"Pegasus" Spotted Over England

Two people believe they saw what they could only describe as a "pegasus" flying in the skies over England. Cryptozoologynews.com reports:

The 49-year-old woman, Jo-Anne Matthews, told Cryptozoology News that she was dropping her granddaughter off at her home in Runcorn when they saw the odd creature last Wednesday evening.

“It was a very clear night. Both myself and granddaughter noticed the constellations, Orion’s belt, etc. We then noticed something moving slowly across the sky… higher than a plane,” said the sales manager. “The weird thing was it was same colour as the sky.”

Its wings, she explained, were flapping, adding that as the reason they were able to differentiate its shape in the sky.

“It was physically moving. It was my granddaughter who said it was a pegasus, as its shape and movement looked like it.”

For more, click here. 


  1. This is a story that should 'ave come from somewhere in the southern states where hillbillies have a bit too much moonshine not from England. she must have took a dip in the Mersey river after having too much St Paddy's green beer.
    bloody hell !


    1. ^ Why dismiss such reports ? You get very angry indeed when people dismiss bigfoot as being hallucinations etc.

    2. Ikdummy is on the case. "He" has formed a dermal morphology protocol hypothesis and Lovelock skull strategery to science out this mystery!

    3. Joe wouldn't dismiss it if she had said a Bigfoot was riding the Pegasus Anon 4:01. Bigfoot witnesses never lie or are mistaken you know.

    4. Yeah ,it`s irony in action...Jotomi making fun of a person who believes in something there`s not any evidence for.


    5. One sighting identified as a Pegasus by a child vs thousands of reports of bigfoot along with footprints and all the other stuff Iktomi has educated you on!you've not been paying attention have you? xx

    6. The pedo troll is so intellectually bankrupt that he can't even pay attention

    7. ^ Jeff Smellmybum is his hero.

    8. I'm sure back in the days of Greece a small minority of it's citizens believed Pegasus actually existed and even reported such. Of course today we know it did not. So shall it be with Bigfoot as well in the future. People will look back and wonder how anyone could have believed such a thing.

    9. Piss in her Panties needs Iktomijo to tell her what reality is.

      Haha haha haha

    10. Wait a minute, isn't Joes main arguement about mythical creatures that "No one is seeing unicorns, fairies, etc"????? as opposed to bigfoot. Well OOOOOOOOOOOppsss. So yes indeed people in England are reporting seeing flying horses. And guess what, im guessing that over in England there are some hoof prints somewhere in the dirt. And those have to be from the Pegasus, because they were found in remote areas, where no Englishman has ever tred before. AHHHHHHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

      The case for bigfoot gets worse with each passing day!!!

    11. Being sure isn't really enough i'm afraid 8:31 xx

    12. Fools !
      As PIB put it oh so simply and beautifully - there's only been one bloody report of a flying horse to my knowledge vs thousands of bigfoot reports, foot prints, photos, videos etc.
      so if you want to carry on with the rubbish comments go right ahead but it will only make you lads look like huge pillocks not that you aren't used to that of course


    13. And 8:42 who is probably the same person,only 2 people claim to have seen a Pegasus,a nipper and her granny.And hoof prints are left by ordinary horses but who else can leave human foot prints up to 21 inches? AHHHHHHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA xx

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. "Being sure isn't really enough i'm afraid"

      I agree. Are you sure Bigfoot exists? Are you sure people aren't lying or mistaken? Are you sure PG film isn't a hoax? You cannot be sure unless you have a body to examine.

      I'm not Anon 8:42 however I will answer with this: Anyone with a little talent and incentive CAN leave footprints of any size. It's been done before.

    16. Sorry Mates, Bigfoot surely does not exist but the Queen surely smells like turds

    17. Yep,yep and yep 10:27

      Would you bother to leave footprints miles in the forest where nobody goes on the off chance that somebody might find them? xx

    18. nice try fake Joe @10:37
      10:27- i'm sure bigfoot exists as i'm sure you do . You may not leave prints but your comments are evidence of your existence and with bigfoot there are prints, videos, photos etc.
      If you think the PGF is a hoax then prove it by recreating the same costume using 60s fabric technology and then maybe I'll start seeing your way otherwise your just another tosser talking out both sides of your mouth


    19. ^ Has his knickers on way too tight


    20. Prove it's real and not a costume, you can't you wankers, only bigfoot ever filmed by shady con men,sod off you gits

  2. Bigfoot: A Skillful Swimmer?


  3. DS has and naked shadow people, and white nosed Bigfoot captured in MS Paint. You got nothin' on us England! Nothin!

    1. Whatever Iktomi, stick with Meldrum and Bindernagel, they're sure to bring you evidence!

    2. Haa haa haa lol !!!

      YEA RIGHT!

    3. You're right there Vegasthedog DS is number one :) xx

    4. Lan` o` da free !!

      hah hah hah

      sob sob sob

    5. Foolish Vegas, stupid foolish Vegas

    6. Buy my book, my Dr career is in the toilet

    7. At least I'm a real Dr though, not a chiropractor or some quackery like that

    8. Was Ikdumbell able to get plaster casts of Pegasus?

    9. Jeff Meldrum is now declaring that Pegasus is NOT Gigantopithicus but a relic horse.

    10. He needs donations for a faster Blimp, to keep up with the Pegasus!

    11. Are you really a Dr?


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