.

    2. As usual the standard plea for donations. Pathetic are the losers who donate to him.

    3. Any researcher who asks for money is not interested in Bigfoot, its all about the money!

  9. Todd Standing has magnificent videos and pictures of Sasquatch. He is a great outdoorsman and is supported by many people, except for probably only 3 people posting on this story here. Sasquatch is the smartest animal in the forest and he kicks butt.


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