Dr. Matthew Johnson Justifies the Cost of his NEW Bigfoot Book

Dr. Matthew Johnson has a new bigfoot book, and in this video explains why he won't drop the shipping charges on it.


  1. Replies
    1. @Dr. Moobs.com
      @Dr. Loony Manboobs.com

    2. Scott Paper company has published it as part of their American Arseholes TP collection.

  2. This is the guy whwo began as a "traditional" believer from the white man vein of belief - "traditional" belief among the tribes being another reality entirely...this guy did a video recently where he explains his crossing the belief gap and he now believes that bigfoot is from the realm of the paranormal...I guess he has his reasons.

    1. why do you pretend to be an injun?

    2. Me smokem peace pipe. white man steal our skokum squatchkin many moons ago. Iktomi our only hope. Kat hansen fail us. Chick Chunk a disgrace.

    3. He is coned by a demon, and he would have you pay for the same, a lie of Satan. TROLL KILLER

    4. 8:16 - perhaps he has a feather up his bum.

  3. My, that was quite a diatribe for a simple question asking about shipping. I agree he should't have to ship it for free but $8.00 shipping does seem to be overcharging especially if you use media shipping. He then goes into the hard sell mode of why you should buy his book.

    He makes some big claims throughout this video. Seventeen years of research - of what exactly? Buy the book and find out. Best written book about Bigfoot? Buy the book and see for yourself. Want to know who they are, where they're from and why they're here? Buy the book and find out. He disparages other researchers in the process of promoting his book as well.

    Based on what I have seen of him in videos, I don't think I could ever be friends with this guy and I'm sure he definitely wouldn't care for me. He comes across as narcissistic, arrogant, very defensive and dismissive. Of course Mr. Uno has said the same here about me so I guess it's all a matter of perspective - LOL.

    I'm tempted to buy the book so I can review and comment on it right here on this site. He makes the statement that it will show you how you can replicate what he has done and use it in your area (he didn't mention if the results would be the same). I bought the book The Nature of the Beast by Dr. Sykes and would recommend it to anyone who has an interest in the subject. Judging from the book and what I have seen of him in TV and videos, I think I would like Dr.Sykes very much.

    Not much more to comment on until I read Johnson's book. I fully admit I am already heavily biased against him but will try to give full report on the gist of his book and perhaps satisfy some's curiosity without having to spend any money. But if you are into gifting bowls, portals and mindspeak buy the book and judge for yourself if it has merit.

    1. I donated $4000 to Dr Johnson on Patreon. I read his book cover to cover 7 times. I will comment on it at Dogman Evidence as well.

    2. Don't buy his book curious, total waste of money! This douchebag is on cloud 9, with no proof whatsoever!
      Was this supposed to be Dr J's big announcement? Replicate what he does, LOL, HE'S DONE NOTHING!
      Mindspeak.....you need committed Dr. J

    3. Buy Dr Johnson's book. It has the most science backing it up. Dr Johnson is a doctor after all but his innate feel of the subject matter makes him the ideal author. I can't say enough good things about this book!

    4. "WHAT ABOUT ALL MY BOOKS??"-Joe Fitsgerald

    5. Actually he does state that he has given all the data of his seventeen years of research away for free so you have to wonder why one should even buy the book. I may be mistaken but it looks to me that it is not even released yet since everything I have seen is pre-order. I would order it DS not expecting any revelations or proof but for amusement purposes only. True, I have to weigh putting money in his pocket vs a good laugh but I have paid more many times for the latter.

      The book includes a foreword by Bob Gimlin?

    6. ^ Buy a marvel comic of a superhero instead and find real value for money.

    7. It should be Una then. The sock puppets here are pretty stupid.

    8. ^ as stupid as the bleevers ?

    9. ..Mainstream science is completely out of the picture, and a growing percentage of enthusiasts are in the paranormal camp..Hence this book represents the future of bigfooting:
      unscientific non-sense supported by people who believe in werewolves, ghosts and dimension hopping, mind zapping, alien engineered bigfoots...Its just about over peoples.. I predicted 4 years ago that without a breakthrough that by the end of the decade bigfoot will be
      followed only by fans of the para-normal...Turn out the lights...

    10. Mrs? Whoops - I didn't know. My apologies to MRS Uno.

      Thanks for the correction Puss In Boots.

  4. He is the new Rick Dyer. Difference being he can read and write.

    1. Also, Johnson is a terrible liar, he shows all the facial features/ticks of someone who is lying.

    2. Hi Rictor. Sad you let that shitstain Flippydick off the hook.

    3. C'mon, Vegas, you would accept if Dr. Johnson asked you to marry him?

    4. Does vegas mean he`s bad at telling lies or simply bad because he tells lies ? What would vegas think of a good liar ?

      I wanna know.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. At first Dr. Johnson seemed sincere, all the blubbering about his family when he saw the bigfoot near Oregon Caves. But after 17 years it is clear this guy is totally full of shite and is nothing more than a huckster and a name dropping turd.

    1. He's been lying to people for 17 years! Did you all know he found a small 3 foot long poop trail, and claims he knows which Bigfoot bum it came from! That's deserving of a straight jacket right there! He claims Bigfoot reached through his tent, touched his leg, and healed him! He claims portals, and actually posted some goofy pics. There are no portals, or dimensions. There are no aliens with Bigfoot either. He claims he mind speaks with them. Dr. J, and that wacko Psychic lady, with Ontario Sasquatch, are the only two on the Planet that claim mind speak, just silly!
      Both Dr. J & Ontario have said something about the Bigfoot not allowing them to get pics, SERIOUS LOL!
      The only thing Dr. J has, is a good camera, and he doesn't even use it!

    2. ^ remember,there is something afoot in the woods .. and it`s a big one.

    3. Yes Dr Squatch but your stuff is just as silly unless you have been making a point....

    4. Unless you can prove my stuff fake, guess who looks silly.

  6. Plus, Dr. Johnson had to pay a proctologist $38,000 to put on a pair of rubber gloves and pull the original manuscript out of his corn hole. That should be worth something!

  7. All this because a lady asked for free shipping? Just say sorry, I can't mail it for free. Maybe he's the one who should stop whinning.


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