Boys Shoot at Bigfoot Creature in Colorado

From the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization - two boys shoot at a bigfoot peeking through the window.


  1. Indeed. Yet miraculously no biological evidence will turn up. Just like every other time in the history of bigfoot shootings. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    1. ^ biological evidence on your chin

    2. On average, how many times a day would you say you blame the white man for your problems? 50? 100? 500?

  2. Finally gonna get a body, hope it's a Bigfoot and not a homeless

  3. The white man always shooting at the negros an blaming crime on them

    1. Blackman always whining and blaming their situations on the whites..fuck `em all..`ceptin` the ugly ones.

  4. Suck on a fat one long time, Kekky.

    1. ^ You have a microscope for that little thing? Nobody really wants your night crawler after you have been puggin Steven with the nasty thing

    2. And so it begins. If that ^^ isnt Steven self trolling again how long before the bug eyed maggot comes a runnin to protest too much. Because he trolls himself. Thats messed up.

    3. More of your ridiculous imagination. I don't "troll myself." What is wrong with you for saying such an idiotic thing?

    4. Because you post these comments to troll yourself. Ya little weirdo.

    5. No, I do not, you obsessed freak troll.

    6. You are obsessed you self trolling freak troll.

    7. You lie about weasel statuses. You lie about your role in locating the irrelevant pgf site. You troll yourself in an act of seeking attention.

      The smear campaigning against Dr John, RMSO and the rest of your enemies list.

      You can't help yourself. You're the perfect lab rat for the study.

    8. Clearly *you* can't help yourself, because you're an obsessed, hypocritical troll. You like to think I'm a "lab rat" in your little trolling game of libel and harassment. You'd like to say that we or I "smear" or "stalk" Johnson or Shaw, but even if that were true (it's not), how does that excuse your own behavior, which is far worse than the critique and analysis of things publicly posted as Bigfoot claims by such as Johnson or Shaw? Hypocrites you are. We don't stalk them, don't harass them on their personal pages, don't follow them around on the internet everywhere. It's you who do that sort of thing. In Coalition we have every right to express our views as an exercise of free speech and as an analysis of the various Bigfooting claims. As far as the marten goes, there are only an estimated 100 individuals of the recognized subspecies left. Fish and Wildlife don't want to manage a subspecies separately, so they contradicted their own science. They were sued, and just the other day a judge ruled that the matter will be readdressed. As far as the PGF site goes, I'm the one who found the big trees seen in the back of the film, and it was my group who documented and proved all of the other artifacts and aspects of the site. Certainly Bluff Creek is just as relevant as any other area of claimed Bigfoot sightings, just like the ones Kelly Shaw drives all over the place to try to visit. We found the exact, precise location. Shaw rarely accomplishes that. And really, Bluff Creek truly kicks the as* of "Sasquatch Canyon." Shaw and the rest of you trolls are just jealous, and you know darn well that the Coalition group is the most insightful and interesting of all of the Facebook bigfoot discussion groups. That's why it eats you up inside constantly that you just can't be a member.

    9. Maybe if your books are so rare little man why expose them to the weather on your porch where they're easily stolen?
      Not very good at stuff you do huh? And jealous of a group of gossips? Are you that sad?

    10. Trollbot, you are truly insane.

    11. Nope you are. You have to chase down every disagreeable comment.

      If that isn't obsessed what is. Your group of cluster fucking gossip are nothing to be jealous of. Just a good study in mental illness. You play your role well.
      Suck it troll.
      Don't hesitate to respond. You know you must.

    12. ^^^ Kevin Mike "Ganglian" Humphrey, über-troll, at it again. He's so sad that BCP gets attention and respect, while he gets none. He just languishes in his hammock in the scrappy Connecticut woods, wishing there were a Bigfoot nearby to give him some love.

  5. Someone has a Story without proof.......RUN FOREST RUN!!

  6. New hypocrisy alert. No need to bother with the cams came patreon page. They can buy their own batteries.

    1. And contrary to opinion people are NOT wrong to disagree with the begging. Go buy your damn slurpy you idiot.

    2. When this maggot attacks others for misusing patreon then uses himself. Hypocrisy at its finest.

    3. As noble as the BCP wants to be as long as it is associated with the Trolition it will smell funny.

    4. ^^^ Kevin Mike "Ganglian" Humphrey, obsessed über-troll, at it again, trolling instead of doing his own research.

  7. Free entertainment is watching the camscam crew say they are against patreon funded bigfooting but it's okay for them to do it anyway. What poo poo.

    1. ^^^ Kevin Mike "Ganglian" Humphrey, über-troll, at it again.


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